Die Interaktion von pathogenen Neisserien mit Endothelzellen und ihre Rolle bei der Überwindung der Blut-Hirn-Schranke
Professor Dr. Christof Robert Hauck
Fachliche Zuordnung
Parasitologie und Biologie der Erreger tropischer Infektionskrankheiten
Förderung von 2002 bis 2012
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5390418
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
2003. "Small"-talk: Opa proteins as mediators of Neisseria-host cell communication. Current Opinion in Microbiology, 6: 43-49
Hauck. CR. and T.F. Meyer
2004. Granulocyte CEACAM3 is a phagocytic receptor of the innate immune system that mediates recognition and elimination of human-specific pathogens. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 199: 35-46
Schmitter, T., Agerer, F., Peterson, L., Muenzner, P., and C.R. Hauck
2004. Microscopic quantification of bacterial invasion by a novel antibody-independent staining method. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 59: 23-32
Agerer, F., Waeckerle, S., and C.R. Hauck
2005. CEACAM engagement by human pathogens enhances cell adhesion and counteracts bacteria-induced detachment of epithelial cells. The Journal of Cell Biology, 170: 825-836
Muenzner, P., Rohde, M., Kneitz, S., and C.R. Hauck
006. Cellular adhesion molecules as targets for bacterial infection. European Journal of Cell Biology, 85: 235-242
Hauck, C.R., Agerer, P., Münzner, P., and T. Schmitter
2006. CEACAMs: their role in physiology and pathophysiology. Current Opinion in Cell Biology, 18:565-571
Kuespert, K., Pils, S., and C.R. Hauck
2006. Quantification of bacterial invasion into adherent cells by flow cytometry. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 65: 301-310
Pils, S., Schmitter, T., Neske, P., and C.R. Hauck
2007. Opa proteins of pathogenic Neisseriae initiate Src-kinase-dependent or lipid raft-mediated uptake via distinct human CEACAM isoforms. Infection and Immunity, 75: 4116-4126
Schmitter, T., Pils, S., Weibel, S., Agerer, F., Peterson, L., Buntru, A., Kopp, K., and C.R. Hauck
2007. Profiling of bacterial adhesin-receptor recognition by soluble immunoglobulin domains. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 68: 478-485
Kuespert, K., Weibel, S., and CR. Hauck
2008. The CEACAMl transmembrane domain, but not the cytoplasmic domain, directs internalization of human pathogens via membrane-microdomains. Cellular Microbiology, 10: 1074-1092
Muenzner, P., Bachmann, V., Kuespert, K., and C.R. Hauck
2009. Characterizing host receptor recognition by individual bacterial pathogens. Methods Mol Biol., 470: 57-65
Kuespert, K. and C.R. Hauck
Integrin-dependent translocation of LASP-1 to the cytoskeleton of activated platelets correlates with LASP-1 phosphorylation at tyrosine 171 by Src-kinase. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 102: 520-528
Traenka, J., Hauck, C.R., Lewandrowski, U., Sickmann, A., Gambaryan, S., Thalheimer, P., and E. Butt
2010. CEACAMl recognition by bacterial pathogens is species-specific. BMC Microbiology, 10: 117
Voges, M., Bachmann, V., Kammerer, R., Gophna, U., and C.R. Hauck
2010. Entry of N.meningitidis into mammalian cells requires Src family protein tyrosine kinases. Infection and Immunity, 78:1905-14
Slanina, H., König, A., Hebling, S., Hauck, C.R., Frosch, M., and A. Schubert-Unkmeir