Bandstruktur und Transport in niederdimensionalen Lochsystemen
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
In summary, we deviated from the course set in our BATLOSS proposal. This is mainly owed to changed interests on experimental site. Outstanding is the fruitful collaboration with the group of Prof. Dominique Bougeard (UR) on Ultralong spin lifetimes in one-dimensional semiconductor nanowires. We were able to provide an explanation for the extraordinarily long spin relaxation times of more than 200 ns for the thinnest nanowires: an increase by a factor ∼ 500 for the transition from 3D to 1D. Connected to this findings, we could prove a very general statement, namely, that drawing general conclusions for the spin-relaxation rate extracted from weak (anti-) localization measurements can be misleading. Rather, optical and transport experiments should be seen as complementary tools, which together enable a reliable overall picture. Finally, we would like to draw the attention on our studies of topological aspects of transport in mesoscopic systems, which is a very timely topic. A clear outlook of this studies lies in the upcoming projects in the CRC 1277 on topological phases and spin-orbit effects in driven systems.
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
Spin relaxation in wurtzite nanowires. Phys. Rev. B 98, 035407 (2018)
M. Kammermeier, P. Wenk, F. Dirnberger, D. Bougeard, and J. Schliemann
Driven Hofstadter butterflies and related topological invariants. Phys. Rev. B 100, 165411 (2019)
Martin Wackerl, Paul Wenk, and John Schliemann
In-plane magnetoelectric response in bilayer graphene. Phys. Rev. B 100, 075421 (2019)
Michael Kammermeier, Paul Wenk, and Ulrich Zülicke
Ultralong spin lifetimes in one-dimensional semiconductor nanowires. Appl. Phys. Lett. 114, 202101 (2019)
Florian Dirnberger, Michael Kammermeier, Jan König, Moritz Forsch, Paulo E. Faria Junior, Tiago Campos, Jaroslav Fabian, John Schliemann, Christian Schüller, Tobias Korn, Paul Wenk, and Dominique Bougeard
Floquet-Drude conductivity. Phys. Rev. B 101 184204 (2020)
Martin Wackerl, Paul Wenk, and John Schliemann
Persistent spin textures and currents in wurtzite nanowire-based quantum structures. Phys. Rev. B 101 195418 (2020)
Michael Kammermeier, Adrian Seith, Paul Wenk, and John Schliemann