Projekt Druckansicht

Building Better Bad Banks: The Political Economy of Public Asset Management Companies for Resolving Financial Crises

Fachliche Zuordnung Politikwissenschaft
Förderung Förderung von 2013 bis 2019
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 220642283
Erstellungsjahr 2018

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

This project explored the politics concerning asset management corporations (AMCs), or bad banks. Its framework considered transparency, accountability, and the rules of the game. As we document for the first time, governments have created over 100 such bodies since the 1980s. Some were closed relatively quickly while others take on a life of their own. Moreover, there is considerable variance concerning the overall level of transparency of the supervisor and of the financial sector more generally that affects choices about AMCs. Particularly in Europe, it is difficult to get such information. For governments, the choice about whether to set up an AMC and, if so, in what form depends at least in part on the accounting treatment of the assets and liabilities of that body. In Japan, a change in the rules in the late 1990s encouraged the government to go the AMC route to address its financial crisis. In Europe, Eurostat rulings affected whether governments wanted an AMC and, if so, whether the AMC was majority privately owned. In the course of the work, we created an intuitive method to measure financial crises, which was critical for our work into the creation of AMCs and efforts by governments prior to elections to “stretch” their fiscal rules. In total, all work was co-written by the professor and post doctoral fellow.

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