Nanoporöse Filme aus Polydiacetylenen zum visuellen Nachweis flüchtiger organischer Verbindungen
Professor Dr. Si Wu
Fachliche Zuordnung
Analytische Chemie
Präparative und Physikalische Chemie von Polymeren
Präparative und Physikalische Chemie von Polymeren
Förderung von 2015 bis 2019
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 267083402
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
We prepared polydiacetylenes as sensors. Monomer 2 showed photopolymerization and the resulting material showed stimuli-responsive color changes. During the investigation of the azobenzene functionalities to further improve the VOC sensing behavior of the PDA unexpected results were found. It was demonstrated that light can switch azobenzene-containing polymers from solids to liquids reversibly. This work was published in Nature Chemistry, highlighted by more than 20 media all over the world, and was cited about 100 times at the moment.
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
“Photoswitching of Glass Transition Temperatures of Azobenzene-Containing Polymers Induces Reversible Solid-to-Liquid Transitions”, Nature Chemistry, 2017, 9, 145-151
H. Zhou, C. Xue, P. Weis, Y. Suzuki, S. Huang, K. Koynov, G. K. Auernhammer, R. Berger, H.-J. Butt, S. Wu
“Spanning the Solar Spectrum: Azopolymer Solar Thermal Fuels for Simultaneous UV and Visible Light Storage”, Adv. Energy Mater., 2017, 7, 1601622
A. K. Saydjari, P. Weis, S. Wu
“Co-Assemblies of Polydiacetylenes and Metal Ions for Solvent Sensing”, Soft Matter, 2018, 14, 6929 – 6937
S. Wu, L. Pan, Y. Huang, N. Yang, Q. Zhang