Projekt Druckansicht

Core Facility: Morphology - Imaging - Skeletal Characterization

Fachliche Zuordnung Rheumatologie
Förderung Förderung von 2010 bis 2018
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 169330336
Our group will serve as a core facility for characterization of bone samples of any origin. Our institute is equipped and has ample experince in the characterization of bone samples including imaging modalities (contact-x-ray to μCT-imaging), histology (including undecalcified processing), histomorphometry, bone quality assessment (from BMDD assement by qBEI to μ-xray element analysis) and functional testing (biomechanics). As a core facility we will provide service to both basic and clinical projects. For basic research projects we provide full skeletal characterization of any mouse model used in the program project on highest international standard at the cellular, structural, functional level. For clinical research projects we provide complete processing and evaluation of bone biopsies, including histopathological diagnosis and histomorphometry. Furthermore we will offer μCT imaging not only ex vivo (μCT40) but also in vivo (XtremeCT) at the highest possible resolution. As an integral part of our service we will further teach young scientist working in any project of the program in skeletal imaging and skeletal morphology. To accomplish this task we will establish an annual summer-course ‚Bone Morphology – Imaging – Physiology – Pathology’ open to all young scientist from the program project. Further we would offer to host visiting scientist in our labs in Hamburg for a period of time. This core facility will significantly strengthen the whole program as all partners involved will have full access to the Hamburg experience and infrastructure in bone morphology, imaging and pathology. Thus skeletal analysis of all bone samples within the program project SPP 1468 will meet highest international standards. Furthermore it will be cost effective as this core facility makes it dispensable to establish the expensive and complex infrastructure needed for both bone imaging and undecalcified histological processing of bone for each individual project.
DFG-Verfahren Schwerpunktprogramme
Beteiligte Person Dr. Jozef Zustin


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