Die metabolische Kontrolle des mitochondrialen Chaperonkomplexes Hsp60/Hsp10 beeinflußt den hypothalamischen Lipidmetabolismus
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
We are facing a steadily increase of diabetic patients worldwide. A key feature of diabetes is insulin resistance, a state where the metabolic hormone is unable to properly control glucose homeostasis, metabolism and food intake. Mitochondria are crucial organelles to provide cells and the entire organism with energy in form of ATP by using fuels such as glucose and fatty acids. Due to alterations in energy status, cells are equipped with adaptive responses, such as the mitochondrial unfolded protein response (UPRmt) or the integrated stress response (ISR) - here summarized as mitochondrial stress response (MSR) - to propagate mitochondrial homeostasis and metabolic health. The mitochondrial chaperone complex Hsp60/Hsp10 is an integral part of this response but dysregulated in the hypothalamus in diabetic conditions. We investigated causes and consequences of this dysregulation for hypothalamic function and overall metabolism with an emphasis on lipid metabolism. Our data revealed that this dysregulation is present in the hypothalamus of type 1 and type 2 diabetic mouse models, suggesting that proper insulin action is a crucial modulator of this response. Indeed, we were able to demonstrate that insulin regulates the MSR in neurons and the hypothalamus. By regulating this response, especially the mitochondrial chaperone Hsp60, insulin enhanced mitochondrial function and regulated autophagy. Importantly, preventive intranasal insulin treatment of mice decreased high fat diet food intake and weight gain with increased expression of MSR genes in the hypothalamus, suggesting a beneficial effect of a proper regulated MSR on metabolism. To further assess the global effect of a dysregulated MSR on obesity development, a phenotype observed in diabetic conditions, we used a heterozygous Hsp60 knockout mouse model which exhibited a 50% reduction of Hsp60 protein levels. Unexpectedly, Hsp60+/- mice were protected against diet-induced obesity and exhibited decreased insulin resistance and increased energy expenditure compared to control mice. Interestingly, the reduction of Hsp60 had a major impact on adipose tissue development causing a reduction of mass, hyperplasia, increased mitochondrial protein synthesis and autophagy, indicators of an increased adipose tissue turnover. Yet as already published, these mice will suffer from neurodegeneration while aging. To understand the impact of a dysregulated Hsp60/Hsp10 complex on neuronal homeostasis and metabolism in detail, we decreased Hsp60´s co-chaperone Hsp10 in the hypothalamus using a lentiviral approach. This scientific approach unveiled the function of hypothalamic Hsp10 on mitochondrial homeostasis, insulin action and hypothalamic lipid metabolism. The reduction of Hsp10 in hypothalamic neurons caused mitochondrial dysfunction with increased mitochondrial fission and oxidative stress. Moreover, these neurons were insulin resistant and exhibited altered fatty acid metabolism with decreased expression of mitochondrial acyl-CoA dehydrogenases, key enzymes facilitating fatty acid oxidation. In line, the saturated fatty acids palmitate and stearate were elevated in Hsp10 knockdown (KD) cells. Subsequently we were able to show that the presence of elevated palmitate levels was instrumental for insulin and IGF-1 resistance in the hypothalamus and defined insulin receptor as a novel suppressor of palmitate-induced neuroinflammation. To further delineate the effect of reduced Hsp10 expression in the hypothalamus on metabolism, we generated mice with a mediobasal hypothalamic-specific reduction of Hsp10. These mice showed unaltered food intake, energy expenditure and body weight development, but exhibited altered liver metabolism with transient hepatic insulin resistance, signs of liver inflammation and increased expression of markers of hepatic gluconeogenesis. These data indicate that Hsp10 in the hypothalamus is a novel regulator of the brainliver axis. Lastly, we tested whether a dysregulated MSR altered sphingolipid metabolism in the hypothalamus, as human and mice with mutations of Hsp60 suffer from neurodegeneration with decreased myelin content. Indeed, a reduction of Hsp10 in hypothalamic neurons reduced sphingomyelin content, suggesting that the dysregulation of hypothalamic MSR impacted not only metabolism but also brain health. Overall, we identified the metabolic regulation of the Hsp60/Hsp10 complex in the hypothalamus, defined its effect on metabolism and obesity development and highlighted the importance of this complex on hypothalamic function and lipid metabolism.
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
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