Projekt Druckansicht

Kleinbäuerliche Lebensunterhaltsstrategien als Treiber für und Folge von sozio-ökologischen Transformationen: Ein qualitativer und empirischer Beitrag zur Verbesserung von regionaler Landnutzungs- und Landbedeckungsmodellierung am Beispiel von zwei Fallstudiengebieten in Mexiko und Bolivien

Fachliche Zuordnung Humangeographie
Empirische Sozialforschung
Förderung Förderung von 2015 bis 2019
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 277982814
Erstellungsjahr 2019

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

Overall aims of the project were to: 1) investigate qualitatively current transformation processes in peasant and indigenous farmers’ land use (LU) and potential socio-ecological implications, and 2) contribute to the development of meaningful generic insights from local, qualitative case studies for integration in regional to global LU analyses. To this end, a rich empirical basis was collected from two case study regions in the Velasco Province (east Bolivian) and North Chiapas (Mexico). Key insights include: • Peasant and indigenous farmers are undergoing complex and multi-faceted adaptation processes. Both structural conditions and factors that affect farmers’ agency influence the trajectories of change in farmer’s productive system and the associated LU implications. • The traditional swidden subsistence characteristic of indigenous communities is being profoundly transformed both quantitatively and qualitatively. However, these LU changes are not easily detectable through remote sensing as are typical “fish-bone” patterns of deforestation, characteristic of commercial farmers. • The first mapping of oil palm plantations in Mexico demonstrates that oil palm is, in place, resulting in deforestation of primary forest, despite accepted views that oil palm expands “only” on degraded pasture. • State policies have for decades fostered either the intensification of peasant producing systems or their abandonment. Current programmes that encourage the re-establishment of diversified, agroecological systems fail to attract farmers, who have invested work and resources to integrate conventional commodity chains. • Producers cooperatives can play a substantial role in pushing local rural development, but face many internal and external challenges that can lead them to repetitive (near) bankruptcy. • Young people in rural areas often project themselves in a future outside the countryside and in non-agricultural employment. Rural youth’s future projections may well run contrary to Western sustainable paths, even if the UN Sustainable Development Goals are realized. • Empirically-based generic insights on the life on the land and the role of agriculture produced in the project constitute building blocks for broad Business-as-usual and “Sustainable” narratives on potential socio-ecological transformations at agricultural frontiers in Latin America. Further research is needed to fully develop these narratives and test their transferability for other Latin American countries, or world regions. Surprises: • The rate and direction of changes experienced in both case study regions confirm the pertinence of our choice. Since the beginning of the project, the Velasco Province has become the hotspot of national deforestation, a tragic trend exacerbated by the August 2019 fires and current political turmoil. On the contrary, in Mexico, the president elected in 2017 rapidly brought important changes in the explicit direction of agricultural policy directed at peasant farmers. Further research is needed to understand the implications of these recent events. • Numerous colleagues and authors responded promptly to my invitation to a collective reflection on ways to foster cross-fertilization between the social and natural sciences to improve current understanding of ongoing socio-ecological transformations at extractive frontiers and formulate adequate policy recommendations. This strengthens my conviction that innovative arenas, where scientific / lay, Western / non-Western, quantitative / qualitative approaches fruitfully interact, help to produce hybrid, socially, politically and ecologically conscious research results.

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