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Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Campus Charité Mitte
Klinik für Dermatologie, Venerologie und Allergologie
Charitéplatz 1
10117 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
10117 Berlin
Research Units
Current projects
Electrical stimulation models and mediators conveying pruritus in allergic contact dermatitis and urticaria patients
Metz, Martin
Rukwied, Roman
Weisshaar, Elke
FOR 2690: Translational Pruritus Research
Schmelz, Martin
Completed projects
FOR 2497: Pemphigus - from Pathogenesis to Therapeutics (Pegasus)
Hertl, Michael
Quantification of antigen-dependent cell biological responses of T-lymphocytes
Walden, Ph.D., Peter
T-cell-dependent regulation of autoreactive B cells in pemphigus
Ghoreschi, Kamran
Möbs, Christian
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Blockade der Hedgehog-Signaltransduktion durch intradermale Vakzination von ptch+/-knock out-Mäusen mit Hip-RNA
Vogt, Annika
Die Rolle von Endothelin-1 im Rahmen allergischer Reaktionen
Metz, Martin
Klonierung, Expression und Charakterisierung der Sphingosin-1-Phosphatase in Säugetierzellen
Bektas, Meryem
Research Grants
Current projects
Characterization of the Prevalence, Immunologic Features, and Clinical Implications of Autoimmune Subtypes of Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria (CAS-CSU)
Metz, Martin
IgE-independent Stimulation of Mast Cells in Cholinergic Urticaria
Metz, Martin
Completed projects
Adaption of nanocarrier-based drug delivery systems to the redox-state and thiol gradients of healthy and diseased skin
Haag, Rainer
Rühl, Eckart
Vogt, Annika
Analysis of the presentation of tumour associated antigens by tumour and antigen presenting cells with newly developed recombinant single chain antibodies with T cell receptor-like specificity
Walden, Ph.D., Peter
Benefit of placebo effects in atopic dermatitis - Increase of the pharmacological effects in itching via processes of conditioning and expectation
Klinger, Regine
Worm, Margitta
CD30+ Zellen in lymphoproliferativen Erkrankungen der Haut - Histologische und molekulargenetische Untersuchungen mit Hilfe der Mikromanipulation und Einzel-Zell-PCR
Gellrich, Sylke
Cellular and molecular mechanisms of TNF (tumor necrosis factor-alpha) mediated protection in atopic dermatitis
Worm, Margitta
Cyclooxygenasen as modulators of allergic responses, mechanistic background and therapeutic potential
Worm, Margitta
Epigenetic alterations of TA-keratinocytes as underlying cause of hyperproliferation in psoriasis
Witte, Katrin
Humane Mastzellen im neurohormonalen Netzwerk - Funktionelle Bedeutung der POMC-Peptide bei menschlichen Mastzellen
Henz, Beate
Identification and characterization of the mechanisms and relevance of inflammasome activation in mast cells
Maurer, Marcus
Identifizierung und Charakterisierung der Relevanz und der Mechanismen einer Mastzell-vermittelten Deaktivierung von Toxinen
Metz, Martin
Isolierung von Punktmutationen und Polymorphismen bei malignen Tumoren der Haut: Genetische Mikro-Unterschiede als alleiniges Selektionskriterium
Hansen-Hagge, Thomas E.
Mechanisms of mast cells and T cells interaction during viral infections
Munoz Roldan, Ph.D., Melba
Modulation of interferon sensitivity in psoriasis by NF kappaB
Foerster, John P.
Off-label prescriptions in dermatology: A prospective, multicentre and supraregional study of applications and decisions on the reimbursement of costs in Germany
Werner, Ricardo Niklas
Rolle von Interleukin(IL)-22 in der pulmonalen Abwehr gegen Cryptococcus neoformans
Alber, Gottfried
Sabat, Robert
sFcεRI as a potential biomarker for Endotypes of Chronic Urticaria (SECU)
Moñino-Romero, Ph.D., Sherezade
Untersuchung der Prozessierung von MHC-Klasse-I-restringierten Antigenen durch Selektion und Analyse von mutanten Melanomzellen mit defekter Antigenpräsentation
Kloetzel, Peter Michael
Untersuchung und Identifikation von geeigneten Begriffen zur Formulierung von Empfehlungen in medizinischen Leitlinien
Nast, Alexander
Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Regulation und Funktion von ICAM-3 (CD50) und Leukosialin (CD43) bei verschiedenen myeloischen Zellen
Henz, Beate
Weitere Charakterisierung des Einflusses von IL-28 und IL-29 auf die Haut und das Immunsystem: Zielzellen, Regulation der zellulären Empfindlichkeit, Effekte
Wolk, Ph.D., Kerstin
Clinical Research Units
Current projects
Cellular stratification of atopic inflammatory circuits
Thiel, Andreas
Coordination Funds
Worm, Margitta
Food allergy versus tolerance – direction by antigen specific immunologic reactivity
Worm, Margitta
KFO 339: Food Allergy and Tolerance (Food@)
Worm, Margitta
Serological biomarkers to detect food allergy
Babina, Magda
Dölle-Bierke, Sabine
Tolerance induction through non-avoidance to prevent persistent food allergy
Beyer, Kirsten
Completed projects
Identification and characterization of the IgEome and its role and relevance in food allergy
Altrichter, Sabine
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
A therapeutic approach to enhance innate defense mechanisms against toxins and venoms - mast cell proteases to the rescue
Metz, Martin
A whole body Radiomics approach in patients with metastatic melanoma undergoing systemic therapy: Fully automated longitudinal segmentation and Deep Learning-based outcome prediction
Eigentler, Thomas
Gerken, Annika
Othman, Ahmed
Peisen, Felix
Einfluß von Adhäsionsrezeptoren auf die phänotypische und funktionelle Differenzierung von Mastzellen in epithelialen Geweben
Henz, Beate
Nanopartikels Containing Selective Probes: Interaction Mechanisms of Nanoparticles with Cell Membranes, Intracellular Uptake, and Transport (NANO-SELECT)
Gruber, Ph.D., Achim Dieter
Jordan, Andreas
Lademann, Jürgen
Rühl, Eckart
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
EPR spectroscopic investigations on drug delivery and release of nanocarriers into excised skin and 3D-skin models
(Project Heads
Bittl, Robert
Meinke, Martina
Immune modulation of allergic diseases by nuclear hormone receptor ligands
(Project Heads
Heine, Guido
Radbruch, Andreas
Worm, Margitta
Impact of inflammatory microenvironment on nanocarrier penetration, drug release, and biological effects in human skin
(Project Heads
Blume-Peytavi, Ulrike
Vogt, Annika
Mast cell-driven down regulation of chronic inflammation
(Project Heads
Maurer, Marcus
Metz, Martin
The cross-regulation of IL-4, IL-33 and IL1ß signaling balances Th2]mediated disease
(Project Heads
Ghoreschi, Kamran
Yazdi, Amir Sadegh
Triggered release of drugs from nanocarriers within the hair follicles
(Project Head
Lademann, Jürgen
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
6-Laser Multiparameter Flow Cytometer
Completed projects
Effects of antipsoriatic therapies on aberrant IL-6/STAT3 signaling in psoriasis
(Project Heads
Eberle, Franziska
Ghoreschi, Kamran
Regulation of B cell differentiation by vitamin A and D
(Project Heads
Heine, Guido
Worm, Margitta
Regulation of Th17-mediated skin inflammation by heme oxygenase 1 and inflammasome activation
(Project Heads
Ghoreschi, Kamran
Yazdi, Amir Sadegh
Additional Information
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