Projekt Druckansicht

Kombinatorische Konstruktionen in glatter Ergodentheorie

Antragsteller Dr. Philipp Kunde
Fachliche Zuordnung Mathematik
Förderung Förderung von 2018 bis 2021
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 405305501
Erstellungsjahr 2021

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

Historically motivated by problems in statistical mechanics Ergodic Theory examines statistical properties of dynamical systems. In particular, one is interested in the long-term behaviour of the system as well as the relationship between its time and space averages. In a pioneering Annals-paper from 1932, John von Neumann introduced Ergodic Theory to the mathematical community. In this research project we addressed two major problems dating back to this foundational paper. The so-called isomorphism problem asks to classify invertible measure-preserving transformations (MPT's) up to isomorphism. In a series of papers, Matthew Foreman, Daniel Rudolph and Benjamin Weiss have shown in a rigorous way that such a classication is impossible. In joint work with Shilpak Banerjee we show that von Neumann's isomorphism problem is impossible even when restricting to real-analytic area-preserving diffeomorphisms of the 2-torus. Besides isomorphism, Kakutani equivalence is the best known and most natural equivalence relation on ergodic MPT's for which the classication problem can be considered. In joint work with Marlies Gerber we prove that the Kakutani equivalence relation of ergodic MPT's is not a Borel set. This shows in a precise way that the problem of classifying such transformations up to Kakutani equivalence is also intractable. Another important question in ergodic theory is the smooth realization problem, which asks if there are smooth versions to the objects and concepts of abstract ergodic theory. While only very few restrictions are known, there is a scarcity of general results on the smooth realization problem. One of the most powerful tools of constructing smooth diffeomorphisms with prescribed ergodic, spectral or topological properties is the so-called approximation by conjugation-method developed by Dmitri Anosov and Anatole Katok. In this research project we could provide the smooth realization of further spectral properties. Moreover, we continued to extend the approximation by conjugation-method from C∞ diffeomorphisms to the real-analytic category.

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