Projekt Druckansicht

Dynamik, Thermalisierung und Bewegung von Quantensystemen in komplexen Umgebungen

Antragstellerin Dr. Ines de Vega, Ph.D.
Fachliche Zuordnung Optik, Quantenoptik und Physik der Atome, Moleküle und Plasmen
Theoretische Physik der kondensierten Materie
Förderung Förderung von 2017 bis 2020
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 329368667
Erstellungsjahr 2021

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

In our quest to accurately describe open quantum systems, one approach has been to develop more powerful mathematical and numerical tools to reach the so-called strong coupling or non-Markovian regime, where the open system and its environment evolve on similar time-scales. In this case, the environment is strongly affected by the open system, and this affects in turn the way it interacts with it at future times. Thus, the environment has a memory that produces a very rich phenomenology on the open system dynamics, even if this is a simple two-level impurity or a non-interacting system. As analyzed in this project, this includes for instance the absence of thermalization, or the formation of system-environment single-photon or multiple-photon bound or entangled states. Additionally, open quantum systems may be complex by themselves, such as interacting many body systems. In this case, as we have analyzed, the interplay between the eigenstate structure of the open system and the dissipation process produced by the environment provides for a very rich dissipative dynamics, reflected in the emergence of multiple of decay channels for each system energy transition. Our analysis has included exploring the conditions for this dissipative process to drive the open system towards a thermal state, the effects of the system criticality on such process, as well as the validity of certain approximations often considered in its description, such as the secular approximation. Finally, as we increase our precision to describe the dynamics of open quantum systems, and experimental scenarios diversify, it is of primary importance to revisit the models and the mathematical formalism that we have used so far. A particularly interesting situation emerges for systems coupled to non-harmonic environments. In this regard, we showed that for some parameter regimes it is not possible to properly define a weak coupling limit, often used to approximate such non-Harmonic environments in terms of virtual harmonic oscillators. In detail, we considered non-harmonic molecular environments of two types: dye molecules, and diatomic molecules described via Morse oscillators. We found that their second order moments, required to obtain the system’s weak coupling equations, do not decay (or decay at extremely low rates), giving rise not only to ill-defined weak coupling equations but also to the impossibility of defining a Markov limit. A similar situation occur for environments formed by two-level fluctuators, like the ones affecting superconducting qubits. We also showed how these regimes are linked to strong non-Markovian effects in the open system dynamics, and in some cases to the presence of non-invertible dynamical maps, a feature that formally implies the absence of a master equation to describe its dynamics.

Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • Stable-unstable transition for a bose-hubbard chain coupled to an environment. Phys. Rev. A, 97:053610, May 2018
    Chu Guo, Ines de Vega, Ulrich Schollwöck, and Dario Poletti
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  • Dynamics of multiple atoms in one-dimensional fields. Phys. Rev. A, 99:013845, Jan 2019
    Carlo Cascio, Jad C. Halimeh, Ian P. McCulloch, Alessio Recati, and Inés de Vega
    (Siehe online unter
  • Nonreciprocal quantum transport at junctions of structured leads. Phys. Rev. B, 99:245134, Jun 2019
    Eduardo Mascarenhas, François Damanet, Stuart Flannigan, Luca Tagliacozzo, Andrew J. Daley, e John Goold, and Inés de Vega
    (Siehe online unter
  • Thermalization in the quantum ising model-approximations, limits, and beyond. Quantum Science and Technology, 4(3):034002, jun 2019
    Daniel Jaschke, Lincoln D Carr, and Inés de Vega
    (Siehe online unter
  • Dephasing dynamics of an impurity coupled to an anharmonic environment. Phys. Rev. A, 101:012101, Jan 2020
    Max Bramberger and Inés De Vega
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  • Prethermalization of quantum systems interacting with non-equilibrium environments. 22(8):083067, aug 2020
    Andreu Anglés-Castillo, Mari Carmen Bañuls, Armando Pérez, and Inés De Vega
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  • The quantum dynamical map of the spin boson model
    Inés de Vega
    (Siehe online unter
  • Impurity dephasing in a bose–hubbard model. 23(3):033018, mar 2021
    Fabio Caleffi, Massimo Capone, Inés de Vega, and Alessio Recati
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  • Neural network based qubit environment characterization. 2021
    Miha Papič and Inés de Vega
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  • Open quantum systems in thermal nonergodic environments. Phys. Rev. A, 103:032204, Mar 2021
    Carlos A. Parra-Murillo, Max Bramberger, Claudius Hubig, and Inés De Vega
    (Siehe online unter


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