Projekt Druckansicht

Novel approaches for detecting and analyzing stuctural variants in personal genomes

Antragsteller Dr. Jan Korbel
Fachliche Zuordnung Bioinformatik und Theoretische Biologie
Förderung Förderung von 2010 bis 2015
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 167077255
Erstellungsjahr 2015

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

Genomic structural variants (SVs), such as copy-number variants or large balanced inversions, represent a major form of genetic variation with an impact on the human genome similar to single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). However, compared to SNPs, our understanding of SVs has been more limited. Prior to us pursuing research funded through this Emmy Noether project, the resolution of published surveys has thus far been insufficient for mapping the start- and end-points (i.e., breakpoints) of SVs, hampering detailed analyses of SVs. We proposed to study SVs in unprecedented detail, by developing computational approaches based on next-generation DNA sequencing data to identify SVs and analyze their extent in the genome; mining published datasets to unravel SV de novo formation processes; and applying approaches to measure SV de novo formation rates and to infer the influence of natural selection. We accomplished all three aspects. Specifically, we first systematically collected information on SVs with known breakpoints and standardized their description in a breakpoint library, which we initially published in 2011 and have since been updating in the literature. Scanning short DNA sequencing reads against the library enables accurate SV-detection and thus adding significant value to “personal genomes” that presently lack detailed SV analyses. We have also demonstrated the use of read depth analysis to detect SVs reliably, and we have demonstrated the use of these principles to obtain new insights into effects of SVs on gene expression. Second, we developed a framework for untangling SV formation by devising computational approaches for inferring the likely ancestral state (by comparison with primate genomes) and the likely causal mutational mechanism (by breakpoint analysis) at each SV locus, a principle we have employed to study SV formation in humans, chimpanzees, orangutans and macaques. Third, we have been estimating SV formation rates experimentally, and SV-occurrence frequencies computationally, to assess the factors contributing to the abundance and distribution of SVs in the genome – which may involve both formation mechanism biases (such as fragile sites or “SV hotspots“ in the genome) as well as evolutionary selection. Since our proposed sperm-based analyses of SV formation proved to be more challenging than anticipated at application stage, we followed a contingency plan using the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae for studying SV formation, which unexpectedly uncovered an exciting novel link between meiotic genes and DNA repair processes relevant to de novo SV formation. Research we have carried out so far has given us novel insights into common structural rearrangements in the genome – which have been published in "Nature". Research from the Korbel group that is funded by this Emmy Noether project has received coverage in normal print and online media (such as “Hamburger Abendblatt” on February 3rd 2011, as well as online at several sites including “Science Daily”; see

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