Verminderung der Rekombinationsverluste in Perowskit Solarzellen
Elektrische Energiesysteme, Power Management, Leistungselektronik, elektrische Maschinen und Antriebe
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
In the RECOLPER project, we were able to broaden as well as deepen the experimental and theoretical understanding of recombination dynamics in perovskite-based photovoltaics. The project aimed for the overall identification and quantification of charge carrier recombination as well as ionic dynamics in devices under real operational conditions. Optical and electrical transient and steady state methods, as well as theoretical analysis and simulations were intensively employed, and we were able to build a device-modelling tool able to simulate all relevant aspects of complete perovskite photovoltaic devices. Our initial results clarified that the traditional analysis of electrical transient methods implemented on whole devices is not straightforward, and certainly associated with limitations. The inhomogeneous distribution of excess charge carriers in thinner devices renders the determination of both their density and lifetime heavily distorted. We described these features in detail for homemade perovskite cells and compared them to both commercial crystalline silicon devices as well as to organic solar cells. We demonstrated experimentally, with exemplary external capacitors, analytically as well as with drift-diffusion simulations under which conditions these limitations primarily occurs and also how to best avoid them. By increasing the illumination intensity as well as the thickness of co-evaporated devices, we could reduce these effects and confirm the influence of various recombination contributions. A reliable reconstruction of the steady state parameters of the j-V curve could finally be obtained from the transients measurements, described by recombination orders around and below 2. By exchanging constituents in the bulk absorber, defect-induced limitations as well as improvements were analyzed. Bismuth was proven to generate deep traps, substantially increasing the non-radiative recombination and limiting the performance of devices whereas Cesium and Rubidium was established to instead reduce the density of defects and improve the mobility, respectively. By a novel approach to determine the transient device capacitance under true open circuit conditions, thus not suffering from the ambiguity of previously needed equivalent circuit models, we were finally able to explain the origin of the unique open-circuit voltage decay behavior of perovskite solar cells. We developed a fast and smooth computational tool employing drift-diffusion simulations that accounts for both the recombination and motion of free charges, as well as for the simultaneous slower migration of mobile ionic charges. With only one global set of parameters, we could successfully reconstruct both steady-state, quasi-steady state as well as fully transient measurements, at a large range of intensities and temperatures. This allowed us to provide accurate spatial information of how both charges as well as ions are redistributing inside the perovskite film in fully operational devices. We identified further that one of the simplest methods to reduce recombination in planar P-i-N or N-i-P devices, was simple annealing and waiting in time. A considerable increase of charge carrier lifetimes, leading to radiative efficiencies exceeding 1% and accordingly increased open circuit voltages, could be identified upon crystal defect healing achieved either via mild heating to 320K or simply, allowing the device to rest for several days. We could show that the improvements was originating from a reduction of Shockley-Read-Hall recombination, and not surface recombination. We conclude that although perovskites are in literature frequently referred to as being defect tolerant, they still suffer not only from surface recombination, but certainly also to a non-negligible extent of defect mediated Shockley-Read-Hall recombination. Hysteresis free device are often to lesser degree restricted by surface recombination, but this loss mechanism should still be denoted a dominant limiter in the so far best perovskite devices. We emphasize nonetheless that the relative contribution from surface and bulk recombination is always strongly affected by both the chosen device thickness, the quality of the active layer film, and the charge selectiveness of the employed electrodes and accordingly that no general statement about one universal single dominant culprit should in fact be made.
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