Projekt Druckansicht

Applications of generalized statistics in critical phenomena and financial markets

Fachliche Zuordnung Statistische Physik, Nichtlineare Dynamik, Komplexe Systeme, Weiche und fluide Materie, Biologische Physik
Förderung Förderung von 2012 bis 2016
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 210762288
Erstellungsjahr 2017

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

The present project applies methods and techniques known from nonequilibrium statistical physics and information theory to systems exhibiting generalized statistics. Broadly speaking, generalized statistics characterizes processes, which have broad (or heavy-tail) distributions. The difficulty in working with generalized statistics lies in the fact that the Central Limit Theorem alongside with the usual methods of statistical physics cannot be applied. Theoretical qualification for such “non-canonical” distributions is provided by means of the generalized Central Limit Theorem of P. Lévy. Phenomena obeying generalized statistics are very diverse and structurally rich including fractional diffusion processes, multifractals, volatility fluctuations, or certain polymer growth models. Primary focus of the project has been in presently intensely studied systems represented by distributions emerging either from the Rényi and Tsallis Maximum-Entropy prescription or from Superstatistics. Central applications have been in financial markets, polymer physics, and in the theory of critical phenomena in strongly-interacting many-particle systems.

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