Project Details
SFB 870: Assembly and Function of Neuronal Circuits in Sensory Processing
Subject Area
from 2010 to 2021
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 118803580
The goal of the CRC 870 Assembly and Function of Neuronal Circuits is to bridge the gap between the mechanistic understanding of molecular and cellular processes and higher brain functions by studying neuronal circuits, their assembly, dynamics, and signal processing at a level that explicitly allows for hypothesis driven approaches. Focusing on the structure-function relationship and computational modeling, the CRC originally self-restrained itself to circuits underlying early stages of sensory processing. Building on a successful first funding period the CRC widened its scope by including sensory interactions with motor systems. Moreover, the projects related to questions of development, regeneration and plasticity on the one hand (cluster A) and the more function related projects on the other hand (cluster B) have been further linked through overarching questions across the CRC: 1) Plasticity and Regeneration, 2) Sensory-Motor Interactions, 3) Principles Action Potential Generation, Axon Function and Myelination. Finally, the central projects (cluster Z) that develop new tools and methods and provide technical support were strengthened and contributed substantially to the CRC’s output. The success of the second funding period manifests itself by numerous publications with authors from more than one sub-project, by the fact that the number of publications more than doubled compared to the first funding period (>110 since 2014, >170 altogether), by the high proportion of high-impact publications (about one third with impact factors >10) and, most importantly, by numerous personal interactions and constantly increasing internal dynamics.For the third funding period a careful but strategic widening of the scope of CRC 870 has been planned. Firstly, building on the results related to common principles of development, regeneration and plasticity (e.g. activity), many projects will deal with questions of circuit dynamics and repair (e.g. after injury). Secondly, circuit dynamics underlying quantifiable behavior will move into the focus of an increasing proportion of CRC 870 sub-projects, reflected in a new bridging topic 4) Circuit Dynamics Underlying Behavior. This widening of the CRC’s scope will be realized within the principle of hypothesis driven research on sensory and motor circuits with clearly identifiable functions. These developments will be implemented without increasing the number of projects and without significant increase of the overall budget.The CRC 870 became an important local hub with intense interactions with the Munich Bernstein Center for Computational Neurosciences (BCCN), the Excellence Cluster Systems Neurology (SyNergy), the new Research Training Group (RTG) 2175 Perception in Context, and the Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences (GSNLMU). The CRC 870 significantly strengthened research and teaching related to neuronal circuit assembly and function within the local networks.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
International Connection
Israel, United Kingdom
Completed projects
- A01 - Mechanisms of Eph/ephrin signaling in thalamocortical axon guidance and synaptogenesis (Project Head Klein, Rüdiger )
- A02 - Development and function of midbrain GABAergic neurons (Project Heads Guimera Vilaro, Jordi ; Wurst, Wolfgang )
- A03 - Fate determinants for neuronal diversity in the adult telencephalon (Project Heads Götz, Magdalena ; Ninkovic, Jovica )
- A04 - Value-coding of dopamine neuron populations in olfactory processing (Project Head Grunwald Kadow, Ilona )
- A05 - Principles of post-injury remodeling of excitatory and inhibitory locomotor circuits (Project Heads Bareyre, Ph.D., Florence ; Kerschensteiner, Martin )
- A06 - Connectivity and function of regenerated neurons in the cerebral cortex – from transplantation to direct neuronal reprogramming (Project Head Götz, Magdalena )
- A07 - Structural synaptic changes and their role in experience-dependent plasticity (Project Heads Bonhoeffer, Tobias ; Rose, Tobias ; Scheuss, Volker )
- A08 - Visualizing changes in neuronal connectivity during memory formation in mouse neocortex (Project Heads Hübener, Mark ; Scheuss, Volker )
- A09 - The influence of neuronal activity on oligodendrocyte proliferation and differentiation in the adult brain (Project Head Dimou, Leda )
- A10 - Ion channel function in axonal conduction (Project Head Kopp-Scheinpflug, Conny )
- A11 - Determinants and dynamics of cell fate remodelling in the retina (Project Heads Godinho, Leanne ; Misgeld, Thomas )
- A12 - Cellular mechanisms of lesion-induced pretectal visuo-motor plasticity in adult zebrafish (Project Heads Ninkovic, Jovica ; Straka, Hans )
- A13 - Neuronal circuits underlying prodromal gait disturbances of Parkinson’s Disease (Project Head Wurst, Wolfgang )
- A14 - Regulation of myelinated axon structure by communication between axons and oligodendrocytes (Project Head Czopka, Ph.D., Tim )
- A15 - The in vivo role of RNA-binding proteins in neurogenesis, synapse formation and synaptic plasticity (Project Head Kiebler, Michael )
- B01 - Computational modelling of the binaural coincidence detector circuit (Project Heads Felmy, Felix ; Kopp-Scheinpflug, Conny ; Leibold, Christian )
- B02 - Mechanisms of absolute and relative timing in circuit processing of auditory space (Project Heads Grothe, Benedikt ; Pecka, Michael ; Siveke, Ida )
- B03 - Functional adjustment of neural circuits: Tonotopic gradients of timeprocessing auditory brainstem neurons (Project Heads Koch, Ursula ; Leibold, Christian )
- B04 - Computational neuroscience, systems neuroscience (Project Head Benda, Jan )
- B05 - The role of HCN channels in the septo-hippocampal circuit (Project Heads Biel, Martin ; Wahl-Schott, Christian )
- B06 - Circuit mechanisms underlying concerted spike patterns in the neural code of the retina (Project Head Gollisch, Tim )
- B07 - Neurogenetic dissection of the visual motion detection circuitry in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster (Project Heads Borst, Alexander ; Mauss, Ph.D., Alex Stefan ; Reiff, Dierk F. )
- B09 - Integration of olfactory stimuli (Project Head Egger, Veronica )
- B10 - Control of neuronal circuit activity by HCN channel modulation (Project Head Biel, Martin )
- B11 - Mechanisms and in vivo function of mGluR-mediated synaptic signaling (Project Heads Hartmann, Jana ; Konnerth, Arthur )
- B12 - Activity-dependent developmental plasticity of gaze-stabilizing reflexes (Project Head Straka, Hans )
- B13 - The MNTB - an inhibitory hub in the auditory brainstem and its timing (Project Heads Grothe, Benedikt ; Kunz, Lars )
- B15 - Information flow in a neuronal circuit coding for space (Project Heads Felmy, Felix ; Herz, Andreas V.M. ; Wahl-Schott, Christian )
- B16 - Visual object recognition: neural substrate of bottom-up attention (Project Head Baier, Herwig )
- B17 - Neuronal circuit dynamics of motor systems – how are existing circuits adapted to generate novel behaviors (Project Head Chagnaud, Boris )
- B18 - Circuits underlying sparse population coding in the auditory cortex (Project Heads Konnerth, Arthur ; Nelken, Ph.D., Israel )
- B19 - Locomotion-dependent neural processing within the thalamo-cortico-thalamic circuits (Project Head Busse, Laura )
- V01 - Central Tasks (Project Head Grothe, Benedikt )
- Z01 - Viral vectors for circuit analyses (Project Head Conzelmann, Karl-Klaus )
- Z02 - Imaging neuromodulation with fluorescent biosensors improved by large scale functional screening (Project Head Griesbeck, Oliver )
- Z03 - Functional manipulation of glutamate receptors for circuitry mappin (Project Head Trauner, Dirk )
- Z04 - Viral Vector Facility (Project Heads Conzelmann, Karl-Klaus ; Götz, Magdalena )
Applicant Institution
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Participating University
Technische Universität München (TUM); The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Participating Institution
Helmholtz Zentrum München
Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Gesundheit und Umwelt; Max-Planck-Institut für Neurobiologie (MPIN) (aufgelöst)
Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Gesundheit und Umwelt; Max-Planck-Institut für Neurobiologie (MPIN) (aufgelöst)
Professor Dr. Benedikt Grothe