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Max-Planck-Institut für Polymerforschung
Arbeitskreis Synthese von Makromolekülen
Ackermannweg 10
55128 Mainz
This institution in GERiT
55128 Mainz
Research Grants
Current projects
Antioxidative, electroactive and biocidal self-adhesive wound dressings (Ad-dress)
Rosenau, Frank
Identification and functional characterization of novel nanofiber-growth factor hybrid molecules for regeneration in a mouse traumatic brain injury model
Knöll, Bernd
Synatschke, Christopher
Completed projects
Crossing Barriers with bio-based Therapeutics
Otte, Ph.D., Kerstin
MCOCM molecular Contrast enhanced Optical Coherence Microscopy
Weil, Tanja
Optical Coherence Microscopy (OCM) towards tomography
Weil, Tanja
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Fluorescent nanodiamonds as biocompatible markers and sensors for simultaneous peptide delivery and bioimaging
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Jelezko, Fedor
Weil, Tanja
Wu, Ph.D., Yuzhou
Peptides targeting the fusion peptides of enveloped viral pathogens
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Kirchhoff, Frank
Weil, Tanja
Real-Time Nanoscale Investigation of Soft Matter Defects
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Budker, Ph.D., Dmitry
Ermakova, Anna
Regulating Cellular Functions by Light-Gated Assembly of Phase-Separated Nanostructures (Optoaggregates)
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Landfester, Katharina
Methner, Axel
Weil, Tanja
Removal of the acidosis-dependent immune evasion mechanism of the malignant melanoma using pH modulating nanocarrier
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Bohn, Toszka
Miederer, Ph.D., Matthias
Weil, Tanja
Synthesis of peptide and protein biohybrids with improved features
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Barth, Holger
Otto, Markus
Weil, Tanja
Targeting and immunomodulator structures and their coupling to therapeutic nanosystems for onco-logical application
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Opatz, Till
Schirmeister, Tanja
Weil, Tanja
Completed projects
Cell type-selective carriers for targeted pharmacological inhibition of Rho-/actin-dependent leukocyte recruitment into the alveolar space after blunt chest trauma
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Barth, Holger
Weil, Tanja
Chemically modified proteins, protein complexes and protein aggregates - studies on cell interactions and transport
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Kuhlmann, Christoph R.W.
Luhmann, Heiko J.
Weil, Tanja
Proteins on nanocarriers: from the stealth effect to active targeting in vivo
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Mailänder, Volker
Tenzer, Stefan
Weil, Tanja
Synthetic control of morphology and function in peptide based carrier systems
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Barz, Matthias
Weil, Tanja
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Nanodiamonds as sensitive sensors to study tetherin structure and dynamics
Jelezko, Fedor
Kirchhoff, Frank
Weil, Tanja
Current projects
Bioinspired Photoactive Janus-Membranes for Solar to Fuel Conversion
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Weil, Tanja
Wächtler, Maria
Compartmentalization of Light-induced Reactions in DNA-Liposome Hybrid Structures
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Pannwitz, Andrea
Weil, Tanja
Completed projects
Structure-Property Relationships of Functional Copolymers on DNA Nanosheets
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Schubert, Ulrich S.
Weil, Tanja
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 270: International Graduate School in Molecular Medicine Ulm
Kühl, Michael
Additional Information
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