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Uniklinik Köln
Klinik für Dermatologie und Venerologie
Kerpener Straße 62
50937 Köln
This institution in GERiT
50937 Köln
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2240: (Lymph)Angiogenesis And Cellular Immunity In Inflammatory Diseases Of The Eye
Cursiefen, Claus
FOR 2599: Tissue type 2 responses: Mechanisms of induction and regulation
Roers, Axel
Regulators of type 2 immunity in tissue regeneration
Eming, Sabine
Completed projects
Bedeutung des vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) bei der physiologischen und pathologischen Wundheilung sowie Möglichkeiten seines gentherapeutischen Einsatzes
Eming, Sabine
Bedeutung des Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) bei der physiologsichen und pathologischen Wundheilung sowie Möglichkeiten seines gentherapeutischen Einsatzes
Sollberg, Stephan
FOR 265: Zell-Zell- und Zell-Matrixwechselwirkungen in der Haut, Kontrolle von Barriere und Abwehrfunktion
Krieg, Thomas
Gewebespezifische Inaktivierung von alpha2-Integrin und Nidogen in der Haut - Untersuchungen zur Bedeutung dieser Proteine für physiologische und pathologische Vorgänge in der Haut
Krieg, Thomas
Molekulare Grundlagen von epidermal-dermalen Zellinteraktionen: Die Rolle von Zytokinen und Wachstumsfaktoren
Smola, Hans
Myeloid cell function in corneal hem- and lymphangiogenesis
Eming, Sabine
Hos, Deniz
Zentrales Projekt
Krieg, Thomas
Research Grants
Current projects
Cologne Clinician Scientist Program
von Stebut-Borschitz, Ruth Esther
Contribution of fibroblast-MMP14 to allergic-type of contact dermatitis reactions
Zigrino, Ph.D., Paola
Controlling collagen deposition by fibroblasts in cutaneous fibrosis by targeting TANGO1 function
Krieg, Thomas
Sengle, Gerhard
Metabolic programming of human macrophages in granulomatous skin inflammation
Fabri, Mario
Completed projects
Analysis of the function of myeloid cells recruited to sites of tissue damage and the role of VEGF-A in these processes using conditional mutagenesis in mouse models
Eming, Sabine
Functions of rac and p65 PAK in the maintenance of the epidermal barrier and in the pathogenesis of skin desease.
Haase, Ingo
Identification and characterization of L. major T cell epitopes based on quantitative proteomics
von Stebut-Borschitz, Ruth Esther
Tenzer, Stefan
Influence of certain forms of DNA-damage and DNA repair on terminal differentiation and aging of human dermal fibroblasts
Herrmann, Gernot Stefan
Interaktion autoaggressiver T- und B-Zellen beim Pemphigoid und Pemphigus
Hertl, Michael
Hunzelmann, Nicolas
Molecular basis of cellular senescence of skin cells in response to UV-induced DNA damage and its consequences
Krieg, Thomas
Rac, Phosphoinositide dependent kinase- and Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase mediated regulation of epidermal repair and tumour formation
Haase, Ingo
Relevance of mechanical forces, mediated by integrin-collagen interaction for fibroblast gene expression in healthy and fibrotic skin
Krieg, Thomas
Role and therapeutic potential of different skin and lymph node-resident dendritic cell subsets to control cutaneous leishmaniasis in mice
von Stebut-Borschitz, Ruth Esther
Role of Integrin-linked kinase in skin homeostasis and carcinogenesis
Wickström, Ph.D., Sara A.
Role of the basement membrane proteins nidogen-1 and -2 in skin physiology and pathology
Nischt, Roswitha
Role of the extracellular matrix protein COMP in skin fibrosis - localized scleroderma as a model disease
Krieg, Thomas
Spezifische und überlappende Funktionen der Kollagen-bindenden Integrinrezeptoren in der Haut
Eckes, Beate
Studies on the role of Langerhans cell-dependent factors on Th cell iummune responses in cutaneous Leishmaniose and contact allergy
von Stebut-Borschitz, Ruth Esther
Untersuchungen zur Bedeutung der Neuropiline und Semaphorine für Physiologie und Pathologie der Haut
Kurschat, Peter Heinz Richard
Untersuchungen zu Regulations- und Interaktionsvorgängen in der Basalmembranzone der Haut mit Hilfe eines induzierbaren und gewebespezifischen Laminin Maus-Knockout-Modells
Arin, Meral Julia
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Characterization of phenotype and function of innate lymphoid cells in cutaneous leishmaniasis
von Stebut-Borschitz, Ruth Esther
Die Rolle von Zell-Zell- und Zell-Matrix-Interaktionen bei der Synthese und Aktivierung von MMP-2 und MMP-9 in epidermalen Tumorzellen in vitro und in vivo
Nischt, Roswitha
Functional characterization of cell-specific differences of L. major-containing phagolysosomes in macrophages and dendritic cells
von Stebut-Borschitz, Ruth Esther
Tenzer, Stefan
The role of mast cells for directing T cell-dependent immunity in cutaneous leishmaniasis
von Stebut-Borschitz, Ruth Esther
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
CD1a- und MHC Klasse II-abhängige Prozessierung und Präsentation von bakteriellen Nicht-Proteinantigenen
Fabri, Mario
Untersuchungen zur Bedeutung der VEGF- und Semaphorin-Rezeptoren Neuropilin-1 und -2 für die Tumorprogression am Beispiel des malignen Melanoms
Kurschat, Peter Heinz Richard
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Control of macrophage cell death in skin homeostasis and repair
(Project Head
Eming, Sabine
Mechanisms controlling Th17 and regulatory T cells in the anti-Leishmania response
(Project Heads
von Stebut-Borschitz, Ruth Esther
Waisman, Ari
Role of mitochondria in the regulation of myeloid cell function in skin homeostasis and repair
(Project Head
Eming, Sabine
Completed projects
Analyse der Interaktion von Leishmania major mit epidermalen Langerhanszellen/dendritischen Zellen
(Project Head
von Stebut-Borschitz, Ruth Esther
Die Bedeutung dendritischer Zellen für die genetisch bedingte Entwicklung von charakteristischen T-Helfer Immunantworten in inflammatorischen, allergischen und autoimmunologischen Erkrankungen
(Project Head
von Stebut-Borschitz, Ruth Esther
Functions of the inflammatory response in tissue repair
(Project Head
Eming, Sabine
Integrated Research Training Group "Molecular mechanisms regulating skin homeostasis"
(Project Heads
Iden, Sandra
Krieg, Thomas
Morphological Service Project - Characterization of tissues and transgenic model systems
(Project Heads
Krieg, Thomas
Schirmacher, Peter
Wickenhauser, Claudia
New functions of neuropilins and semaphorins in skin
(Project Head
Kurschat, Peter Heinz Richard
Pathophysiology of skin ageing and ageing-associated ulcerative dermatitis in mice
(Project Heads
Krieg, Thomas
Partridge, Linda
Receptor-mediated L. major pathogen recognition and activation of dendritic cells
(Project Head
von Stebut-Borschitz, Ruth Esther
Regulation of skin inflammation by epidermal keratinocytes
(Project Head
Haase, Ingo
Role of basement membrane proteins in skin morphogenesis and homeostasis
(Project Heads
Krieg, Thomas
Nischt, Roswitha
Role of collagen-binding integrin receptors for cellular communication and homeostasis in the skin
(Project Heads
Eckes, Beate
Krieg, Thomas
Role of collagen integrin receptors in skin
(Project Heads
Eckes, Beate
Krieg, Thomas
Role of MMP-14 in connective tissue homeostasis and tumour invasion
(Project Heads
Mauch, Cornelia
Zigrino, Ph.D., Paola
Role of the basement membrane proteins nidogen-1 and nidogen-2 for skin physiology and pathology
(Project Head
Nischt, Roswitha
SFB 589: Molecular basis of structural and functional barriers in the skin
Krieg, Thomas
SFB 829: Molecular Mechanisms Regulating Skin Homeostasis
Krieg, Thomas
Niessen, Carien
Standardisation of cell culture and mouse models
(Project Heads
Haase, Ingo
Mauch, Cornelia
Pfister, Herbert
Smyth, Neil R.
The role of laminin 5 in skin homeostasis and wound healing
(Project Head
Arin, Meral Julia
The role of Rac1 und PAK1 in dthe maintenance and repair of the qpidermal barrier
(Project Head
Haase, Ingo
Translational Skin Disease Platform
(Project Heads
Helbig, Doris
Mauch, Cornelia
UVA-irradiation- and photosensitizer-induced DNA damage: Analysis of activation of P13-kinase-like kinases and their downstream targets in human skin cells
(Project Head
Herrmann, Gernot Stefan
Vitamin D regulation of the skin innate immune response
(Project Head
Fabri, Mario
Zentrale Aufgaben des Sonderforschungsbereichs
(Project Heads
Krieg, Thomas
Niessen, Carien
Zentraler Zuständigkeitsbereich Versuchstiereinrichtung
(Project Head
von Stebut-Borschitz, Ruth Esther
Zentrale Verwaltungsaufgaben für den SFB
(Project Head
Krieg, Thomas
Completed projects
Orchestrating innate immune responses in leishmaniasis - the role of cutaneous DC subtypes
(Project Head
von Stebut-Borschitz, Ruth Esther
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1043: Antigen-specific Immuntherapy
Wölfel, Thomas Johann
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2030: CECAD - Excellent in Aging Research
Benzing, Thomas
Hoppe, Thorsten
Niessen, Carien
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 229: Cellular Stress Responses in Aging-Associated Diseases
Brüning, Jens Claus
Additional Information
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