Project Details
SFB 629: Molecular Cell Dynamics: Subcellular and Cellular Movements
Subject Area
from 2003 to 2015
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5485315
The Collaborative Research Centre continues the efforts of labs at the Departments of Biology and Medicine to unravel the mechanisms underlying the dynamics of a living cell.
Every living cell known is strictly organised into different compartments which communicate with one another through highly evolved transport chains. Transport between different compartments and thus the organisation of a cell requires the concerted action of cytoskeletal, cytoskeleton-associated as well as soluble and membrane-bound proteins. Regulated transport is not only important at the single cell level, but eventually also controls how and when the organism develops. Cells need to secret the correct factors at the correct position and time and they also need to transduce signals initiated by these factors in a tightly controlled manner. Often these signal transductions are accompanied by rearrangements in the cytoskeleton which are particularly evident during development be it in a growing axon or in the motile tip of a fungal hyphen. Such aspects of intracellular dynamics and their importance in cell migration and differentiation are tackled in the Collaborative Research Centre by using a number of different systems, experimental strategies and techniques.
Every living cell known is strictly organised into different compartments which communicate with one another through highly evolved transport chains. Transport between different compartments and thus the organisation of a cell requires the concerted action of cytoskeletal, cytoskeleton-associated as well as soluble and membrane-bound proteins. Regulated transport is not only important at the single cell level, but eventually also controls how and when the organism develops. Cells need to secret the correct factors at the correct position and time and they also need to transduce signals initiated by these factors in a tightly controlled manner. Often these signal transductions are accompanied by rearrangements in the cytoskeleton which are particularly evident during development be it in a growing axon or in the motile tip of a fungal hyphen. Such aspects of intracellular dynamics and their importance in cell migration and differentiation are tackled in the Collaborative Research Centre by using a number of different systems, experimental strategies and techniques.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
- A01 - Functional analysis of vertebrate and Drosophila annexins (Project Head Gerke, Volker )
- A02 - Cellular functions of the class IX myosin-RhoGAP molecules and their binding partners (Project Head Bähler, Martin )
- A04 - Molekulare Analyse von Signaltransduktionsprozessen bei der axonalen Navigation (Project Head Püschel, Andreas )
- A06 - Regulation of cell elasticity and transepithelial resistance by CFTR clusters (Project Head Schillers, Hermann )
- A09 - Vergleich der molekularen Mechanismen bei der Migration verschiedener Leukozyten-Subpopulationen durch die Blut-Hirn Schranke (Project Head Engelhardt, Ph.D., Britta )
- A10 - Dynamic regulation of the sarcomeric cytoskeleton in muscle (Project Head Linke, Wolfgang )
- A12 - Mechanical manipulation of the epithelial cytoskeleton by type IV pili (Project Head Maier, Berenike )
- A13 - Regulation of actin dynamics driven processes during Drosophila development (Project Head Bogdan, Sven )
- A14 - Coordination of polarized secretion, contraction and cell wall synthesis during the separation of yeast cells (Project Head Johnsson, Nils )
- A15 - Regulation of the GTPase Rap 1B during the differentiation of neurons (Project Head Püschel, Andreas )
- A16 - The mechanism of primary endocytic vesicle formation in papillomavirus endocytosis (Project Head Schelhaas, Mario )
- A17 - Lipid and protein resorting and recycling during synaptic transmission (Project Head Klingauf, Jürgen )
- A18 - Deciphering the role of vesicle cycling and mRNA subcellular localization and trafficking in the pathogenesis of CMT peripheral neuropathy (Project Head Storkebaum, Ph.D., Erik )
- A19 - The Role of actin-based protrusions in 2D versus 3D cell migration (Project Head Stradal, Theresia )
- B01 - Regulatory mechanisms of VE-cadherin and the function of the receptorprotein tyrosine phosphatase VE-PTP (Project Head Vestweber, Dietmar )
- B02 - Pertussis toxin-induced dynamic permeabilisation of cerebral endothelial barriers endothelial barriers enhances the translocation of pathogens and affects cell migration (Project Head Schmidt, Marcus Alexander )
- B03 - Funktionalität, Kinetik und Dynamik der Interaktion zwischen T Lymphozyten und Antigenpräsentierenden Zellen (Project Head Grabbe, Stephan )
- B04 - Cell-Cell Recognition in Olfactory System Development (Project Head Hummel, Thomas )
- B05 - Mechanismen der Gliamigration in Drosophila und Gliomen (Project Head Paulus, Werner )
- B06 - Glial cell migration in Drosophila (Project Head Klämbt, Christian )
- B07 - Infektion und Kolonisierung von Fruchtknotengewebe von Roggen durch Claviceps purpurea (Project Head Tudzynski, Paul )
- B09 - Calcium-regulated vesicle trafficking and membrane transport during salt stress and pollen tube growth (Project Head Kudla, Jörg )
- B10 - Function of the non-receptor tyrosine kinase Syk in the maintenance of blood and lymphatic vessel identity (Project Head Kiefer, Friedemann )
- B11 - Regulated trafficking of synaptic components (Project Head Missler, Markus )
- B12 - Control over E Cadherin function in germ cell migration in vivo (Project Head Raz, Erez )
- B14 - Conserved polarity mechanisms in asymmetric cell division, neuronal polarization and neuronal migration (Project Head Schwamborn, Jens Christian )
- B15 - Control of angiogenic signaling by endothelial endocytosis (Project Head Adams, Ralf H. )
- B16 - Studying the mechanisms controlling blood vessel formation during fin regeneration in zebrafish (Project Head Siekmann, Arndt Friedrich )
- B17 - Cell migration and pathfinding during planarian head regeneration (Project Head Bartscherer, Kerstin )
- Z01 - Central tasks (Project Head Klämbt, Christian )
- Z02 - Imaging facility (Project Head Klämbt, Christian )
Applicant Institution
Universität Münster
Participating Institution
Max-Planck-Institut für molekulare Biomedizin
Professor Dr. Christian Klämbt