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FOR 2177:  Integrated Chemical Micro Laboratories

Subject Area Chemistry
Computer Science, Systems and Electrical Engineering
Thermal Engineering/Process Engineering
Term from 2015 to 2024
Website Homepage
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 251124697
Chemistry in miniaturized systems in which (bio)-chemical processestake place in microchannels or cavities is a very active field ofresearch. In recent years, impressive scientific progress has beenachieved in micro reaction technology as well as in the miniaturizationof analytical methods and technologies. Despite intense researchefforts are made in these single disciplines all around the world, theirefficient combination is still largely in its infancy. The intention of theresearch unit “Integrated Chemical Micro Laboratories (In-CheM)” isto meet this particular challenge and to synergistically bridge the gapbetween highly topical approaches in (bio)-organic synthesis andchemical analysis in micro systems. To achieve this interdisciplinarygoal, a team of scientists performs fundamental research in the fieldsof (bio-) chemical transformations in chips or micro reactors. A strongfocus is the combination of chemical synthesis with analyticaltechniques to inline characterize the processes in real-time. By closecooperation of experienced scientists from analytics and synthesisoriented disciplines of (bio-) chemistry, significant progress in the areaof integrated synthesis and analysis labs is expected. Prominentapplication fields of such innovation can contribute in the field of, forexample, drug discovery, assembly of substance libraries, control ofcatalytic reactions and the elucidation of reaction mechanism.Attributed to the strong regional cluster of experts in the fields of labon-a-chip technology, analytical chemistry and synthetic (bio-) organicchemistry, the research area Leipzig-Berlin represents an almost idealbasis for a regionally focused research unit dedicated to meet thesescientific challenges.
DFG Programme Research Units
International Connection Italy



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