ArTTA-10mL: Ein Instrument für die 39Ar-Datierung von kleinen Eis- und Wasserproben
Hydrogeologie, Hydrologie, Limnologie, Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Wasserchemie, Integrierte Wasserressourcen-Bewirtschaftung
Optik, Quantenoptik und Physik der Atome, Moleküle und Plasmen
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
The radioisotope 39Ar with a half-life of 269 years is ideal for age dating of water and ice in a critical age range, but difficult to measure. The quantum technology Argon Trap Trace Analysis (ArTTA) enables sensitive and selective detection of single 39Ar atoms, drastically reducing the required sample size. The main objective of this project was to develop the analytical equipment from the prototype stage into a routine tool for scientific applications in the fields of oceanography, hydrogeology, and glaciology. A new and optimised sample preparation line for gas extraction from water followed by gas separation and argon purification was built in the first year of the project and further optimised in the second year. It now reaches argon yields of > 99% and purities of up to 99.7% within 1 - 2.5 h of processing time. Procedures and equipment for sampling, sample preparation, and data management for a wide range of applications (all types of water, ice, permafrost, and gases) have been developed and tested. Furthermore, a strong network of connections to scientific partners in the different fields of application has been established and several pioneering projects have been initiated and in part completed. Among others, the new preparation line was used to process samples from the Eastern Tropical North Atlantic and from Alpine glaciers. The successful analysis of these samples on the further improved prototype ArTTA machine represented the worldwide first applications of ArTTA. In parallel, a new ArTTA system was set up in a commercial container, ensuring a highly controlled environment and enabling future replication of the machine. Designing a new ArTTA machine building on the knowledge of the existing prototype also has led to new and compact solutions for the necessary advanced laser system, including compact fiber based spectroscopy of metastable argon, robust setups for light amplification and light frequency manipulation. By autumn 2018, 18 months after the start of the project, the first atom signal was detected in the vacuum system in the container. Many details had to be resolved before the first “single atom” signal was seen in the container by the end of 2019. The restrictions for laboratory work due to the corona pandemic have massively hindered the progress in optimizing the performance of the machine. Thus, the year 2020 has been used to design and build a new source with a very efficient liquid nitrogen management, program a datalogging system for all important parameters of the machine as well as a software preparing automatically a comprehensive summary of the measurement. The ArTTA laboratories at Heidelberg are now all set for the sample handling for most conceivable applications of 39Ar. The ArTTA analysis is possible on the prototype machine, which has led to first ground-breaking applications. The newly built ArTTA machine still requires further optimisation. While significant progress beyond the prototype stage has been achieved, further development and investment is needed to enable broad routine application of the method. Nonetheless, the technical advances made in the course of this project provide a strong basis for future projects making use of 39Ar dating. Our well-developed network of collaborations and several corresponding project proposals as well as about 100 samples waiting for analysis prove the high demand for the method. The innovative technology developed in this project and its first applications have attracted significant resonance in the media, e.g. Austrian newspapers and TV reporting on the dating of glacier ice.
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
2017. Bichromatic force on metastable argon for atom-trap trace analysis. Phys. Rev. A 96, 013424
Feng, Z., S. Ebser, L. Ringena, F. Ritterbusch, M. K. Oberthaler
2018. 39Ar dating with small samples provides new key constraints on ocean ventilation. Nat. Commun. 9: 5046
Ebser, S., A. Kersting, T. Stöven, Z. Feng, L. Ringena, M. Schmidt, T. Tanhua, W. Aeschbach, M. K. Oberthaler
2018. Argon purification system for 39Ar measurements with Argon Trap Trace Analysis (ArTTA), DPG Annual Meeting, Erlangen. E-Verhandl. DPG, UP 9.2.
Rädle, V., P. Hopkins, A. Kersting, M. Schmidt, L. Ringena, Z. Feng, E. Mathouchanh, S. Ebser, M. K. Oberthaler, W. Aeschbach, and S. Beyersdorfer
2018. First 39Ar-dating of small ocean samples. 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, USA, CT11A-06
Ebser, S., A. Kersting, Z. Feng, L. Ringena, M. Schmidt, S. Beyersdorfer, E. Mathouchanh, F. Ritterbusch, T. Tanhua, T. Stöven, W. Aeschbach, and M. K. Oberthaler
2018. The Heidelberg ArTTA: Pushing the sample volume limit for 39Ar dating, 3rd International Workshop on Tracer Applications of Noble Gas Radionuclides (TANGR2018), Hefei, China
Ringena, L., A. Kersting, Z. Feng, S. Ebser, M. Schmidt, P. Hopkins, V. Rädle, W. Aeschbach, M. K. Oberthaler
2018. Ultrakalte Atome. Die Geschichte des Eises. Ruperto Carola 13/2018: 72–79
Aeschbach, W., M. Oberthaler
2019. Application of quantum technology for radio-argon dating of glacier ice. International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology, IAEA, Vienna, Austria
Feng, Z., P. Bohleber, S. Ebser, L. Ringena, M. Schmidt, A. Kersting, P. Hopkins, H. Hoffmann, A. Fischer, W. Aeschbach, and M. Oberthaler
2019. Dating glacier ice of the last millennium by quantum technology. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 116: 8781–8786
Feng, Z., P. Bohleber, S. Ebser, L. Ringena, M. Schmidt, A .Kersting, P. Hopkins, H. Hoffmann, A. Fischer, W. Aeschbach, M. K. Oberthaler
2019. First Results and Potential of Ar-39 by Argon Trap Trace Analysis in the Tropical and Subpolar North Atlantic. Goldschmidt Conference 2019, Barcelona. Goldschmidt Abstracts, 2019, 1656
Kersting, A., S. Ebser, Z. Feng, L. Ringena, M. Schmidt, J. Robertz, T. Stöven, T. Tanhua, D. Kieke, R. Steinfeldt, W. Aeschbach, and M. K. Oberthaler
2020. Argon Trap Trace Analysis: Radiometric dating of environmental samples with applied quantum technology, DPG Annual Meeting, Hannover. E-Verhandl. DPG, Q 44.7.
Ringena, L., J. Robertz, M. Schmidt, N. Rigi-Luperti, F. Sandel, J. Gutekunst, A. Kersting, Y. Arck, D. Wachs, A. Kaiser, W. Aeschbach, and M. Oberthaler
2020. Evaluating 5 decades of atmospheric 85Kr measurements in the southern hemisphere to derive an input function for dating water and ice with implications for interhemispheric circulation and the global 85Kr emission inventory. J. Environ. Radioact. 225, 106451
Kersting A., C. Schlosser, A. Bollhöfer, A. Suckow