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Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf
Zentrum für experimentelle Medizin
Institut für Biochemie und Signaltransduktion
Martinistraße 52
20251 Hamburg
This institution in GERiT
20251 Hamburg
Research Grants
Current projects
Time-resolved structural analysis of the extended spectrum beta-lactamase CTX-M-14
Schulz, Eike
Completed projects
Die Funktion der Inositolpolyphosphat-5`-Phosphatase SHIP für die Signaltransduktion hämatopoetischer Zellen und ihre Bedeutung für die humane Leukämogenese
Jücker, Manfred
Functional domains of inositol- 1,4,5 -trisphosphate- 3-kinases: regulation of enzyme activity and subcellular localization
Mayr, Georg W.
Mechanismen der Regulation der freien intrazellulären Ca2+-Konzentration durch Ca2+-Freisetzung und Ca2+-Einstrom in aktivierten T-Lymphozyten
Guse, Andreas H.
NMR-spektroskopische Aufklärung der räumlichen Struktur der DNA-bindenden Domäne des Proteins ARBP/MeCP2
Brunner, Eike
Occult serum PSA: Characterisation and evaluation as a marker for prostate tumors
Hilz, Helmuth
Role of the purine nucleotide messengers cyclic ADP-ribose and ADP-ribose in T-lymphocyte biology
Guse, Andreas H.
Systematic identification and characterization of missing GEFs for GTPases
Goody, Roger S.
Itzen, Aymelt
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Functional and structural analysis of the nucleotide-activated ion channel TRPM2
(Project Heads
Fliegert, Ralf
Garcia Alai, Ph.D., Maria Marta
Tidow, Henning
Targeting the ADPR-binding macrodomain associated deMARylation/dePARylation enzyme activity as novel approach towards SARS-CoV-2
(Project Heads
Fliegert, Ralf
Meier, Chris
Pfefferle, Susanne
Completed projects
Analyse der transkriptionellen Repression und DNA-Bindung von MeCP2 und ihrer Bedeutung für das Rett-Syndrom
(Project Head
Strätling, Wolf H.
Structural dynamics of small GTPases under the influence of posttranslational modifications
(Project Head
Itzen, Aymelt
Research Units
Completed projects
Role of Ca2+ mobilizing second messenger NAADP in local and global Ca2+ signalling in mouse cardiac myocytes
Guse, Andreas H.
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Application of an enzymatic protein labeling strategy based on CDP-choline analogues
Itzen, Aymelt
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Mass spectrometer LC-ESI-MS UHR QTOF
WBP Fellowship
Current projects
Impact of Argonaute 2 (AGO2) PAZ domain mutations on miRNA turnover, target interaction and tumour development
Nelson, Nina Caroline
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2771: Humans and Microbes: Reorganisation of Cell Compartments and Molecular Complexes during Infection
Aepfelbacher, Martin
Completed projects
GRK 255: Signal Transduction in the Nervous System and its Pathology
Schachner, Melitta
GRK 336: Molecular Endocrinology - Molecular Metabolism
Seitz, Hans-Joachim
GRK 464: Glycoconjugates: Synthesis, Analysis, Structure and Function
Meyer, Bernd
Additional Information
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