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SFB 642:  GTP- and ATP-dependent Membrane Processes

Subject Area Biology
Term from 2004 to 2016
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5486123
Final Report Year 2017

Final Report Abstract

The SFB 642 contributed to a detailed understanding of GTP- and ATP-dependent signal transduction and transport processes at biological membranes at different scales. Single recombinant proteins up to complex protein-interaction networks in living cells have been studied. The complex, dynamic interplay between the proteins at membranes have been elucidated here with highest possible spatiotemporal resolution. The orchestration of expertise within the SFB 642 provided the unique opportunity to start with a detailed understanding of molecular reaction mechanisms and interactions of proteins in vitro in order to arrive at a thorough comprehension of how these processes are being integrated into the entire activity of the living cell. Determination of the three-dimensional structure of recombinant proteins in vitro is always a milestone in protein sciences, but the ultimate goal is the detailed understanding of the dynamic interplay of the proteins in vivo. As such a broad approach is a prerequisite to elucidate a biological issue of this complexity, a large consortium like the SFB was needed to succeed over different scales. Besides X-ray structure analysis and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)-spectroscopy also label-free time-resolved Fourier-Transform-Infra-Red (FTIR)-spectroscopy in combination with biomolecular simulations were the key experimental approaches by the SFB 642 to provide not only ‘snapshots’ but complete ‘movies’ of protein mechanisms and interactions. Chemical biology provides probes for fluorescence studies and drug candidates for a targeted therapy. Most of the projects were arranged around small GTPases of the Ras superfamily and their effectors. During the founding period PIs of the SFB 642 solved the structural models of 427 proteins deposited in the PDB data base, mostly of small G-proteins and their interaction partners. Furthermore, the projects contributed to a deeper understanding of the membrane insertion of small G-proteins, anchoring and extraction, especially by PDEδ. In addition Gα of heterotrimeric G-proteins which share the same G-domain motive with the Ras superfamily were studied. Besides GTPases the structures and functions of membrane-bound ATPases, especially peroxisomal proteins, were also studied in great detail. Mutations of the involved proteins can cause serious diseases. Thus, the issues addressed by SFB 642 provide a deeper understanding of these processes and contribute to precision medicine.


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