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Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Institut für Anorganische Chemie
Tammannstraße 4
37077 Göttingen
This institution in GERiT
37077 Göttingen
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Exploiting the disulfide/dithiol switch in photoinduced proton coupled electron transfer reactions
Meyer, Franc
Schwarzer, Dirk
Understanding the Light-driven Generation of Metallonitrenes for Unsensitized Nitrogen Atom Transfer Photocatalysis
Krewald, Vera
Sarkar, Biprajit
Schneider, Sven
Vöhringer, Peter
Completed projects
Aufbau und Funktionalisierung von Polyedern des Aluminiums, Galliums, Indiums und Siliciums
Roesky, Ph.D., Herbert
Coordination and Instrumentation of the SPP 1178
Scherer, Wolfgang
Stalke, Dietmar
Deciphering the function of Fe/S cofactors with alternative cluster ligands: model studies using synthetic analogues
Meyer, Franc
Electron density distribution in lithium organics
Stalke, Dietmar
Metallorganische Oxid-Hydroxide der Lanthanoide
Roesky, Ph.D., Herbert
Pi- und Zeta-Phasen in Edelmetall-Halbmetall-Systemen
Stückl, Andrea C.
Preorganized bi- and trimetallic complexes as building blocks for the controlled assembly of extended coordination compounds with magnetic ordering
Meyer, Franc
Silylhydroxylamine - Anionen, Isomere, Ringe
Klingebiel, Uwe
SPP 1178: Experimental Charge Density as the Key to Understand Chemical Interactions
Stalke, Dietmar
Synthesen und Reaktionen und Strukturparameter im System 2,4,5-Triborabicyclo (1.1.1)pentan: 1,5-Dicarba-closo-pentaboran(5)
Meller, Anton
Synthese und Hochtemperaturstabilität amorpher Keramiken im System Si-B-C-N aus polymeren Vorstufen und deren Anwendung für die Kohlenstofffaserbeschichtung über Fluid-Coating-Verfahren
Klingebiel, Uwe
Synthese und Hochtemperaturstabilität amorpher Keramiken im System Si-B-C-N aus polymeren Vorstufen und deren Anwendung für die Kohlenstofffaserbeschichtung über Fluid-Coating-Verfahren
Kleebe, Hans-Joachim
Von Aminosilanolen über Silanolate zu isomeren (NSiOSi)-Verbindungen und (NSiOE)n-Cyclen (E = B, SiP ...)
Klingebiel, Uwe
Research Grants
Current projects
Anodic Functionalisation of Alkenes Catalysed by Diselenids
Breder, Alexander
Siewert, Inke
Mimicking Copper Sites of pMMO via endo- and exo-Functionalized Cage-Compounds
Otte, Matthias
NSERC-DFG SUSTAIN: Electroreductions of C=O bonds catalyzed by borohydrides
Siewert, Inke
NSF-DFG Echem: Electrochemical Hydrogenation of Amides and Esters
Siewert, Inke
Completed projects
Amido-Imido-Komplexe von Lanthanoiden und von Elementen der 3. Gruppe des Periodensystems
Roesky, Ph.D., Herbert
A new type of Silicon-Boron and Silicon- Aluminum Compounds
Roesky, Ph.D., Herbert
Anion-hydride-exchange as a tool for material design - substitution effects in fluorides, fluoride borates and fluoride phosphates studied by local probes
Kunkel, Nathalie
Aufbau und Funktionalisierung von Polyedern des Aluminiums, Galliums, Indiums und Siliciums
Roesky, Ph.D., Herbert
Aufklärung des Bindungscharakters in Molekülverbindungen auf der Grundlage hochaufgelöster Einkristallstrukturdaten
Stalke, Dietmar
Bifunctional dehydrocoupling of inorganic substrates: Scope and mechanism
Schneider, Sven
Bio-inspired [NiFe] Hydrogenase Catalysts for H2 production
Meyer, Franc
Biomimetic oxidations with oligonuclear metal complexes: Mechanistic investigations and fine-tuning of activity
Meyer, Franc
Combining Bimetallic Scaffolds and Metal-Coordinated Phenoxyl Radicals for Multi Electron Transformations: A Step Beyond Nature
Meyer, Franc
Darstellung und Reaktionsverhalten von Donor-stabilisierten Halogensilylenen
Roesky, Ph.D., Herbert
DNA-Bindungsstudien neuartiger Analoga des Chinoxalin-Antibiotikums Triostin A
Diederichsen, Ulf
Sheldrick, George M.
Entwicklung neuer Fluorierungsreagenzien und Darstellung von Metallfluoriden mit ungewöhnlichen Koordinationszahlen am Metall
Roesky, Ph.D., Herbert
Hetero-Sequenced Cage Compounds as Bio-Inspired Molecular Flasks
Otte, Matthias
Highly pre-organized dinuclear Nickel and Zinc complexes - model systems for the urease and metallo-ß-lactamase active sites
Meyer, Franc
Hydrolysereaktionen mit Verbindungen der Elemente der höheren Homologen der 14. Gruppe des Periodensystems
Roesky, Ph.D., Herbert
Innovative Sulfur-Nitrogen Ligands for Promising Ln3+ Single Molecule Magnets
Stalke, Dietmar
Metallorganische Fluoride
Roesky, Ph.D., Herbert
Organometalldihydride als Vorstufen für Reagentien in der organischen Synthese
Roesky, Ph.D., Herbert
Organylsubstituierte Hydroxide und Oxide des Aluminiums und Galliums
Roesky, Ph.D., Herbert
Radicals in the coordination sphere of silicon
Roesky, Ph.D., Herbert
Klingebiel, Uwe
Solar Nitrogen Fixation
Artero, Vincent
Bostedt, Christoph
Krewald, Vera
Schneider, Sven
Stabilization of reactive small molecules of silicon and aluminum through coordination of heterocyclic carbenes
Roesky, Ph.D., Herbert
Structural chemistry of inhibitor binding to Aldose Reductase: An integrated approach combining subatomic resolution crystallography, microcalorimetry, multipolar modeling and quantum modeling
Sheldrick, George M.
Structure Determination of Organolithium Compounds by 7Li Residual Quadrupolar Couplings
John, Michael
Studium der Imin-Enamin-Tautomerie am Beispiel silylierter und lithiierter Hyrazone und Azine
Klingebiel, Uwe
Studium kooperativer Phänomene in maßgeschneiderten Zweikernkomplexen auf der Basis verbrückender Pyrazolate mit chelatisierenden Seitenarmen
Meyer, Franc
Synthese und Reaktionen von Diaminodiborenen und Aminoborhomocyclen
Meller, Anton
Synthesis of heteronuclear combinations of elements of groups 13 to 15 of the periodic table
Roesky, Ph.D., Herbert
Triazasulfite und Tetrazasulfate in der metallorganischen Chemie
Stalke, Dietmar
Unraveling and optimizing oxygen-oxygen bond formation pathways promoted by highly preoganized binuclear transition metal complexes
Meyer, Franc
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Anorganische Chemie
Meyer, Franc
Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Activation of small molecules by copper and cobalt complexes via proton-coupled multi-electron transfer reactions and the application in catalysis
Siewert, Inke
Darstellung später Übergangsmetallkomplexe mit Amido-, Imido-, Nitrido- und Oxoliganden und deren Verwendung für die Aktivierung und Transformation kleiner Moleküle
Schneider, Sven
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5215: Bioinspired Oxidation Catalysis with Iron Complexes
Glaser, Thorsten
Merging Bioinorganics and Organometallics: NHC-Ligated Iron-Oxo and Iron-Peroxo Complexes for Catalytic C-H Activation and Functionalization
Meyer, Franc
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Central Tasks of the Collaborative Research Centre
(Project Head
Schneider, Sven
Controlling surface energy dissipation via tailored interface properties
(Project Heads
Bünermann, Oliver
Schneider, Sven
Wodtke, Alec Michael
Controlling the reactivity of photocatalytic hydride species
(Project Heads
Schneider, Sven
Schwarzer, Dirk
Siewert, Inke
Controlling the Selectivity of Bioinspired Cu-Mediated O2 Activation for C–H Oxygenation
(Project Heads
Holthausen, Max C.
Meyer, Franc
Controlling the Selectivity of N2 Fixation
(Project Heads
Holthausen, Max C.
Schneider, Sven
EnergiSEd – Energy science education
(Project Heads
Maaß, Mona-Christin
Waitz, Thomas
Hybrid assemblies for fundamental studies of photo-induced multi-step charge transfer catalysis
(Project Heads
Jooss, Christian
Meyer, Franc
Siewert, Inke
Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Heads
Meyer, Franc
Volkert, Cynthia A.
Metalloenzymes, Bioinspired Complexes and Hybrids for H2 Activation
(Project Heads
Glöggler, Stefan
Meyer, Franc
PCET Mediators for Selective Electrochemical Bond Activation and Formation
(Project Heads
Fischer, Malte
Siewert, Inke
Photo-PCET Mediators for Selective Bond Activation and Formation
(Project Heads
Krewald, Vera
Schneider, Sven
Streb, Carsten
Proton-coupled electron transfer reactions at the interface of mixed oxide hydrides
(Project Head
Siewert, Inke
Real time investigation of light harvesting processes in redox switching oligonuclear charge transfer metal complexes
(Project Heads
Meyer, Franc
Schwarzer, Dirk
Techert, Simone
SFB 1633: Pushing Electrons with Protons – Unifying Multi-Electron Redox Catalysis by Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer
Schneider, Sven
The Effect of Oriented Electric Fields on PCET Reactions
(Project Heads
Otte, Matthias
Siewert, Inke
Completed projects
DNA-Bindungsstudien neuartiger Analoga des Chinoxalin-Antibiotikums Triostin A
(Project Heads
Diederichsen, Ulf
Sheldrick, George M.
Entwicklung chemisch induzierbarer Promotoren
(Project Heads
Ficner, Ralf
Gatz, Christiane
Sheldrick, George M.
Tietze, Lutz F.
Fe/S-Cluster als Schwefelüberträger in der enzymatischen Naturstoffsynthese - mechanistische Studien an Modellsystemen
(Project Head
Meyer, Franc
Katalytische monoklonale Antikörper zur enantioselektiven Synthese von Vitamin E
(Project Heads
Peters, J. Hinrich
Sheldrick, George M.
Tietze, Lutz F.
Making science visible: information, motivation and participation in formal and non-formal educational offers
(Project Heads
Mey, Ingo
Waitz, Thomas
Molecular bimetallic complexes as building units for complex 1D-ferrimagnetic and gridtype spin structures
(Project Head
Meyer, Franc
Präorganisierte Metall-PNA-Konjugate als modulare, funktionelle Modellsysteme für zinkhaltige Metalloenzyme
(Project Heads
Diederichsen, Ulf
Meyer, Franc
Strukturaufklärung und Modifikation der Viscotoxine aus Viscum album L.
(Project Heads
Sheldrick, George M.
Zeeck, Axel
Emmy Noether International Fellowships
Completed projects
Single-Source-Precursoren zur Abscheidung von Kupfersulfidfilmen mittels MOCVD
Schneider, Sven
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Coherent spectroscopy as a new luminescent materials characterisation tool
Kunkel, Nathalie
Synthese von tridentaten Lewis-Säuren und ihr Einsatz als optische Sensoren für umweltrelevante Anionen
Siewert, Inke
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
400 MHz NMR-Spektrometer (Magnet und Konsole)
500 MHz NMR-Spektrometer (Konsole und Kryoprobenkopf)
600 MHz NMR-Spektrometer
Diffraktometer-System für die Einkristallstrukturanalyse
Einkristalldiffraktometer mit Metal Jet Anoden Röntgengenerator, Pixeldetektor und Kristallkühlung
Luminescence spectrometer
Mössbauer Spectrometer with Magnet
Powder Diffractometer
Single Crystal X-Ray Diffractometer
SQUID magnetometer
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy system
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2455: BENCh - Benchmark Experiments for Numerical Quantum Chemistry
Mata, Ricardo
Completed projects
GRK 690: Charge Density: Theory and Experiment
Engels, Bernd
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1422: Metal Sites in Biomolecules: Structures, Regulation and Mechanisms
Diederichsen, Ulf
GRK 2022: Alberta/Technical University of Munich International Graduate School for Environmentally Responsible Functional Hybrid Materials (ATUMS)
Rieger, Bernhard
Additional Information
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