Bluthirnschrankenstörungen und die Bedeutung albumin induzierter TGF-Beta abhängiger Signalwege für neuronale Plastizität und assoziierte Netzwerkveränderungen
Klinische Neurologie; Neurochirurgie und Neuroradiologie
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
Postinjury epilepsy (PIE) is a devastating sequela of various brain insults including traumatic brain injury and stroke. We previously reported TGF-β receptor mediated uptake of albumin in astrocytes after blood-brain barrier (BBB) dysfunction and prior to development of seizures. Under this project we investigated in detail the role of BBB dysfunction and TGF-β signaling in alterations in synaptic plasticity. We studied synaptic plasticity in hippocampal slices as these are well-characterized in the healthy hippocampus. In addition, BBB dysfunction is a feature of the peri-ischemic hippocampus. We reported significant changes in the pattern and extent of synaptic plasticity that favor hyperexcitability, at least partly explained by reduced inhibitory transmission, excitatory synaptogenesis and changes in the extracellular matrix. These changes were also associated with seizures in over two thirds of the rats. Hyperexcitability was similarly observed following intracerebroventricular administration of serum albumin. Albumin reduced long-term depression following low-frequency stimulation and increased longterm potentiation of population spikes in response to low-frequency (20 Hz) stimulation. These changes were reversible by blocking TGFβ receptor II (TGFβR-ll). While heterosynaptic plasticity was potentiated following albumin treatment, it was insensitive to TGFβ receptor II blockage. We also described, for the first time, that epileptogenesis under BBB dysfunction and TGFβ signaling is associated with persistent degradation of protective extracellular matrix (ECM) structures called perineuronal nets (PNNs), around fast-spiking inhibitory interneurons. We found similar changes in a rat model of TBI as well as in brains of human epileptic patients. Using the observed changes in network neuronal activity under BBB dysfunction, we explored the biomarker potential of various electrographic features to predict seizures in 5 post-injury epilepsy models. We found that dynamic changes in theta activity during epileptogenesis may serve as a promising diagnostic biomarker for epileptogenesis, and reliably predict the latency to the first spontaneous seizure. In addition to the primary workplan, we also studied mechanisms underlying seizure-induced cellular injury and report pericyte-mediated loss of capillary vasoreactivity as a potential cause of energy failure during seizures. To conclude, under this DFG project we continued the close and fruitful collaboration between the Berlin and Beer-Sheva laboratories. We extended the understanding of the mechanisms underlying BBB dysfunction-induced network modifications and associated increased neuronal excitability. We strongly believe that this project highlights novel targets for the diagnosis of epileptogenesis and prevention of post-injury epilepsy and associated co-morbidities.
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
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