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SFB 434:  Cultural memories

Subject Area Humanities
Term from 1997 to 2008
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5480451
A society's cultural memory is a reflection of its present. Current levels of experience and interest in memory determine the way we deal with the past. The collaborative research centre 434 aims at reconstructing the history of remembering. It investigates different ways of recalling historical past as well as its content, starting in ancient times and continuing up to the 20th century. The use of the plural 'cultural memories' refers to the central hypothesis of investigation i.e. that there are different types of epochal, regional and national memories. In a systematic perspective the focus revolves round a social framework of memory, specific systems and ways of knowledge, consciousness of time and reaction to crises and transitions, competition or hegemonic demands made by different cultural memories. One focal point is studying different techniques of memory, media of memory, genres of memory and institutional heritage of memory. The collaborative research centre comprises 22 projects that can be classified in 6 project areas. Moreover, the projects are linked by 5 interdisciplinary work groups that pursue systematic questions in consideration of systems of knowledge, intermediality, time and identity, theories of memory, and prohibition of images and the critique of representation.
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres
International Connection Israel

Completed projects

Applicant Institution Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen

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