Projekt Druckansicht

"Intelligente" Polymerfilme durch RAFT-Polymerisation von festen Oberflächen

Fachliche Zuordnung Polymermaterialien
Förderung Förderung von 2008 bis 2015
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 61724163
Erstellungsjahr 2015

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

In this project, we first explored and optimized RAFT polymerizations from solid surfaces, by using the approach of immobilizing the controlling RAFT agent at a solid substrate via its stabilizing Z-group. The development of various RAFT agent types for a variety of surfaces, including silica, magnetite, titania, chromium, and gold, expanded the array of surface modification via RAFT polymerization. The results are of importance for technical applications, such as the surfacemodification of polymer filler materials. The propagation kinetics of the surface-confined polymerization was explored in detail and slightly enhanced reactivity of surface-bound macroradicals was found. The main result of the project relates to the interaction of surfaces with polymer chains that carry multiple interactions sites: First, we developed bipedal RAFT agents, which are linked to the surface via two anchor groups, which opened up the formation of polymer loop brushes, i.e., surface-bound polymer films, in which the polymer chains are tethered to the surface via both terminal ends. Secondly, we found out that the interaction of RAFT groups in a grafting-to approach to gold is very powerful for constructing nanocomposites, especially when employing polymers with multi-functionality. Using this approach, we arrived at very well defined nanocomposite materials made of controlled polymer and gold nanoparticles with tunable interparticle distances. Following this strategy, both bulk materials and self-assembled spherical superstructures could successfully be generated. The new strategy opens up a facile pathway to tailored nanocomposites and new sensor materials.

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