Project Details
SPP 1184: Age-based Systems in the Automotive Industry
Subject Area
Social and Behavioural Sciences
Computer Science, Systems and Electrical Engineering
Computer Science, Systems and Electrical Engineering
from 2005 to 2011
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 12469955
In Germany and other European countries the number of older employees is increasing and will continue to increase. At the same time there is a tendency of an early withdrawal from working life.
The combination of both developments leads to difficulties for the social security systems and for the companies to meet their demand of qualified and efficient employees. Thus, in recent years many broad initiatives were formed to fight a development which is increasingly seen as a waste of human resources. Their aim is to change attitudes towards older employees und to give practical recommendations (e.g. examples of successful practise) to the companies. Unlike these initiatives there is still a lack of systematic research in the field of industrial science and related disciplines. Only a few approaches provide meaningful arguments and evaluations for the design of age-based systems.
With the submitted programme a multi disciplinary research project is initiated which focuses on the development of models that reflect the life span design of work systems. The aim is to find opportunities for older people to keep them in employment.
These models based on empirical evidence establish a basis for the practical design of work systems. In addition the evaluation of how the models were realised in practice - from the perspective of the individual employee and of the company - contributes to the validation of the theoretical models.
The different projects of the Priority Programme should address the following issues:
-- Age-specific distribution of tasks: Which kind of tasks are appropriate for younger employees, and which for older employees?
-- Age-specific design of work and work equipment: Which organisational, technical and social conditions can support the work ability and the health of younger and older employees?
-- Age-specific personnel development: Which age-dependent variations of methods for personnel development can efficiently promote the maintenance of health and occupational performance?
-- Influences of the working life: Which characteristics of the work and the work conditions influence the age process and the work ability in a cumulative way?
The combination of both developments leads to difficulties for the social security systems and for the companies to meet their demand of qualified and efficient employees. Thus, in recent years many broad initiatives were formed to fight a development which is increasingly seen as a waste of human resources. Their aim is to change attitudes towards older employees und to give practical recommendations (e.g. examples of successful practise) to the companies. Unlike these initiatives there is still a lack of systematic research in the field of industrial science and related disciplines. Only a few approaches provide meaningful arguments and evaluations for the design of age-based systems.
With the submitted programme a multi disciplinary research project is initiated which focuses on the development of models that reflect the life span design of work systems. The aim is to find opportunities for older people to keep them in employment.
These models based on empirical evidence establish a basis for the practical design of work systems. In addition the evaluation of how the models were realised in practice - from the perspective of the individual employee and of the company - contributes to the validation of the theoretical models.
The different projects of the Priority Programme should address the following issues:
-- Age-specific distribution of tasks: Which kind of tasks are appropriate for younger employees, and which for older employees?
-- Age-specific design of work and work equipment: Which organisational, technical and social conditions can support the work ability and the health of younger and older employees?
-- Age-specific personnel development: Which age-dependent variations of methods for personnel development can efficiently promote the maintenance of health and occupational performance?
-- Influences of the working life: Which characteristics of the work and the work conditions influence the age process and the work ability in a cumulative way?
DFG Programme
Priority Programmes
- Adaptive Lernunterstützung zur interaktiven Systemnutzung für ältere Benutzer (Applicant Wandke, Hartmut )
- Alternsgerechte Arbeitssystemgestaltung am Beispiel der Automobilmontage im Bereich der Fahrzeugendmontage und der Getriebemontage (Applicant Frieling, Ekkehart )
- Altersdifferenzen der Emotionsregulation von Lehrkräften bei belastenden Unterrichtssituationen (Applicant Schüpbach, Heinz )
- Altersdifferenzierte Adaption der Mensch-Rechner-Schnittstellen (Applicant Schlick, Christopher Marc )
- Altersdifferenzierte Arbeitssysteme (Applicant Schlick, Christopher Marc )
- Altersdifferenzierte Lern- und Transfereffekte verschiedener Designmerkmale von Behavior Modeling Trainings (Applicant Sonntag, Karlheinz )
- Altersheterogenität von Arbeitsgruppen als Determinante von Innovation, Gruppenleistung und Gesundheit (Applicants Schmidt, Klaus-Helmut ; Wegge, Jürgen )
- Altersunterschiede in der Arbeitsmotivation und im Erleben während der Arbeit (Applicant Hertel, Guido )
- Altersverläufe der Steuerung von Bewegungen mit räumlich getrennter Ausführung und Beobachtung (Applicant Heuer, Herbert )
- Assistenzsystem zur altersdifferenzierten Arbeitsgestaltung und zum Mitarbeitereinsatz (Applicant Bruder, Ralph )
- Auswirkungen altersdifferenzierter Arbeitssysteme und Mitarbeiterbindung: Welche Maßnahmen funktionieren und weshalb werden sie ergriffen? (Applicant Zwick, Thomas )
- Auswirkungen einer alternden Belegschaft auf die Leistungsfähigkeit von Fertigungssystemen (Applicant Zülch, Gert )
- Das Führen eines Kraftfahrzeugs unter Doppeltätigkeitsbelastung: Altersbedingte Leistungsunterschiede in Gefahrensituationen (Applicant Müsseler, Jochen )
- Die Bedeutung der Handgeschicklichkeit für die Beschäftigungsfähigkeit älterer Mitarbeiter (Applicant Voelcker-Rehage, Ph.D., Claudia )
- Die Bedeutung von Arbeitsgestaltung und Personalentwicklung für Innovations- und Anpassungsfähigkeit älterer Arbeitnehmer (Applicant Sonntag, Karlheinz )
- Die Relevanz alterskorrelierter Veränderungen neuronaler Kontrollprozesse beim simulierten Autofahren (Applicant Falkenstein, Michael )
- Lebensarbeitszeitmodelle: Chancen und Risiken für Unternehmen und die Mitarbeiter (Applicant Knauth, Peter )
- Methodengeleitete Entwicklung von fähigkeitsgerechten Prozessmodellbausteinen zur Generierung altersdifferenzierter Beanspruchungsprofile (Applicant Spanner-Ulmer, Birgit )
- Tätigkeitsspielraum als Bedingung für Gesundheit und Leistungsfähigkeit älterer Beschäftigter. Eine Untersuchung am Beispiel der stationären Pflege (Applicant Müller, Andreas )
- Wirkungsweise des altersspezifischen Personalmanagements auf die Leistungsbereitschaft älterer Mitarbeiter unter Einbeziehung der Rolle psychologischer Verträge (Applicant Domsch, Michel E. )
Professor Dr.-Ing. Christopher Marc Schlick (†)