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Unravelling the importance of the Laptev Sea system in the Arctic biogeochemical cycling of nitrogen

Applicant Dr. Henning A. Bauch, since 3/2015
Subject Area Oceanography
Term from 2014 to 2017
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 259178662
Final Report Year 2018

Final Report Abstract

The objectives of the proposal were completely fulfilled. Our main publication in Global Biogeochemical Cycle is a contribution to the better understanding of the Arctic nitrogen cycle. We believe that this publication should have a long-lasting impact on the community interested in nutrient cycling and climate change in the Arctic. On the basis of our understanding of the modern nitrogen cycle in the Laptev Sea we were able to additionally extend our research into the past. Using a well-dated, high-resolution sediment sequence from the eastern Laptev Sea, we explored the potential of nitrogen isotopes (in the sediments) to reconstruct past environmental conditions and how these data integrate into the large-scale climate picture of the evolving Arctic environment during the last 9000 years. As a first example, the results and interpretation were recently published in Quaternary Science Reviews and are built on the finding of our first publication.



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