Projekt Druckansicht

Gewinnung elektrischer Energie aus mechanischer Deformation durch ferroelektrische Strukturen auf der Nanoebene

Fachliche Zuordnung Herstellung und Eigenschaften von Funktionsmaterialien
Experimentelle Physik der kondensierten Materie
Förderung Förderung von 2012 bis 2018
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 227613316
Erstellungsjahr 2019

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

High-quality ferroelectric and epitaxial thin films of BTO were successfully grown by pulsed laser deposition after a careful adjustment of the deposition conditions and involved materials (buffer layers and substrates). Patterning of the surface of BTO devices via electron beam and laser lithography was deleterious for the ferroelectric properties. Alternative strategies are currently being investigated to identify an appropriate tool to prepare the interdigitated metallic electrodes expected in the final nanogenerator design. A manuscript concerning the optimization of the ferroelectric properties of BTO/LSMO/STO heterostructures and difficulties related to the patterning of top electrodes via lithographic methods is currently under preparation. The final aim is to test the idea of energy harvesting by applying an external strain to the substrate and concurrently measuring the voltage produced between the electrodes onto the BTO surface. With help of our simulation model we obtained good insight into the working principle of the preferential energy harvesting system and optimized some design parameters as geometry of the top electrodes and voltage of the outer electric circuit at the working point. We fully developed the enhanced Finite Element phase field formulation into 3D, added element formulations for the elastic interaction between ferroelectric film, substrate, and top electrodes. Finally, the electric potential outside the solid object was taken into account. We published articles onto the enhanced phase field model, the formulation of periodic boundary conditions for ferroelectric phase field models, the principle of ferroelectric energy harvesting at the nanoscale, and the simulation of leakage effects in BTO. In the second period Franziska Wöhler attended the experiments and learned how to obtain, interprete and transfer experimental results into our simulation model. We have prepared a joint paper to bring together simulation and experimental results. However, we often have been relying onto results from the literature to perform the theoretical part of the work program. In hindsight we would schedule the workflow between experimental and theoretical work differently. Additionally, we have underestimated the difficulty to grow good quality BTO thin films on a conductive buffer layer. Moreover, keeping a complex instrument as the pulsed laser deposition unit in constant efficient working conditions has represented another time-consuming task. It is also obvious that we have not been able to measure the performance of the energy harvesting system since the patterning of top electrodes has not been completed as yet. The work group of Prof. Hahn continues to fabricate new BTO/LSMO/STO samples and to test alternative lithographic methods with the final aim to realize interdigitated top electrodes giving satisfactory ferroelectric characteristics.

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