Projekt Druckansicht

GRK 1328:  Gehirn und Verhalten: Neurobiologische Grundlagen von Emotion und sozialer Kognition bei Schizophrenie und Autismus

Fachliche Zuordnung Neurowissenschaften
Förderung Förderung von 2006 bis 2015
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 13820592
Erstellungsjahr 2015

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

The International Research Training Group “Brain-behavior relationship of emotion and social cognition in schizophrenia and autism” (IRTG 1328) has been formed by German and American scientists of the RWTH Aachen University with the University Hospital Aachen, the Research Center Jülich (all within the Jülich Aachen Research Alliance, JARA) and the University of Pennsylvania. The major aims of the IRTG were interdisciplinary and international scientific co-operation and the support of young scientists with aspiration to cutting-edge research. The IRTG offered a study program that structured an internationally collaborative doctoral process under the joint supervision of a German and an American supervisor. Over a period of ten years, doctoral and postdoctoral IRTG researchers have provided novel and cutting-edge insights into the neurobiological basis and development of disturbed emotion and social cognition in schizophrenia, autism and analysed the disorder specificity by comparisons to other psychiatric disorders. Advanced brain imaging techniques, including structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI and fMRI), electroencephalography (EEG) and simultaneous fMRI-EEG, positron emission tomography (PET), magnetoencephalography (MEG), receptor distribution and microstructural, architectonic brain mapping were applied and a translational approach has been started by including animal research to model impairments in schizophrenia and autism. Starting in April 2006, the IRTG provided in sum 40 scholarships for doctoral researchers (PhDs), 34 scholarships for medical researchers (MDs), and 9 postdoctoral researcher positions, with 28 associated and an additional 30 doctoral and postdoctoral researchers at the American partner side. Highly qualified aspiring (post)doctoral researchers from all over the world participated in the program, coming from 19 nations, among them the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Poland, Bulgaria, Russia, Malaysia, Taiwan, China and certainly Germany. All IRTG members participated in a wide range of obligatory and non-obligatory events including regular meetings, journal clubs, clinical education, courses and workshops, and annual Winter Schools, during which the IRTG members presented and discussed their work with international collaborators. All successful stipend holders spent on average 6 months at University of Pennsylvania during their IRTG membership (mobility period) with their American supervisor, and in turn, many of American IRTG participants visited Aachen for research fellowships to closely work with their German supervisor, further strengthening the German-American collaboration. Since 2007 295 articles with a mean impact factor of 4.9 were published jointly, in addition to 15 book chapters and 1 book. The total number of dissertations is up to now 44 and 38 of dissertations received a summa cum laude or magna cum laude grade. The stipend holders had 21 dissertations (10 summa cum laude, 10 magna cum laude, 1 cum laude), medical students 10 (2 summa cum laude, 4 magna cum laude, 4 cum laude) and associated doctoral researchers 13 (2 summa cum laude, 10 magna cum laude, 1 cum laude). One medical doctoral student and one associate doctoral researcher will finish in January 2015. The doctoral and postdoctoral researchers received 34 travel and 7 poster awards, 4 awards for research and 10 for research stays and 7 others. 7 doctoral researchers quitted prematurely mainly for personal reasons and one left for industry. With the projects we were not only able to foster and promote individual careers of young scientists (for example one full professorship of a postdoc and a junior professorship of a medical doctoral student) but also strengthen and enlarge international cooperations as well as advance the field of clinical neurosciences with respect to the neurobiological bases of schizophrenia and autism. We developed paradigms to study not only emotion processing but the broader concept of social cognition, i.e. empathy, under neuroimaging conditions, we explored influencing factors and innovative therapeutic options such as neurofeedback in patients, we studied learning processes in mouse models of the disorders, and realized methodological improvements for fMRI and MEG, but also added EEG and physiological measures to our fMRI measurements.

Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • Image synthesis for branching structures. Computer Graphics Forum 29 (7), 2135-2144
    Sibbing D, Pavić D, Kobbelt L
  • Markerless reconstruction and synthesis of dynamic facial expressions. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 115 (5), 668-680
    Sibbing D, Habbecke M, Kobbelt L
  • (2007). An imbalance between Smad and MAPK pathways is responsible for TGF-beta tumor promoting effects in high-grade gliomas. Int J Oncol. 2007 Feb;30(2):499-507
    Nickl-Jockschat T, Arslan F, Doerfelt A, Bogdahn U, Bosserhoff A, Hau P
  • (2007). Polish adaptation and validation of Beck Youth Inventories of Emotional and Social Impairment. Psychiatria Polska, XLI, 3: 387-399
    Mathiak KA, Karzel K, Ocypa M, Seget A, Mathiak K, Ostaszewski P
  • (2007). Polish adaptation and validation of Health-Related Quality of Life in Childhood Epilepsy Questionnaire. Neurologia i Neurochirurgia Polska, 41, 3: 203-214
    Mathiak KA, Karzel K, Mathiak K, Ostaszewski P, Luba M, Wolanczyk T
  • (2007). The role of versican isoforms V0/V1 in glioma migration mediated by transforming growth factor-beta2. Br J Cancer. 2007 May 21;96(10):1560-8
    Arslan F, Bosserhoff AK, Nickl-Jockschat T, Doerfelt A, Bogdahn U, Hau P
  • (2007). Who is telling what from where? An fMRI study. NeuroReport, 18, 405-409
    Mathiak K, Menning H, Hertrich I, Mathiak KA, Zvyagintsev M, Ackermann H
  • Abnormal frequency discrimination in children with SLI as indexed by mismatch negativity (MMN). Neurosci Lett. 2007 Feb 14;413(2):99-104
    Rinker T, Kohls G, Richter C, Maas V, Schulz E, Schecker M
  • Amygdala activation and facial expressions: explicit emotion discrimination versus implicit emotion processing. Neuropsychologia. 2007 Jun 11;45(10):2369-77
    Habel U, Windischberger C, Derntl B, Robinson S, Kryspin-Exner I, Gur RC, Moser E
  • (2008). Brain and plasma pharmacokinetics of aripiprazole in patients with schizophrenia: an [18F]fallypride PET study. Am J Psychiatry. 2008 Aug;165(8):988- 95
    Gründer G, Fellows C, Janouschek H, Veselinovic T, Boy C, Bröcheler A, Kirschbaum KM, Hellmann S, Spreckelmeyer KM, Hiemke C, Rösch F, Schaefer WM, Vernaleken I
  • (2008). Hippocampal dysfunction during free word association in male patients with schizophrenia. Schizophr Res. 2008 Apr;101(1-3):242- 55
    Kircher T, Whitney C, Krings T, Huber W, Weis S
  • (2008). Predictability modulates motor-auditory interactions in self-triggered audio-visual apparent motion. Exp Brain Res. 2008 Aug;189(3):289-300
    Zvyagintsev M, Nikolaev AR, Mathiak KA, Menning H, Hertrich I, Mathiak K
  • (2008). Psychiatric symptoms in a patient with Wolfram syndrome caused by a combination of thalamic deficit and endocrinological pathologies. Neurocase. 2008;15(1):47-52
    Nickl-Jockschat T, Kunert HJ, Herpertz-Dahlmann B, Grözinger M
  • (2008). Recognition profile of emotions in natural and virtual faces. PLoS One. 2008;3(11):e3628
    Dyck M, Winbeck M, Leiberg S, Chen Y, Gur RC, Mathiak K
  • (2008). Striatal and extrastriatal D2/D3-receptor-binding properties of ziprasidone: a positron emission tomography study with [18F]Fallypride and [11C]raclopride (D2/D3-receptor occupancy of ziprasidone). J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2008 Dec;28(6):608-17
    Vernaleken I, Fellows C, Janouschek H, Bröcheler A, Veselinovic T, Landvogt C, Boy C, Buchholz HG, Spreckelmeyer K, Bartenstein P, Cumming P, Hiemke C, Rösch F, Schäfer W, Wong DF, Gründer G
  • (2008). The neural correlates of egodisturbances (passivity phenomena) and formal thought disorder in schizophrenia. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2008 Nov;258 Suppl 5:22-7
    Leube D, Whitney C, Kircher T
  • Arousal and attention: self-chosen stimulation optimizes cortical excitability and minimizes compensatory effort. J Cogn Neurosci. 2008 Aug;20(8):1443-53
    Fischer T, Langner R, Birbaumer N, Brocke B
  • Facial emotion recognition and amygdala activation are associated with menstrual cycle phase. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2008 Sep;33(8):1031-40
    Derntl B, Windischberger C, Robinson S, Lamplmayr E, Kryspin-Exner I, Gur RC, Moser E, Habel U
  • Recognition profile of emotions in natural and virtual faces. PLoS One. 2008;3(11):e3628
    Dyck M, Winbeck M, Leiberg S, Chen Y, Gur RC, Mathiak K
  • Recognition profile of emotions in natural and virtual faces. PLoS One. 2008;3(11):e3628
    Dyck M, Winbeck M, Leiberg S, Chen Y, Gur RC, Mathiak K
  • Sex-dependent hippocampal volume reductions in schizophrenia relate to episodic memory deficits. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2008 Spring;20(2):227-30
    Exner C, Nehrkorn B, Martin V, Huber M, Shiratori K, Rief W
  • (2009). [Correlations between risk gene variants for schizophrenia and brain structure anomalies]. Nervenarzt. 2009 Jan;80(1):40-2, 44-6, 48
    Nickl-Jockschat T, Rietschel M, Kircher T
  • (2009). Differential effects of social and non-social reward on response inhibition in children and adolescents. Dev Sci. 2009 Jul;12(4):614- 25
    Kohls G, Peltzer J, Herpertz-Dahlmann B, Konrad K
  • (2009). Drug interaction can lead to undetectable serum concentrations of quetiapine in the presence of carbamazepine. Clin Neuropharmacol. 2009 Jan-Feb;32(1):55
    Nickl-Jockschat T, Paulzen M, Schneider F, Grözinger M
  • (2009). Extended visual simultaneity thresholds in patients with schizophrenia. Schizophr Bull. 2009 Jul;35(4):816-25
    Giersch A, Lalanne L, Corves C, Seubert J, Shi Z, Foucher J, Elliott MA
  • (2009). Genetic variation in the schizophrenia-risk gene neuregulin 1 correlates with brain activation and impaired speech production in a verbal fluency task in healthy individuals. Hum Brain Mapp. 2009 Oct;30(10):3406-16
    Kircher T, Krug A, Markov V, Whitney C, Krach S, Zerres K, Eggermann T, Stöcker T, Shah NJ, Treutlein J, Nöthen MM, Becker T, Rietschel M
  • (2009). Lactate promotes glioma migration by TGF- beta2-dependent regulation of matrix metalloproteinase-2. Neuro Oncol. 2009 Aug;11(4):368-80
    Baumann F, Leukel P, Doerfelt A, Beier CP, Dettmer K, Oefner PJ, Kastenberger M, Kreutz M, Nickl-Jockschat T, Bogdahn U, Bosserhoff AK, Hau P
  • (2009). Mood induction with olfactory stimuli reveals differential affective responses in males and females. Chem Senses. 2009 Jan;34(1):77-84
    Seubert J, Rea AF, Loughead J, Habel U
  • (2009). Neural correlates of narrative shifts during auditory story comprehension. Neuroimage. 2009 Aug 1;47(1):360-6
    Whitney C, Huber W, Klann J, Weis S, Krach S, Kircher T
  • (2009). Task-dependent modulations of prefrontal and hippocampal activity during intrinsic word production. J Cogn Neurosci. 2009 Apr;21(4):697-712
    Whitney C, Weis S, Krings T, Huber W, Grossman M, Kircher T
  • (2009). The influence of multiple primes on bottom-up and top-down regulation during meaning retrieval: evidence for 2 distinct neural networks. Cereb Cortex. 2009 Nov;19(11):2548-60
    Whitney C, Grossman M, Kircher TT
  • Amygdala activation during recognition of emotions in a foreign ethnic group is associated with duration of stay. Soc Neurosci. 2009;4(4):294-307
    Derntl B, Habel U, Robinson S, Windischberger C, Kryspin-Exner I, Gur RC, Moser E
  • Amygdala activity to fear and anger in healthy young males is associated with testosterone. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2009 Jun;34(5):687-93
    Derntl B, Windischberger C, Robinson S, Kryspin-Exner I, Gur RC, Moser E, Habel U
  • Anticipation of monetary and social reward differently activates mesolimbic brain structures in men and women. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 2009 Jun;4(2):158-65
    Spreckelmeyer KN, Krach S, Kohls G, Rademacher L, Irmak A, Konrad K, Kircher T, Gründer G
  • Differential effects of social and non-social reward on response inhibition in children and adolescents. Dev Sci. 2009 Jul;12(4):614-25
    Kohls G, Peltzer J, Herpertz-Dahlmann B, Konrad K
  • Generalized deficit in all core components of empathy in schizophrenia. Schizophr Res. 2009 Mar;108(1-3):197-206
    Derntl B, Finkelmeyer A, Toygar TK, Hülsmann A, Schneider F, Falkenberg DI,Habel U
  • Generalized deficit in all core components of empathy in schizophrenia. Schizophr Res. 2009 Mar;108(1-3):197-206
    Derntl B, Finkelmeyer A, Toygar TK, Hülsmann A, Schneider F, Falkenberg DI, Habel U
  • Hyperresponsiveness to social rewards in children and adolescents with attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Behav Brain Funct. 2009 May 8;5:20
    Kohls G, Herpertz-Dahlmann B, Konrad K
  • Markerless reconstruction of dynamic facial expressions. Computer Vision Workshops (ICCV Workshops), 2009 IEEE 12th International Conference. 2009, Sept 27, 1778-1785
    Sibbing D, Habbecke M, Kobbelt L
  • Restricted and repetitive behaviours, sensory processing and cognitive style in children with autism spectrum disorders. J Autism Dev Disord. 2009 Apr;39(4):635-42
    Chen YH, Rodgers J, McConachie H
  • Separation of phasic arousal and expectancy effects in a speeded reaction time task via fMRI. Psychophysiology. 2009 Jan;46(1):163- 71
    Hackley SA, Langner R, Rolke B, Erb M, Grodd W, Ulrich R
  • The temporal dynamics of insula activity to disgust and happy facial expressions: a magnetoencephalography study. Neuroimage. 2009 Oct 1;47(4):1921-8
    Chen YH, Dammers J, Boers F, Leiberg S, Edgar JC, Roberts TP, Mathiak K
  • The temporal dynamics of insula activity to disgust and happy facial expressions: a magnetoencephalography study. Neuroimage. 2009 Oct 1;47(4):1921-8
    Chen YH, Dammers J, Boers F, Leiberg S, Edgar JC, Roberts TP, Mathiak K
  • (2010). [Genetic and brain structure anomalies in autism spectrum disorders. Towards an understanding of the aetiopathogenesis?]. Nervenarzt. 2011 May;82(5):618-27
    Nickl-Jockschat T, Michel TM
  • (2010). [Meta-analyses in clinical brain research]. Nervenarzt. 2010 Jan;81(1):32-8
    Eickhoff SB, Nickl-Jockschat T, Kurth F
  • (2010). Dopamine D2/3 receptor occupancy by quetiapine in striatal and extrastriatal areas. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. 2010 Aug;13(7):951-60
    Vernaleken I, Janouschek H, Raptis M, Hellmann S, Veselinovic T, Bröcheler A, Boy C, Cumming P, Hiemke C, Rösch F, Schäfer WM, Gründer G
  • (2010). Effects of aversive odour presentation on inhibitory control in the Stroop colour-word interference task. BMC Neurosci. 2010 Oct 18;11:131
    Finkelmeyer A, Kellermann T, Bude D, Niessen T, Schwenzer M, Mathiak K, Reske M
  • (2010). Multisensory integration of emotionally valenced olfactory-visual information in patients with schizophrenia and healthy controls. J Psychiatry Neurosci. 2010 May;35(3):185-94
    Seubert J, Loughead J, Kellermann T, Boers F, Brensinger CM, Habel U
  • (2010). Multisensory integration of emotionally valenced olfactory–visual information in patients with schizophrenia and healthy controls. Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience 35(3):185-194
    Seubert, J., Loughead, J., Kellermann, T., Boers, F., Brensinger, C. M., & Habel, U.
  • (2010). Processing of disgusted faces is facilitated by odor primes: a functional MRI study. Neuroimage, 53(2), 746-756
    Seubert, J., Kellermann, T., Loughead, J., Boers, F., Brensinger, C., Schneider, F., & Habel, U.
  • (2010). Processing of disgusted faces is facilitated by odor primes: a functional MRI study. Neuroimage. 2010 Nov 1;53(2):746-56
    Seubert J, Kellermann T, Loughead J, Boers F, Brensinger C, Schneider F, Habel U
  • (2010). The neural processing of voluntary completed, real and virtual violent and nonviolent computer game scenarios displaying predefined actions in gamers and nongamers. Soc Neurosci. 2010;5(2):221-40
    Regenbogen C, Herrmann M, Fehr T
  • (2010). There is more than what meets the hand: Using semiotic principles to understand the use of communicative hand gestures in interaction design. In the Proceedings of Whole Body Interaction, a SIGCHI 2010 Workshop, Atlanta, GA, USA
    Grandhi SA, Joue G & Mittelberg I
  • (2010). Virtual faces as a tool to study emotion recognition deficits in schizophrenia. Psychiatry Res. 2010 Oct 30;179(3):247-52
    Dyck M, Winbeck M, Leiberg S, Chen Y, Mathiak K
  • Differential effects of prolonged work on performance measures in self-paced speed tests. Adv Cogn Psychol. 2010 Mar 3;5:105-13
    Steinborn MB, Flehmig HC, Westhoff K, Langner R
  • Dissociation of neural networks for anticipation and consumption of monetary and social rewards. Neuroimage. 2010 Feb 15;49(4):3276-85
    Rademacher L, Krach S, Kohls G, Irmak A, Gründer G, Spreckelmeyer KN
  • Early sensory encoding of affective prosody: neuromagnetic tomography of emotional category changes. Neuroimage. 2010 Mar;50(1):250-9
    Thönnessen H, Boers F, Dammers J, Chen YH, Norra C, Mathiak K
  • Effects of aversive odour presentation on inhibitory control in the Stroop colour-word interference task. BMC Neurosci. 2010 Oct 18;11:131
    Finkelmeyer A, Kellermann T, Bude D, Niessen T, Schwenzer M, Mathiak K, Reske M
  • Energetic effects of stimulus intensity on prolonged simple reaction-time performance. Psychol Res. 2010 Sep;74(5):499-512
    Langner R, Willmes K, Chatterjee A, Eickhoff SB, Sturm W
    (Siehe online unter
  • Graded effects of social conformity on recognition memory. PLoS One. 2010 Feb 17;5(2):e9270
    Axmacher N, Gossen A, Elger CE, Fell J
  • Implicit and explicit behavioral tendencies in male and female depression. Psychiatry Res. 2010 May 15;177(1-2):124-30
    Seidel EM, Habel U, Finkelmeyer A, Schneider F, Gur RC, Derntl B
  • Implicit and explicit behavioral tendencies in male and female depression. Psychiatry Res. 2010 May 15;177(1-2):124-30
    Seidel EM, Habel U, Finkelmeyer A, Schneider F, Gur RC, Derntl B
  • Mechanisms and neural basis of object and pattern recognition: a study with chess experts. J Exp Psychol Gen. 2010 Nov;139(4):728-42
    Bilalić M, Langner R, Erb M, Grodd W
  • Mental fatigue and temporal preparation in simple reaction-time performance. Acta Psychol (Amst). 2010 Jan;133(1):64-72
    Langner R, Steinborn MB, Chatterjee A, Sturm W, Willmes K
  • Multidimensional assessment of empathic abilities: neural correlates and gender differences. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2010 Jan;35(1):67-82
    Derntl B, Finkelmeyer A, Eickhoff S, Kellermann T, Falkenberg DI, Schneider F, Habel U
  • Multidimensional assessment of empathic abilities: neural correlates and gender differences. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2010 Jan;35(1):67-82
    Derntl B, Finkelmeyer A, Eickhoff S, Kellermann T, Falkenberg DI, Schneider F, Habel U
  • Neuromagnetic oscillations to emotional faces and prosody. Eur J Neurosci. 2010 May;31(10):1818-27
    Chen YH, Edgar JC, Holroyd T, Dammers J, Thönnessen H, Roberts TP, Mathiak K
  • Predicting acute affective symptoms after deep brain stimulation surgery in Parkinson's disease. Stereotact Funct Neurosurg. 2010;88(6):367-73
    Schneider F, Reske M, Finkelmeyer A, Wojtecki L, Timmermann L, Brosig T, Backes V, Amir-Manavi A, Sturm V, Habel U, Schnitzler A
  • Social reinforcement can regulate localized brain activity. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2010 Nov;260 Suppl 2:S132-6
    Mathiak KA, Koush Y, Dyck M, Gaber TJ, Alawi E, Zepf FD, Zvyagintsev M, Mathiak K
  • Social reinforcement can regulate localized brain activity. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2010 Nov;260 Suppl 2:S132-6
    Mathiak KA, Koush Y, Dyck M, Gaber TJ, Alawi E, Zepf FD, Zvyagintsev M, Mathiak K
  • Social reinforcement can regulate localized brain activity.Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2010 Nov;260 Suppl 2:S132-6
    Mathiak KA, Koush Y, Dyck M, Gaber TJ, Alawi E, Zepf FD, Zvyagintsev M, Mathiak K
  • Temporospatial dynamics of event-related EEG beta activity during the initial contingent negative variation. PLoS One. 2010 Sep 2;5(9). pii: e12514
    Fischer T, Langner R, Diers K, Brocke B, Birbaumer N
  • The impact of facial emotional expressions on behavioral tendencies in women and men. J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform. 2010 Apr;36(2):500-7
    Seidel EM, Habel U, Kirschner M, Gur RC, Derntl B
  • Virtual faces as a tool to study emotion recognition deficits in schizophrenia. Psychiatry Res. 2010 Oct 30;179(3):247-52
    Dyck M, Winbeck M, Leiberg S, Chen Y, Mathiak K
  • Virtual faces as a tool to study emotion recognition deficits in schizophrenia. Psychiatry Res. 2010 Oct 30;179(3):247-52
    Dyck M, Winbeck M, Leiberg S, Chen Y, Mathiak K
  • Who is to blame? Neural correlates of causal attribution in social situations. Soc Neurosci. 2010;5(4):335-50
    Seidel EM, Eickhoff SB, Kellermann T, Schneider F, Gur RC, Habel U, Derntl B
  • (2011). Atypical brain responses to reward cues in autism as revealed by event-related potentials. J Autism Dev Disord. 2011 Nov;41(11):1523-33
    Kohls G, Peltzer J, Schulte-Rüther M, Kamp-Becker I, Remschmidt H, Herpertz-Dahlmann B, Konrad K
  • (2011). Atypical brain responses to reward cues in autism as revealed by event-related potentials. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 41(11), 1523-1533
    Kohls, G., Peltzer, J., Schulte-Rüther, M., Kamp-Becker, I., Remschmidt, H., Herpertz-Dahlmann, B., & Konrad, K.
  • (2011). Atypical brain responses to reward cues in autism as revealed by event-related potentials. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 41(11), 1523-1533
    Kohls G, Peltzer J, Schulte-Rüther M, Kamp-Becker I, Remschmidt H, Herpertz-Dahlmann B & Konrad K
  • (2011). Deficits in social cognition: a marker for psychiatric disorders? European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 261, 145-149
    Derntl B & Habel U
  • (2011). Dimensions and mechanisms of form constitution: Towards a formal description of gestures. In the Proceedings of the GESPIN 2011 Gesture Conference, Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Forschung (ZiF), Bielefeld
    Hassemer J, Joue G, Willmes K, Mittelberg I
  • (2011). Effects of antipsychotic treatment on psychopathology and motor symptoms. A placebo-controlled study in healthy volunteers. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2011 Dec;218(4):733-48
    Veselinović T, Schorn H, Vernaleken I, Schiffl K, Hiemke C, Zernig G, Gur R, Gründer G
  • (2011). Gender differences in the neural correlates of humor processing: Implications for different processing modes. Neuropsychologia; 49(5); 888–897
    Kohn N, Kellermann T, Gur RC, Schneider F, Habel U
  • (2011). Impact of different antidopaminergic mechanisms on the dopaminergic control of prolactin secretion. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2011 Apr;31(2):214-20
    Veselinović T, Schorn H, Vernaleken IB, Schiffl K, Klomp M, Gründer G
  • (2011). Opposing amygdala and ventral striatum connectivity during emotion identification. Brain Cogn. 2011 Aug;76(3):353-63
    Satterthwaite TD, Wolf DH, Pinkham AE, Ruparel K, Elliott MA, Valdez JN, Overton E, Seubert J, Gur RE, Gur RC, Loughead J
  • (2011). Progressive pathology is functionally linked to the domains of language and emotion: meta-analysis of brain structure changes in schizophrenia patients. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2011 Nov;261 Suppl 2:S166-71
    Nickl-Jockschat T, Schneider F, Pagel AD, Laird AR, Fox PT, Eickhoff SB
  • (2011). Progressive pathology is functionally linked to the domains of language and emotion: meta-analysis of brain structure changes in schizophrenia patients. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2011 Nov;261 Suppl 2:S166-71
    Nickl-Jockschat T, Schneider F, Pagel AD, Laird AR, Fox PT, Eickhoff SB
  • (2011). Supramodal representation of emotions. The Journal of Neuroscience, 31(38), 13635-13643
    Klasen, M., Kenworthy, C. A., Mathiak, K. A., Kircher, T. T., & Mathiak, K.
  • (2011). The role of neurotrophic factors in autism. Mol Psychiatry. 2011 May;16(5):478-90
    Nickl-Jockschat T, Michel TM
  • (2011). Understanding naturalness and intuitiveness in gesture production: Insights for touchless gestural interfaces. In the Proceedings of CHI 2011, ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Vancouver, Canada
    Grandhi SA, Joue G & Mittelberg I
  • [The effect of social and monetary reward on inhibitory control in boys with hyperkinetic conduct disorder]. Z Kinder Jugendpsychiatr Psychother. 2011 Sep;39(5):341-9
    Vloet TD, Konrad K, Herpertz-Dahlmann B, Kohls G
  • Altered activation patterns within the olfactory network in Parkinson's disease.Cereb Cortex. 2011 Jun;21(6):1246-53
    Moessnang C, Frank G, Bogdahn U, Winkler J, Greenlee MW, Klucken J
  • Assessing implicit odor localization in humans using a crossmodal spatial cueing paradigm. PLoS One. 2011;6(12):e29614
    Moessnang C, Finkelmeyer A, Vossen A, Schneider F, Habel U
  • Assessing implicit odor localization in humans using a crossmodal spatial cueing paradigm. PLoS One. 2011;6(12):e29614
    Moessnang C, Finkelmeyer A, Vossen A, Schneider F, Habel U
  • Atypical brain responses to reward cues in autism as revealed by event-related potentials. J Autism Dev Disord. 2011 Nov;41(11):1523-33
    Kohls G, Peltzer J, Schulte-Rüther M, Kamp-Becker I, Remschmidt H, Herpertz-Dahlmann B, Konrad K
  • Co-activation patterns distinguish cortical modules, their connectivity and functional differentiation. Neuroimage. 2011 Aug 1;57(3):938-49
    Eickhoff SB, Bzdok D, Laird AR, Roski C, Caspers S, Zilles K, Fox PT
  • Cognitive versus automatic mechanisms of mood induction differentially activate left and right amygdala. Neuroimage. 2011 Feb 1;54(3):2503-13
    Dyck M, Loughead J, Kellermann T, Boers F, Gur RC, Mathiak K
  • Distraction by irrelevant sound during foreperiods selectively impairs temporal preparation. Acta Psychol (Amst). 2011 Mar;136(3):405-18
    Steinborn MB, Langner R
  • High-resolution fiber tract reconstruction in the human brain by means of threedimensional polarized light imaging. Front Neuroinform. 2011 Dec 30;5:34
    Axer M, Grässel D, Kleiner M, Dammers J, Dickscheid T, Reckfort J, Hütz T, Eiben B, Pietrzyk U, Zilles K, Amunts K
  • High-resolution fiber tract reconstruction in the human brain by means of threedimensional polarized light imaging. Front Neuroinform. 2011 Dec 30;5:34
    Axer M, Grässel D, Kleiner M, Dammers J, Dickscheid T, Reckfort J, Hütz T, Eiben B, Pietrzyk U, Zilles K, Amunts K
  • Incongruence effects in crossmodal emotional integration. Neuroimage. 2011 Feb 1;54(3):2257-66
    Müller VI, Habel U, Derntl B, Schneider F, Zilles K, Turetsky BI, Eickhoff SB
  • Incongruence effects in crossmodal emotional integration. Neuroimage. 2011 Feb 1;54(3):2257-66
    Müller VI, Habel U, Derntl B, Schneider F, Zilles K, Turetsky BI, Eickhoff SB
  • Many faces of expertise: fusiform face area in chess experts and novices. J Neurosci. 2011 Jul 13;31(28):10206-14
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  • On utilizing uncertainty information in template-based EEG-fMRI ballistocardiogram artifact removal. Psychophysiology. 2015 Jun;52(6):857-63
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  • Shifted neuronal balance during stimulus-response integration in schizophrenia: an fMRI study. Brain Struct Funct. 2015 Jan;220(1):249-61
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  • Social reward improves the voluntary control over localized brain activity in fMRI-based neurofeedback training. Front Behav Neurosci. 2015 Jun 3;9:136
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  • Social reward improves the voluntary control over localized brain activity in fMRI-based neurofeedback training. Front Behav Neurosci. 2015 Jun 3;9:136
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  • Social reward improves the voluntary control over localized brain activity in fMRI-based neurofeedback training.Front Behav Neurosci. 2015 Jun 3;9:136
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