Projekt Druckansicht

Der Einfluss der Disposition auf den Zusammenhang zwischen Belastung und Betriebsqualität von Eisenbahnsystemen

Fachliche Zuordnung Verkehrs- und Transportsysteme, Intelligenter und automatisierter Verkehr
Förderung Förderung von 2014 bis 2017
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 259039219
Erstellungsjahr 2017

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

Through the systematic analysis of the influence of the dispatching optimization algorithm on the results of capacity research, the hypothesis of system state classification postulated and the state-dependent dispatching algorithm proposed are model and theoretically confirmed to a large extent. Both the one state and multi-state dispatching optimization algorithm have a significant influence on the results of capacity research, which are embodied in the improvements of maximum throughput capacity and recommended area of traffic flow. Furthermore, one state dispatching optimization algorithm is only suitable in case that dispatching algorithms are insensible or system states are highly homogenized. In other cases, the multi-state dispatching optimization algorithm is recommended, with which a further improvement in the results of capacity research (especially the recommended area of traffic flow) can be obtained. In practical applications, the optimal classification of system states and the optimal settings of the dispatching algorithm in the states should be case-specifically determined primarily, and then depending on the sensibility of the settings one state or multi-state dispatching algorithm could be implemented correspondingly. Moreover, this process for system state classification and optimization of dispatching algorithm settings in states is a general methodology also applicable for the other dispatching algorithms with state-dependent variables. The influence of dispatching on the results of capacity research indicates that it is necessary to combine timetable and operation simulation in extensive capacity research, in order to reach a higher accuracy of capacity research. Last but not least, the findings of this research showed that capacity research is an appropriate standard to validate the effectiveness of dispatching algorithms. Even though different dispatching algorithms may have different dispatching objective functions, the theory of capacity research provides several unified and comprehensive evaluation criteria (i.e. the results of capacity research), which makes it possible to horizontally compare these algorithms. This could undoubtedly help simulation tools to improve their integrated dispatching algorithms.

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