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Uniklinik Köln
Institut für Pathologie
Kerpener Straße 62
50937 Köln
This institution in GERiT
50937 Köln
Research Grants
Current projects
Tumor-specific endogenous immune response in esophago-gastric adenocarcinoma
Schlößer, Hans Anton
Understanding tumor progression and therapy resistance in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinomas
Abedpour, Ph.D., Nima
George, Julie
Completed projects
Autophagic and Epigenetic Control of Liver-Directed Gene Therapy with Adeno-Associated Viral Vectors
Büning, Hildegard
Odenthal, Margarete
Deregulation von Zell-Matrix-Kontakten bei invasiven und metastatischen Melanomzellen; molekulare Funktion des Proteins MIA
Bosserhoff, Anja-Katrin
Epigenetic Impact on a Cancer Associated Signature of Alternative Splicing
Odenthal, Margarete
Esophageal adenocarcinoma: understanding the molecular basis of differential treatment response
Alakus, Hakan
Hillmer, Axel
Peifer, Martin
Funktion des Gens der autosomal-rezessiven polyzystischen Nierenerkrankung (ARPKD) in der Organogenese
Büttner, Reinhard
Funktionelle Analysen von Ets-Transkriptionsfaktoren sowie Ets-Fusionstranskripten in Prostatakarzinomen
Wernert, Nicolas
Funktionelle Charakterisierung des Transkriptionsfaktors AP-2 delta
Büttner, Reinhard
Moser, Markus
Genetische Mechanismen der Invasion und Metastasierung von Kolonkarzinomen
Büttner, Reinhard
Genexpressionsanalyse der Mesangialzellaktivierung
Fries, Jochen W.U.
microRNAs als prädiktive und prognostische Serummarker in der multimodalen Therapie des Ösophaguskarzinoms
Vallböhmer, Daniel
Regulation von Differnzierung und programmierten Zelltod neuraler und neuroektodermaler Systeme durch den Transkriptionsfaktor AP-2
Büttner, Reinhard
Understanding mechanisms of drug resistance and clonal evolution in diffuse large B cell lymphoma
Reinhardt, Christian
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Deregulation von Zell-Matrix-Kontakten bei invasiven und metastatischen Melanomzellen; molekulare Funktion des Proteins MIA
Bosserhoff, Anja-Katrin
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Multiparametric analysis of lymphoma cells and their microenvironment
(Project Heads
Büttner, Reinhard
Frenzel, Lukas
Oellerich, Thomas
Peltzer, Ph.D., Maria de las Nieves
Schweiger, Michal-Ruth
Predicting molecular mechanisms of adaptation to radio-chemotherapy in cancer
(Project Heads
Büttner, Reinhard
Hillmer, Axel
Predicting therapy response and relapse of aggressive B cell lymphomas
(Project Heads
Bozek, Katarzyna
Büttner, Reinhard
Proteogenomic characterization of mantle cell lymphoma
(Project Heads
Büttner, Reinhard
Oellerich, Thomas
Site-specific chronic inflammation and fibrosis in Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy
(Project Heads
Bachmann, Björn
Matthaei, Mario Magnus Goswin
Odenthal, Margarete
The influence of stroma-metastasis interaction on tumor evolution
(Project Heads
Beyer, Andreas
Hillmer, Axel
Translational Pathology Core
(Project Heads
Büttner, Reinhard
Quaas, Alexander
Schultheis, Anne M.
Siebolts, Udo
Completed projects
Diagnose, Staging und Grading von Tumoren und Festlegung der Zelltypspezifität - Nachweis von assoziierten Antigenen und Transkripten auf licht- und elektronenmikroskopischer Ebene sowie Genanalyse im Gewebe
(Project Head
Dienes, Hans-Peter
Histopathology platform for analysis of tumor microenvironment and immune cells infiltrates
(Project Heads
Büttner, Reinhard
Heukamp, Lukas Carl
Wardelmann, Eva
Oncogenic signaling pathways regulating invasive growth, metastasis and tumor microenvironment of small cell lung cancer (SCLC)
(Project Heads
Büttner, Reinhard
Heukamp, Lukas Carl
Predicting patterns of adaptation to radio-chemotherapy in cancer
(Project Head
Büttner, Reinhard
Zelltod beim Morbus Hodgkin
(Project Heads
Dienes, Hans-Peter
Hell, Karen
Lorenzen, Johann
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Aktivierung mesenchymaler Zellen durch FHL2-vermittelte Signaltransduktion bei intestinaler Reparatur
Kirfel, Jutta
Central diagnostics, genomics and biobanking
Büttner, Reinhard
Herling, Carmen Diana
Kreuzer, Karl-Anton
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
The impact of the transcription factor c-Jun on bone mass via the regulation of osteoprogenitor cells
Lerbs, Tristan
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Cell Sorter
Completed projects
The impact of the LIM domain proteins FHL2 and CRP2 on hepatic stellate cell activation and its crosstalk with TGF-beta signalling pathways in hepatic fibrogenesis
(Project Heads
Büttner, Reinhard
Weiskirchen, Ralf
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 804: Analysis of Cellular Functions by Combinatorial Chemistry and Biochemistry
Famulok, Michael
Additional Information
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