Project Details
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Fachbereich Physik, Mathematik und Informatik
Institut für Physik
- Research Grants
Current projects
Completed projects
Bau eines hochempfindlichen 3He Magnetometers sowie einer Doppelkammer zur Speicherung von ultrakalten Neutronen (Spektrometer) für die Ausbauphase III (2011-2015) des Experiments zum Nachweis eines elektrischen Dipolmoments des Neutrons (nEDM) am Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI, Schweiz)(Applicants Heil, Werner ; Kratz, Jens Volker )
Current projects
- Priority Programmes
- Research Fellowships
- Heisenberg Fellowships
- Research Units
- Independent Junior Research Groups
- Reinhart Koselleck Projects
- Heisenberg Grants
- New Instrumentation for Research
- Collaborative Research Centres
- Major Research Instrumentation
- CRC/Transregios
Current projects
Dynamics of strongly coupled electron-phonon systems(Project Heads Marino, Jamir ; Pientka, Falko )
Spin+Torque: Spin-orbit dynamics in magnetic hybrids(Project Heads Mook, Alexander ; Weiler, Mathias )
Completed projects
Integrated research training group(Project Heads Huelga, Susana ; Jelezko, Fedor ; Kleiner, Reinhold ; Löw, Robert ; Schleich, Wolfgang ; Schmidt-Kaler, Ferdinand ; Weis, Jürgen )
Current projects
- DIP Programme
- Major Instrumentation Initiatives
- WBP Fellowship
- Research Training Groups
- International Research Training Groups
- Clusters of Excellence
- Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
- Graduate Schools
- NFDI technical and methodological consortia