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Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Institut für Physikalische Chemie
Tammannstraße 6
37077 Göttingen
This institution in GERiT
37077 Göttingen
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Experimental and Computational Insights into Dispersion Interactions in Self-Assembled Supramolecular Host-Guest Systems
Clever, Guido
Mata, Ricardo
Force transmission in epithelia - the impact of next neighbors
Janshoff, Andreas
Interaction of Janus Particles with Membranes and Cells from the Human Blood Compartment
Hilger, Ingrid
Janshoff, Andreas
Sönnichsen, Carsten
Tremel, Wolfgang
London vs. Keesom and Debye forces: From FTIR cluster spectroscopy of ambivalent alcohol complexes towards intermolecular energy balances
Suhm, Martin
Phasenverhalten der komplexen Systeme Ethen + Acrylsäure(ester) + Ethen-Acrylsäure(ester)-Copolymeres in einem weiten Zustandsbereich
Buback, Michael
Polymerisation und Polymermodifikation in überkritisch fluider Phase
Buback, Michael
Quantenchemische Untersuchungen am System 1,5-Dicarba-closo-pentaboran(5)/2,4,5-Triborabicyclo-(1.1.1)pentan
Botschwina, Peter
Short peptide and peptide-like organic catalysts: A joint experimental-theoretical approach to asymmetric organic synthesis
Schmatz, Stefan
Research Grants
Current projects
Modeling of reaction mechanisms and site specificity in the human 20S proteasome system
Mata, Ricardo
The influence of nuclear spin and isotopic isomers of H2, HD, and D2 weakly bound complexes
Obenchain, Daniel A.
Velocity resolved kinetics of enantioselective olefin epoxidation on chiral surfaces
Schäfer, Tim
Vibrational dynamics of the acid-alcohol hinge
Suhm, Martin
Completed projects
A low-order scaling incremental correlation method for the calculation of electronic excitation energies
Mata, Ricardo
Bio-inspired Polymer Material Design via RAFT Polymerization.
Vana, Philipp
Broad falloff curves of unimolecular reactions
Troe, Jürgen
Carboxylic acid aggregation: From anharmonic benchmarks to chemical imaging
Suhm, Martin
Deuteronen-NMR in kristallinen Hochdruck-Eisphasen
Fujara, Franz
Diagonal and off-diagonal anharmonicity in hydrogen bonds:Direct detection by infrared spectroscopy in the gas phase
Suhm, Martin
Dissecting the molecular functions of the ubiquitin-like Atg8 during autophagosome biogenesis in S. cerevisiae
Krick, Roswitha
Dissociation reactions between elimination and bond scission mechanisms
Troe, Jürgen
Dynamics and mechanics of wound healing
Chizhik, Alexey
Janshoff, Andreas
Dynamics and Reactions of hydrogen Atoms with Gold and Silver surfaces - DRAGS
Wodtke, Alec Michael
From Criegee-Intermediates to particle size distributions. Precursor chemistry and aggregation kinetics of sulfuric acid containing clusters in experiment and simulation
Zeuch, Thomas
FTIR- und Ramanspektroskopie an schwebenden Wasser- und Eispartikeln
Tuckermann, Rudolf
Geschwindigkeit chemischer Elementarprozesse bei astrochemisch relevanten tiefen Temperaturen
Troe, Jürgen
HCl dissociation on noble metals: A model system for electronically nonadiabatic interactions in chemical reactions at metal surfaces
Wodtke, Alec Michael
In-depth analysis of radical polymerization kinetics and mechanism by highly time-resolved electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy in conjunction with pulsed-laser initiation
Buback, Michael
International Collaboration in Chemistry: Improving Livingness by Detailed Kinetic Studies into ATRP
Buback, Michael
Kartierung der elastischen Eigenschaften von freitragenden artifiziellen und biologischen Membranen auf porösen Substraten
Janshoff, Andreas
Steinem, Claudia
Kinetics and spectroscopy of fluorine-silicon compounds
Troe, Jürgen
Kinetics of the Multi-Channel Unimolecular Dissociation of Formaldehyde
Troe, Jürgen
Macromolecular Nano-Carriers from Star Polymers produced via RAFT Polymerization
Vana, Philipp
Molecular interactions at Graphene Surfaces
Wodtke, Alec Michael
Molecule-surface scattering with velocity-controlled molecular beams.
Meijer, Gerardus
Nanostructured Surfaces from Planet-Satellite Assemblies of Nanoparticles
Vana, Philipp
Photodissoziationsdynamik von Aroylperoxiden, Peroxycarbonaten und Peroxyestern
Schroeder, Jörg
Schwarzer, Dirk
Playing squash with molecules - energy transfer of polyatomic molecules at the gas surface interface
Schäfer, Tim
Polyolefin Architecture Designed by Li+-catalysed Polymerization
Buback, Michael
Müllen, Klaus
Quantendynamik nukleophiler Substitutionsreaktionen
Schmatz, Stefan
Quantifizierung der Adsorption und Desorption von Proteinen durch Fluktuationsanalyse des Belegungsgrades auf nanoskopisch kleinen Sensoroberflächen
Janshoff, Andreas
Role of hydrogen in the formation of condensed carbon nanoparticles from gas-phase reactions
Schulz, Christof
Rußbildung und Morphologie der Rußteilchen von höher siedenden Flüssigbrennstoffen für Flammendrucke von 1-15 bar in vorgemischten Flammen
Jander, Helga
Self-organization and mechanics of actomyosin networks attached to artificial and cellular plasma membranes
Janshoff, Andreas
Steinem, Claudia
Size-resolved studies of the structure and dynamics of neutral clusters using sodium doping and IR excitation modulated photoionisation spectroscopy.
Zeuch, Thomas
Smart Polymer Films via RAFT Polymerization from Solid Surfaces
Vana, Philipp
Spectroscopic polymer characterization without polymers: Benchmarking quantum chemistry in the gas phase
Suhm, Martin
Spontane Ramanstreuung an isolierten Wasserstoffbrückenaggregaten: Mehrfachanregung und Energietransfer im Überschallstrahl
Suhm, Martin
Strukturierung von Lipidmembranen: Untersuchungen zur Lipid-Protein-Wechselwirkung und Kontaktmechanik auf der Ebene kleinster Molekülverbände
Janshoff, Andreas
Synthesis and Transformation of Carbon Nanoparticles of Various Structures at High Temperatures (2500-3500K) in Hydrocarbons: Pyrolysis and Carbon Vapour Condensation
Wagner, Heinz Georg
Synthesis of heteronuclear combinations of elements of groups 13 to 15 of the periodic table
Roesky, Ph.D., Herbert
Teilnahme am wissenschaftlichen Ferienkurs European Research Course on Atmospheres (ERCA) 2003
Tuckermann, Rudolf
Theoretische Molekülspektroskopie von wasserstoffbrückengebundenen Clusterionen
Botschwina, Peter
Time resolved and size selective infrared-spectroscopic studies on the structure and dynamics of neutral (water) clusters generated in supersonic expansions
Zeuch, Thomas
Untersuchung der Dichte- und Temperaturabhängigkeit von Schwingungsrelaxationsprozessen in Wasser und Ammoniak mittels klassischer und semiklassischer molekulardynamischer Simulationen
Schroeder, Jörg
Untersuchung des Startvorgangs radikalischer Polymerisationen durch Endgruppenanalyse mit Elektrospray-Ionisations-Massenspektrometrie
Buback, Michael
Untersuchung laserbasierter Methoden zur Rußdiagnostik bei erhöhtem Druck
Schulz, Christof
Heisenberg Professorships
Completed projects
Polymer Material Design by Controlling Macromolecular Growth an Architecture
Vana, Philipp
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Controlling PCET and Radical Transformations in enzyme catalysis
(Project Heads
Mata, Ricardo
Tittmann, Kai
Controlling surface energy dissipation via tailored interface properties
(Project Heads
Bünermann, Oliver
Schneider, Sven
Wodtke, Alec Michael
From electron transfer to chemical energy storage: first-principles studies of correlated processes
(Project Heads
Behler, Jörg
Blöchl, Peter E.
Mata, Ricardo
Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Heads
Mata, Ricardo
Wenderoth, Martin
Multicomponent Local Correlation Methods for PCET
(Project Head
Mata, Ricardo
Site-specific Kinetics and Dynamics of Surface PCET Reactions
(Project Heads
Schäfer, Tim
Wodtke, Alec Michael
Study and control of surface photochemistry using a local excitation microscope
(Project Heads
Ropers, Claus
Wenderoth, Martin
Wodtke, Alec Michael
Completed projects
A quantitative assessment of the role of lateral tension, curvature, and external forces in membrane fusion
(Project Head
Janshoff, Andreas
Beeinflussung effektiver Potentialflächen unimolekularer Reaktionen durch die Umgebung
(Project Heads
Schroeder, Jörg
Troe, Jürgen
Berechnung der Lebensdauern von intermediären Komplexen in SN2-Reaktionen
(Project Heads
Botschwina, Peter
Schinke, Reinhard
Breitbandige IR-Absorptionsspektroskopie von unimolekularen Clusterumlagerungen
(Project Heads
Buck, Udo
Suhm, Martin
Dissaziationsdynamik zur Charakterisierung bindender Potentialflächen
(Project Heads
Luther, Klaus Dieter
Troe, Jürgen
Dynamics and mechanics of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition
(Project Heads
Chizhik, Alexey
Janshoff, Andreas
Samwer, Konrad
Dynamics and non-equilibrium states of randomly cross-linked block copolymer melts
(Project Heads
Müller, Marcus
Vana, Philipp
Zippelius, Annette
Dynamik chemisch aktivierter teiloxidierter Kohlenwasserstoffe
(Project Heads
Hack, Walter
Hoyermann, Karlheinz
Einfluß von Elektronenspin und Bahndrehimpuls auf Rekombinationsgeschwindigkeiten
(Project Heads
Schinke, Reinhard
Troe, Jürgen
(Project Head
Troe, Jürgen
Mapping the protein and lipid organization in the plasma membrane of neurons using rapid rupture event imaging
(Project Head
Janshoff, Andreas
Mechanics and dynamics of biological adhesion
(Project Heads
Janshoff, Andreas
Tarantola, Marco
Nichtgleichgewichtseffekte bei unimolekularen Reaktionen in relaxierenden Medien
(Project Head
Wagner, Heinz Georg
Polymer brushes in motion
(Project Heads
Enderlein, Jörg
Müller, Marcus
Vana, Philipp
Potentialhyperflächen für ausgewählte unimolekulare Reaktionen und spektroskopische Eigenschaften der intermediär gebildeten Komplexe
(Project Heads
Botschwina, Peter
Dyczmons, Volker
Reaktionsmechanismen und Dynamik komplexbildender Radikal-Radikal-Reaktionen
(Project Head
Wagner, Heinz Georg
Self-organization and mechanics of actomyosin networks attached to artificial and cellular plasma membranes
(Project Heads
Janshoff, Andreas
Steinem, Claudia
SFB 357: Molecular mechanisms of unimolecular processes
Troe, Jürgen
Strukturelle und dynamische Charakterisierung amorpher Molekülaggregate
(Project Heads
Eckold, Götz
Suhm, Martin
Teichler, Helmar
Thermal transport in polymeric nanostructures
(Project Heads
Müller, Marcus
Vana, Philipp
Unimolekularer Zerfall von Peroxyverbindungen in verdichteter Phase
(Project Heads
Buback, Michael
Schroeder, Jörg
Unimolekulare Zerfälle schwach gebundener Systeme
(Project Heads
Luckhaus, David
Schmitt, Ulrich
Troe, Jürgen
Untersuchung der Struktur und Konformation supramolekularer organischer und biologischer Systeme mit Hilfe der Kraftmikroskopie
(Project Head
Janshoff, Andreas
Verwaltung des Sonderforschungsbereichs
(Project Head
Troe, Jürgen
Research Units
Completed projects
Cellular and molecular dynamics of cell-cell contact formation in the context of directional germ cell migration during Xenopus embryogenesis
Janshoff, Andreas
Pieler, Tomas
Translations-Rotations-Kopplung in der Wasserdynamik in fluiden und festen Phasen
Fujara, Franz
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
AFM mit TIRF-Mikroskop-Zusatz
An advanced molecular-beam surface-scattering apparatus for studies under extreme conditions
Analyseinstrument zur simultanen Gasphasen- und Partikeldetektion
Compact and mobile molecular beam surface scattering apparatus for use at major light sources
Femtosekunden Oszillator-/Verstärkersystem mit Frequenzkonversion
Fourier Transform Infrarot (FT-IR) Spektrometer
Fourier Transform Limited IR Source
FTIR-Clusterspektrometer mit Gasrückführung
High Speed Detection System for Surface Science Experiments
Inverted confocal microscope for life science
Optische Pinzette
Ortsauflösendes FTIR-Spektrometer mit THz-Ausbau
Rechencluster mit 106 Multicore Knoten und 2 redundanten Fileservern
Rydberg Tagging Surface Scattering Machine
Schnelles Rasterkraftmikroskop mit Fluoreszenzmikroskop
Streuende Raster-Nahfeld optische Mikroskopie (s-SNOM)
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Solvated Electrons in Liquid Jets of Water
Bünermann, Oliver
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2455: BENCh - Benchmark Experiments for Numerical Quantum Chemistry
Mata, Ricardo
GRK 2756: Cytoskeletal elements of active matter – from molecular interactions to cellular biophysics (CYTAC)
Köster, Sarah
Completed projects
GRK 782: Spectroscopy and Dynamics of Molecular Aggregates, Chains, Coils and Networks
Suhm, Martin
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 585: Microstructural Control in Free-Radical Polymerization
Schmidt, Gudrun
GRK 1422: Metal Sites in Biomolecules: Structures, Regulation and Mechanisms
Diederichsen, Ulf
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 226: Göttingen Graduate School for Neurosciences and Molecular Biosciences (GGNB)
Ficner, Ralf
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
NFDI4Chem – Chemistry Consortium in the NFDI
Steinbeck, Christoph
Additional Information
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