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Universität Hamburg
Institut für Psychologie
Arbeitsbereich Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie
Von-Melle-Park 5
20146 Hamburg
This institution in GERiT
20146 Hamburg
Research Grants
Current projects
Asociality as a consequence of expressive negative symptoms in schizophrenia: A laboratory-based dyadic interaction study with subsequent ecological momentary assessment
Lincoln, Ph.D., Tania Marie
Information search in multi-attribute decisions and probabilistic inferences
Gluth, Sebastian
Linking Latent Transdiagnostic Anxiety Dimensions to Neural Functioning
Riesel, Ph.D., Anja
Variability in the analysis of an event-related potential dataset by many teams: Pruning the garden of forking paths in EEG research
Paul, Katharina
Wacker, Jan
Completed projects
Attention allocation during the processing of socially relevant information: Moderators of attentional biases and relevance for the experience of social anxiety
Helbig-Lang, Sylvia
Besonderheiten in der Informationsverarbeitung von Patienten mit Depression und Patienten mit Asthma bronchiale
von Leupoldt, Andreas
Efficay and mechanisms of change of an emotion-oriented version of Cognitive-behavioral Therapy for Psychosis (CBTd-E) in reducing delusions. A randomized-controlled treatment study.
Lincoln, Ph.D., Tania Marie
Rief, Ph.D., Winfried
Einfluss experimentell induzierten Stresses auf wahn-relevante kognitive Verzerrungen und paranoide Ideen
Lincoln, Ph.D., Tania Marie
Moritz, Steffen
Emotional ausgelöstes Asthma: Messung im Selbstbericht, experimentell ausgelöste Bronchokonstriktion, und Rolle der oberen Atemwege
Ritz, Ph.D., Thomas
Emotion regulation and its neural correlates in the process of transition to psychosis
Krach, Sören
Lincoln, Ph.D., Tania Marie
Entscheidungs- und Attributionsprozesse bei Patienten mit Wahnvorstellungen
Lincoln, Ph.D., Tania Marie
Muscle tension and pain: classical conditioning of muscle reactions in myogenic pain chronification
Klinger, Regine
Psychophysiological adaptivity and the formation of paranoid delusions.
Clamor, Annika
Psychophysiological reactivity to stress in asthmatics and controls
Dahme, Bernhard
Quality of life and neuropsychological changes after CABG with and without cardiopulmonary bypass
Dahme, Bernhard
Clinical Trials
Completed projects
RELATE - A randomized controlled trial of a cognitive behavioural module for distressing auditory verbal hallucinations
Lincoln, Ph.D., Tania Marie
Research Units
Current projects
Coordination Funds
Lincoln, Ph.D., Tania Marie
Dynamic updating of beliefs in obsessive-compulsive disorder: Influence of confidence and disorder-specific context
Exner, Cornelia
Riesel, Ph.D., Anja
FOR 5389: Contextual influences on dynamic belief updating in volatile environments: Basic mechanisms and clinical implications
Lincoln, Ph.D., Tania Marie
Neural Network Bases of Healthy and Aberrant Belief Updating
Donner, Tobias
Lincoln, Ph.D., Tania Marie
The relevance of dynamic belief updating to emerging psychopathology during adolescence
Lincoln, Ph.D., Tania Marie
Riesel, Ph.D., Anja
Scientific Networks
Current projects
Mechanisms of change in psychosis: Bridging the gap between symptom formation and interventions within the context of daily life.
Clamor, Annika
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2753: Emotional Learning and Memory
Schwabe, Lars
Additional Information
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