GRK 1666: Transformation globaler Agrar- und Lebensmittelmärkte: Trends, Triebkräfte und Implikationen für Entwicklungsländer
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
Global agri-food systems are undergoing a rapid transformation towards higher-value products, new standards, and a higher degree of international and vertical integration. This transformation is largely driven by changing consumer preferences and new opportunities for the agribusiness sector arising from globalization. The ramifications for industry structure, competitiveness, and social welfare are not yet sufficiently understood. Likewise, there are knowledge gaps for public and private sector policymaking to enhance efficiency and equity outcomes, also with a view to smallholder farmers and other poor households in developing countries. The overall objective of the GlobalFood RTG was to analyze trends, driving forces, and implications of the agri-food system transformation and train future generations of first-class researchers and policymakers in relevant fields. The interdisciplinary research and training program was carried out in cooperation with the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) – an international research and policy think tank. Some of the studies were based on modeling with secondary data. In addition, the doctoral and postdoctoral researchers collected extensive primary data through household and industry surveys as well as laboratory and field experiments in developed and developing countries. During the 9-year funding period, important research results were developed on the restructuring of global food supply chains and the broader implications for farmers, consumers, and other supply chain actors, including farm workers, traders, food processing companies, and the retail sector. Effects of the agri-food system transformation on nutrition, health, and gender equity were also analyzed. RTG research results have achieved wide international visibility. GlobalFood junior researchers produced more than 130 peer-reviewed journal articles, many published in the top field journals of agricultural economics, development economics, and food security, a few also in interdisciplinary high impact factor journals such as Nature Sustainability and PNAS. RTG results on the effects of the supermarket revolution on people’s diets and nutrition, the implications of voluntary food standards on social equity, and nutrition-sensitive agriculture in developing countries were also featured in invited paper sessions of large conferences and in flagship publications of international organizations, including the Global Nutrition Report 2020 and the Global Panel’s Foresight Report on “Future Food Systems”. In three-year intervals, the RTG also organized its own international conference – the GlobalFood Symposium – which regularly attracted more than 200 scholars to Göttingen from all over the world. The RTG was also successful in terms of training junior researchers and fostering team diversity. Fifty-seven doctoral researchers completed their PhD degree in GlobalFood (as of November 2020; a few others are about to complete), 32 of which were female. RTG junior researchers came from 27 different countries, including many from Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Twenty-one of the junior researchers had children, often more than one. The RTG supported work-family compatibility through various measures tailored to individual needs. Junior researchers also benefited a lot from opportunities to network internationally and present their results at international conferences. So far, GlobalFood junior researchers made 229 academic conference presentations based on their RTG research results. Many junior researchers took up academic positions after leaving the RTG; others got attractive jobs in national and international development organizations, including several CGIAR Centers. Finally, the GlobalFood RTG also had lasting structural effects at the University of Göttingen. It contributed to strengthening the cooperation between the Faculties of Agriculture and Economics and the partnerships with IFPRI and other international partners. The RTG also helped to foster doctoral training within structured PhD programs and to reduce the average time to thesis submission. GlobalFood was an important factor in making Göttingen one of the leading places for agricultural economics and food systems-related research and training in Europe.
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
(2011). Counterproductive counternarcotic strategies? GlobalFood Discussion Paper 7, University of Göttingen
Andersson, C.
(2011). Farmers, consumers and gatekeepers and their attitudes towards biotechnology. African Journal of Biotechnology 10(23), 4767-4776
Kimenju, S.C., C. Bett, J. Wanyama, H. De Groote
(2011). Improving the use of experimental auctions in Africa: Theory and evidence. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 36(2), 263-279
Morawetz, U.B., H. De Groote, S.C. Kimenju
(2012). Consumer preferences for maize products in urban Kenya. Food & Nutrition Bulletin 33(2), 99-110
De Groote, H., S.C. Kimenju
(2012). Governance and standards in Chilean-German food supply chains. In L. Theuvsen, A. Voss (Eds.), International High Value Chains. Cuvillier Verlag: Göttingen, pp. 143- 167
Otter, V., L. Theuvsen
(2012). Investment and disinvestment in irrigation technology – An experimental analysis of farmers’ decision behavior. Annual Meeting of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) 2012, Seattle, Washington, US
Ihli, H.J., S.C. Maart, O. Musshoff
(2012). Price transmission from international to domestic markets. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 15, University of Göttingen
Greb, F., N. Jamora, C. Mengel, S. von Cramon-Taubadel, N. Würriehausen
(2013). Analysis of urban consumers’ willingness to pay a premium for African Leafy Vegetables (ALVs) in Kenya: A case of Eldoret Town. Food Security 5, 591-595
Chelanga, P.K., G.A. Obare, S.C. Kimenju
(2013). Characterizing convinced sustainable food consumers. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 28, University of Göttingen
von Meyer-Höfer, M., V. von der Wense, A. Spiller
(2013). Consumers’ expectations in mature and emerging European organic food markets. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 25, University of Göttingen
von Meyer-Höfer, M., S. Nitzko, A. Spiller
(2013). Counterproductive counternarcotic strategies? American Journal of Agricultural Economics 95(4), 917-931
Andersson, C.
(2013). Der Country-of-Origin-Effekt bei Schokolade aus ecuadorianischem Kakao: Eine empirische Analyse der Verbraucherwahrnehmung. 53rd German Association of Agricultural Economists (GEWISOLA) Annual Conference, Berlin, Germany, September 25-27, 2013
Otter, V., B. Prechtel, L. Theuvsen
(2013). Der Country-of-Origin-Effekt bei Schokolade aus ecuadorianischem Kakao: Eine empirische Analyse der Verbraucherwahrnehmung. In Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V. (47), 361-362. Landwirtschaftsverlag: Münster
Otter, V., L. Theuvsen
(2013). Do changing probabilities or payoffs in lottery-choice experiments matter? Evidence from rural Uganda. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 24, University of Göttingen
Ihli, H.J., B. Chiputwa, O. Musshoff
(2013). Effectiveness of hermetic systems in controlling maize storage pests in Kenya. Journal of Stored Products Research 53, 27-36
De Groote, H., S.C. Kimenju, P. Likhayo, F. Kanampiu, T. Tefera, J. Hellin
(2013). Following up on smallholder farmers and supermarkets. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 23, University of Göttingen
Andersson, C., C. Chege, M. Qaim, E.J.O. Rao
(2013). Food standards, certification, and poverty among coffee farmers in Uganda. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 27, University of Göttingen
Chiputwa, B., M. Qaim, D.J. Spielman
(2013). ICT and farm productivity: Evidence from the Chilean agricultural export sector. In M. Clasen, M. Hamer, S. Lehnert, B. Petersen, L. Theuvsen (Eds.). IT-Standards in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft; Fokus: Risiko- und Krisenmanagement. Köllen Verlag: Bonn, pp. 113-116
Otter, V., L. Theuvsen
(2013). Investment behavior of Ugandan smallholder farmers: An experimental analysis. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 21, University of Göttingen
Ihli, H.J., O. Musshoff
(2013). Mature and emerging organic markets: Modeling consumer attitudes and behaviour with PLS. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 26, University of Göttingen
von Meyer-Höfer, M., E. Olea-Jaik, C. Padilla-Bravo, A. Spiller
(2013). Measuring risk attitudes of smallholder farmers in Uganda: How consistent are results of different methods? Second International Agricultural Risk, Finance, and Insurance Conference (IARFIC), 16-18 June 2013, Vancouver, Canada
Ihli, H.J., B. Chiputwa, F.G. Bauermeister, O. Musshoff
(2013). Spatial patterns of organic agriculture adoption: Evidence from Honduras. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 20, University of Göttingen
Wollni, M., C. Andersson
(2013). Supply chains of non-traditional export products between Latin America and Europe: The role of private certification standards. In A. Engler, R. Valdes, J. Diaz, S. von Cramon-Taubadel, S. Lakner (Eds.). Understanding the Agricultural Sector in Latin America: Results from a Chilean-German Academic Cooperation. Universidad de Talca, Talca, pp. 51-71
Müller, A., V. Otter, L. Theuvsen
(2013). The use of mobile phones for the exchange of information in the Chilean agri-business. In M. Horbach (Ed.). Informatik angepasst an Menschen, Organisation und Umwelt. Köllen Verlag, Bonn, pp. 1755-1762
Otter, V., L. Theuvsen
(2013). Understanding the investment behavior of Ugandan smallholder farmers: An experimental analysis. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meeting, 2013, Washington, D.C.
Ihli, H.J., O. Musshoff
(2014). An empirical estimation of the underground economy in Ghana. Economic Research International
Asiedu, E., T. Stengos
(2014). An empirical examination on the dynamics of cultivar turnover in Indian wheat. IFPRI Discussion Paper 1336, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington D.C.
Krishna, V.V, D.J. Spielman, P.C. Veettil, S. Ghimire
(2014). Are the elder more effective implementing punishment? Experimental evidence from urban Ghana. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 39, University of Göttingen
Asiedu, E., M. Ibanez
(2014). Bt cotton and ecosystem impact of pesticide reductions. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 41, University of Göttingen
Veettil, P.C., V.V. Krishna, M. Qaim
(2014). Calorie elasticities with income dynamics: Evidence from the literature. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 35, University of Göttingen
Zhou, D., X. Yu
(2014). Characteristics and barriers of sustainable food consumption in Germany. In M. Eder, F. Sinabell, T. Stern (Eds.) Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie 23,231-240. Facultas Verlag: Wien
von Meyer-Höfer, M., A. Spiller
(2014). Decision making under uncertainty in developed and developing countries: An experimental analysis of farmers’ risk attitude and investment behavior. PhD thesis, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Göttingen
Ihli, H.J.
(2014). Der Country-Of-Origin-Effekt in der Wahrnehmung deutscher Verbraucher von Schokolade aus Ecuadorianischem Kakao: Herkunftsangaben als Differenzierungspotential für Lebensmittel aus Außereuropäischen Ländern. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 40, University of Göttingen
Otter, V., B. Prechtel, L. Theuvsen
(2014). Determinants of price transmission in west African rice markets. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 37, University of Göttingen
Mengel, C., S. von Cramon-Taubadel
(2014). Determinants of price transmission. PhD thesis, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Göttingen
Mengel, C.
(2014). Does timing matter? A real options experiment to farmers’ investment and disinvestment behaviours. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 58(3), 430-452
Ihli, H.J., S.C. Maart-Noelck, O. Musshoff
(2014). Dynamic food demand in China and international nutrition transition. PhD thesis, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Göttingen
Zhou, D.
(2014). Dynamic food demand in urban China. China Agricultural Economic Review 7(1), 27-44
Zhou, D., X. Yu, T. Herzfeld
(2014). Dynamic food demand in urban China. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 33, University of Göttingen
Zhou, D., X. Yu, T. Herzfeld
(2014). Essays on women’s empowerment in developing countries. PhD thesis, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Göttingen
Banerjee, D.
(2014). Ethnicity and gender differences in risk and ambiguity attitude producers. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 42, University of Göttingen
Banerjee, D.
(2014). Fitting the gravity model when zero trade flows are frequent: A comparison of estimation techniques. 16th European Trade Study Group Annual Conference, September 2014
Kareem, F.O.
(2014). Food standards, certification, and poverty among coffee farmers in Uganda. XIVth Congress of the European Association of Agricultural economists (EAAE), ‘Agri-Food and Rural Innovations for Healthier Societies’, August 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Chiputwa, B., M. Qaim, D.J. Spielman
(2014). Impacts of supermarkets on farm household nutrition in Kenya. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 31, University of Göttingen
Chege, C.G.K., C.I.M. Andersson, M. Qaim
(2014). Impacts of supermarkets on farm household nutrition in Kenya. XIV Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE), ‘Agri-Food and Rural Innovations for Healthier Societies’, August 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Chege, C.G.K., C.I.M. Andersson, M. Qaim
(2014). Is there an expectation gap? Consumers’ expectations towards organic: an exploratory survey in mature and emerging European organic food markets. British Food Journal 117(5), 1527-1546
von Meyer-Höfer, M., S. Nitzko, A. Spiller
(2014). Making it personal: Breach and private ordering in a contract farming experiment. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 47, University of Göttingen
Kunte, S., M. Wollni, C. Keser
(2014). Modeling and estimation of gravity equation in the presence of zero trade: A validation of hypotheses using Africa's trade data. 140th EAAE seminar on theories and empirical applications on policy and governance of agri-food value chains, University of Perugia, Italy, December 2013
Kareem, F.O.
(2014). Nutrition effects of the supermarket revolution on urban consumers and smallholder farmers in Kenya. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 40, University of Göttingen
Qaim, M., C.I.M. Andersson, C.G.K. Chege, S.C. Kimenju, S. Klasen, R. Rischke
(2014). Organic food consumption in Chile. In A. Engler, R. Valdes, J. Diaz, S. von Cramon-Taubadel, S. Lakner (Eds.). Understanding the agricultural sector in Latin America: Results from a Chilean-German academic cooperation. Universidad de Talca: Talca, 171-188
von Meyer-Höfer, M., E. Olea-Jaik, S. Lakner
(2014). Organizational structures in international high value food chains: Evidence from Latin America. PhD thesis, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Göttingen
Otter, V.
(2014). Product differentiation and consumer preferences for sustainable food. PhD thesis, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Göttingen
von Meyer-Höfer, M.
(2014). Productivity and efficiency impacts of zero tillage wheat in Northwest Indo Gangetic Plains. Agricultural Systems 127, 126-138
Krishna, V.V., P.C. Veettil
(2014). Projecting meat and cereals demand for China based on a meta-analysis of income elasticities. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 34, University of Göttingen
Zhou, D. X. Yu, D. Abler, D. Chen
(2014). Proximity and price co-movement in west African rice markets. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 38, University of Göttingen
Mengel, C., S. von Cramon-Taubadel
(2014). Spatial patterns of organic agriculture adoption: Evidence from Honduras. Ecological Economics 97, 120-128
Wollni, M., C. Andersson
(2014). Specification and estimation of gravity models: A review of the issues in the literature. Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies Working Paper (RSCAS) 2014/74
Kareem, F.O., O.I. Kareem
(2014). Supermarkets and the nutrition transition in Kenya. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 29, University of Göttingen
Rischke, R., S.C. Kimenju, M. Qaim, S. Klasen
(2014). Supplier dynamics in horticultural export chains - Evidence from Ecuador. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 50. University of Göttingen
Romero, C., M. Wollni
(2014). Sustainability a semi-globalisable concept for international food marketing - Consumer expectations regarding sustainable food - An explorative survey in industrialised and emerging countries. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 44, University of Göttingen
von Meyer-Höfer, M., A. Spiller
(2014). Sustainability of agricultural supply chains: the case of organic farming in Germany. In A. Engler, R. Valdes, J. Diaz, S. von Cramon-Taubadel, S. Lakner (Eds.). Understanding the Agricultural Sector in Latin America: Results from a Chilean-German Academic Cooperation. Universidad de Talca: Talca, 149-169
Lakner, S., M. von Meyer-Höfer
(2014). Sustainability standards, gender and nutrition among coffee farmers in Uganda. PhD thesis, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Göttingen
Chiputwa, B.
(2014). Sustainability standards, gender, and nutrition among small-holder farmers in Uganda. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 52, University of Göttingen
Chiputwa, B., M. Qaim
(2014). The country-of-origin effect for chocolate from Ecuadorian cocoa: An empirical analysis of consumer perception. Economia Agro- Alimentare 16(3), 43-60
Otter, V., B. Prechtel, L. Theuvsen
(2014). The influence of the interplay of supply chain network relationships on farmers’ performance in the Chilean NTAE- sector. Journal on Chain and Network Science 14(3), 149-169
Otter, V., A. Engler, L. Theuvsen
(2014). The nutrition transition and indicators of child malnutrition. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 53, University of Göttingen
Kimenju, S.C., M. Qaim
(2014). The nutrition transition, supermarkets, and nutritional outcomes in developing countries. PhD thesis, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Göttingen
Kimenju, S.C.
(2014). The weaker sex? Gender differences in punishment across matrilineal and patriarchal societies. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 30, University of Göttingen
Asiedu, E., M. Ibanez
(2014). Three essays in empirical and experimental development economics: Pro-social behavior, monitoring of development- linked public goods and inequality in Sub-Saharan Africa. PhD thesis, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Göttingen
Asiedu, E.
(2015). An analysis of the dynamics of two high-value export chains: Smallholder participation, standards and trust. PhD thesis, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Göttingen
Romero, C.
(2015). Calorie elasticities with income dynamics: Evidence from the literature. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 37(4), 575-601
Zhou, D., X. Yu
(2015). Calorie elasticities with income dynamics: Evidence from the literature. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 37, 575-601
Zhou, D., X. Yu
(2015). Characterising convinced sustainable food consumers. British Food Journal 117(3), 1082-1104
von Meyer-Höfer, M., V. von der Wense, A. Spiller
(2015). Contractual relationships in the absence of formal enforcement: Experimental evidence from Germany and Kenya. PhD thesis, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Göttingen
Kunte, S.
(2015). Do supermarkets contribute to the obesity pandemic in developing countries? Public Health Nutrition 18(17), 3224-3233
Kimenju, S.C., R. Rischke, S. Klasen, M. Qaim
(2015). Do supermarkets contribute to the obesity pandemic in developing countries? Public Health Nutrition 18, 3224-3233
Kimenju, S.C., R. Rischke, S. Klasen, M. Qaim
(2015). Dynamics of smallholder participation in horticultural export chains – Evidence from Ecuador. International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) Conference, August 2015, Milan, Italy
Romero, C., M. Wollni
(2015). Exploring the supply and demand factors of varietal turnover in Indian wheat. Journal of Agricultural Science 154(2), 258-272
Krishna, V.V, D.J. Spielman, P.C. Veettil
(2015). Following up on smallholder farmers and supermarkets in Kenya. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 97(4), 1247-1266
Andersson, C., C. Chege, E.J.O. Rao, M. Qaim
(2015). Following up on smallholder farmers and supermarkets in Kenya. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 97, 1247-1266
Andersson, C., C. Chege, E.J.O. Rao, M. Qaim
(2015). Food safety standards, compliance and European Union’s rejection of African exports: The role of domestic factors. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 74
Kareem, F.O., B. Brümmer, I. Martinez-Zarzoso
(2015). Food standards, certification, and poverty among coffee farmers in Uganda. World Development 66, 400-412
Chiputwa, B., D.J. Spielman, M. Qaim
(2015). Impacts of supermarkets on farm household nutrition in Kenya. World Development 72, 394-407
Chege, C.G.K., C.I.M. Andersson, M. Qaim
(2015). Mature and emerging organic markets: Modelling consumer attitude and behaviour with partial least square approach. Journal of Food Products Marketing 21(6), 625-653
von Meyer-Höfer, M., E. Olea-Jaik, C. Padilla-Bravo, A. Spiller
(2015). Obstacle or opportunity? Food safety standards as a challenge for developing countries. GlobalFood Policy Brief 1, University of Göttingen
Ehrich, M., F. Kareem, A. Masood, A. Müller
(2015). Price transmission from world to local grain markets in developing countries – Why it matters, how it works, and how it should be enhanced. In I. Gillson, A. Fouad (Eds). Trade Policy and Food Security: Improving Access to Food in Developing Countries in the Wake of High World Prices. World Bank, Washington, DC
Zorya, S., S. von Cramon-Taubadel, F. Greb, N. Jamora, C. Mengel, N. Würriehausen
(2015). Price transmission in hog and feed markets of China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 14(6), 1122-1129
Zhou D., D. Koemle
(2015). Production diversity and dietary diversity in smallholder farm households. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 112, 10657- 10662
Sibhatu, K.T., V.V. Krishna, M. Qaim
(2015). Production diversity and dietary diversity in smallholder farm households. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 112, 10657-10662
Sibhatu, K.T., V.V. Krishna, M. Qaim
(2015). Risky environments, hidden knowledge, and preferences for contract flexibility: An artefactual field experiment. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 69, University of Göttingen
Kunte, S., M. Wollni
(2015). Supermarkets and food consumption patterns: the case of small towns in Kenya. Food Policy 52, 9-21
Rischke, R., S.C. Kimenju, S. Klasen, M. Qaim
(2015). Supplier dynamics in horticultural export chains - Evidence from Ecuador. Revised version. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 71, University of Göttingen
Romero, C., M. Wollni
(2015). Sustainable food consumption in China and India. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 60, University of Göttingen
von Meyer-Höfer, M., A.M. Juarez Tijerino, A. Spiller
(2015). The ability of organisations to adopt foreign food standards. 55th Annual Conference of the German Association of Agricultural Economists (GEWISOLA) Giessen, Germany, 2015
Ehrich, M., S. Hess
(2015). The ability of organisations to adopt foreign food standards. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 73, University of Göttingen
Ehrich, M., S. Hess
(2015). The effect of opportunistic behavior on trust: An experimental approach. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 70, University of Göttingen
Romero, C., M. Wollni
(2015). The Ethiopian Commodity Exchange and spatial price dispersion. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 72, University of Göttingen
Andersson, C., M. Bezabih, A. Mannberg
(2015). The implication of European Union's food regulations on developing countries: Food safety standards, entry price system and Africa's exports. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 61
Kareem, F.O., B. Brümmer, I. Martinez-Zarzoso
(2015). Why the Norwegians do not drink organic milk – An analysis of differences in the consumption of organic milk in Germany and Norway. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 62, University of Göttingen
von Saurma-Jeltsch, A.K., M. von Meyer-Höfer
(2016). A meta-analysis of food demand elasticities for China. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 38(1), 50-72
Chen D., D. Abler, D. Zhou, X. Yu, W. Thompson
(2016). Association between household unavailability of iodized salt and child growth: evidence from 89 demographic and health surveys. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 104, 1093-1100
Krämer, M., R. Kupka, S.V. Subramanian, S. Vollmer
(2016). Coming home without supplies: Impact of household needs on bribe involvement and gender gaps. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 75, University of Göttingen
Asiedu, E.
(2016). Consumer expectations regarding sustainable food: Insights from developed and emerging markets. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 19(3), 141-170
Sidali, K.L., A. Spiller, M. von Meyer-Höfer
(2016). Distance and border effects on price transmission: A meta-analysis. Journal of Agricultural Economics 67, 255-271
Kouyaté, C., S. von Cramon-Taubadel
(2016). Do changing probabilities or payoffs in lottery-choice experiments affect risk preference outcomes? Evidence from rural Uganda. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 41(2), 324-345
Ihli, H.J., B. Chiputwa, O. Musshoff
(2016). Economic growth, climate change, and obesity. Current Obesity Reports 5(4), 441-448
Minos, D., I. Butzlaff, K.M. Demmler, R. Rischke
(2016). Ecosystem impacts of pesticide reductions through Bt cotton adoption. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 60, 1-20
Veettil, P.C., V.V. Krishna, M. Qaim
(2016). Essays on the implications of European Union sanitary and phytosanitary measures and technical barriers to trade on African exports. PhD thesis, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Göttingen
Kareem, F.O.
(2016). EU-African regional trade agreements as a development tool to reduce EU border rejections. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 87, University of Göttingen
Fiankor, D.D.D., M. Ehrich, B. Brümmer
(2016). Exploring consumers' expectations of sustainability in mature and emerging markets. Journal of Global Marketing 29(2), 71-84
Gassler, B., M. von Meyer-Höfer, A. Spiller
(2016). Fitting the gravity model when zero trade flows are frequent: A comparison of estimation techniques using Africa's trade data. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 77
Kareem, F.O., I. Martinez-Zarzoso, B. Brümmer
(2016). Gender differences in compliance: The role of social value orientation. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 88, University of Göttingen
Grosch, K., H. A. Rau
(2016). Have industrialized countries shut the door and left the key inside? Rethinking the role of private standards in international fruit trade. International Food Agribusiness Management Review 19(2), 1-20
Sonntag, W., V. Otter, V. Kersting, L. Theuvsen
(2016). Measure consumer preferences for pork attributes under different media coverage in China. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 79, University of Göttingen
Yan, Z., X. Yu, D. Zhou
(2016). Protecting health or protecting imports? Evidence from EU non-tariff barriers. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 84
Kareem, F.O., I. Martinez-Zarzoso, B. Brümmer
(2016). Proximity and price co-movement in West African rice markets. African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 11(3), 167-182
Kouyaté, C., S. von Cramon-Taubadel, I. Fofana
(2016). Small farmers’ preferences for the design of certification schemes: Does gender matter? Annual Meeting of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA), 2016, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Meemken, E.M., P.C. Veettil, M. Qaim
(2016). Small farmers’ preferences for the design of certification schemes: Does gender matter? GlobalFood Discussion Paper 83. University of Göttingen
Meemken, E.M., P. C. Veetil, M. Qaim
(2016). Sustainability standards, gender, and nutrition among smallholder farmers in Uganda. Journal of Development Studies 52(9), 1241-1257
Chiputwa, B., M. Qaim
(2016). The ability of organisations to adopt foreign trade standards. In: Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus (eds.), Perspektiven für die Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft nach der Liberalisierung (51), 157-169. German Association of Agricultural Economists, Landwirtschaftsverlag Münster
Ehrich, M., S. Hess
(2016). The nutrition transition and indicators of child malnutrition. Fifth International Conference of the African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE) 2016, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Kimenju, S.C., M. Qaim
(2016). The nutrition transition and indicators of child malnutrition. Food Security 8(3), 571-583
Kimenju, S.C., M. Qaim
(2016). The role of fairtrade certification for wages and job satisfaction of plantation workers. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 89, University of Göttingen
Krumbiegel, K., M. Maertens, M. Wollni
(2016). The role of private standards for manufactured food exports from developing countries. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 85. University of Göttingen
Ehrich, M., A. Mangelsdorf
(2016). With trust and a little help from our friends: How the Nicaragua Learning Alliance scaled-up training in agribusiness In I. Dror et al. (Ed.) Innovation Platforms for Agricultural Development (p.16-41). Routledge: New York
Landmann, D.H., J.J. Cadilhon
(2017). Can private food standards promote gender equality in the small farm sector? 57th Annual Conference of the German Association of Agricultural Economists (GEWISOLA) 2017, Germany
Meemken, E.M., M. Qaim
(2017). Can private food standards promote gender equality in the small farm sector? Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meeting 2017, Chicago, Illinois
Meemken, E.M., M. Qaim
(2017). Can private food standards promote gender equality in the small farm sector? GlobalFood Discussion Paper 99, University of Göttingen
Meemken, E.M., M. Qaim
(2017). Can sustainability standards promote socioeconomic development in the small farm sector? Insights from coffee producers in Uganda. PhD thesis, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Göttingen
Meemken, E.M.
(2017). Competition and prosociality: A field experiment in Ghana. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 113, University of Göttingen
Grosch, K., M. Ibanez, A. Viceisza
(2017). Contract farming in developing countries – A behavioral perspective on contract choice and compliance. PhD thesis, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Göttingen
Fischer, S.
(2017). Determinants of smallholder farmers’ intention to use smartphones – Evidence from rural India. In A. Ruckelshausen et al. (Ed.) Digitale Transformation – Wege in eine zukunftsfähige Landwirtschaft (p. 93-96), Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn
Landmann, D.H., C.J. Lagerkvist, V. Otter
(2017). Do discriminatory pay regimes unleash antisocial behavior? CEGE Discussion Paper 315, Center for European, Governance and Economic Development Research, University of Göttingen
Grosch, K., H.A. Rau
(2017). Does GlobalGAP certification promote agrifood exports? GlobalFood Discussion Paper 112, University of Göttingen
Fiankor, D.D.D., I. Flachsbarth, A. Masood, B. Brümmer
(2017). Drivers and constraints for OSH improvement in global value chains – the perspective of research on global food and agriculture supply chains. In: International Labour Organization (Ed.): Food and agriculture global value chains: Drivers and constraints for occupational safety and health improvement. Volume 1 – Perspectives from relevant research areas. Geneva: ILO, 29-43
Grassnick, N., T. Kopp
(2017). Essays in behavioral labor economics. Experimental evidence from Germany and Ghana. PhD Thesis, Faculty of Economic Sciences. University of Göttingen
Grosch, K.
(2017). Essays on effects of policy interventions in the realm of food standards, trade and the German labour market. PhD thesis, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Göttingen
Ehrich, M.
(2017). Essays on the gender price GAP and future global food requirements. PhD thesis, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Göttingen
Depenbusch, L.
(2017). Essays on transaction costs and food diversity in developing countries. PhD thesis, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Göttingen
Steffen, C.
(2017). European Union market access conditions and Africa’s extensive margin of food trade. World Economy 40(10), 2277-2300
Kareem, F.O., B. Brümmer, B., I. Martinez-Zarzoso
(2017). Fairtrade certification on plantations: Household wealth and welfare implications for hired labor. In P. Parvathi, U. Grote, H. Waibel (Eds.) Fair Trade and Organic Agriculture: A Winning Combination? Wallingford: CAB International
Krumbiegel K., M. Wollni
(2017). Farmers’ preferences for supermarket contracts in Kenya. Food Policy 68, 100-111
Ochieng, D.O., P.C. Veettil, M. Qaim
(2017). Gender differences in honesty - the role of social value orientation. CEGE Discussion Paper 308, Center for European, Governance and Economic Development Research, University of Göttingen
Grosch, K., H.A. Rau
(2017). Gender differences in honesty: The role of social value orientation. Journal of Economic Psychology 62, 258-267
Grosch, K., H.A. Rau
(2017). Gender differences in honesty: The role of social value orientation. Journal of Economic Psychology 62, 258-267
Grosch, K., H.A. Rau
(2017). Gender price gaps in central Kenyan vegetable wet markets. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 108, University of Göttingen
Depenbusch, L.
(2017). How can the environmental efficiency of Indonesian cocoa farms be increased? GlobalFood Discussion Paper 101, University of Göttingen
Tothmihaly, A, S. von Cramon-Taubadel, V. Ingram
(2017). How can the productivity of Indonesian cocoa farms be increased? GlobalFood Discussion Paper 103, University of Göttingen
Tothmihaly, A., V. Ingram
(2017). How low is the price elasticity in the global cocoa market? GlobalFood Discussion Paper 102, University of Göttingen
Tothmihaly, A.
(2017). Labeling strategies to overcome the problem of niche markets for sustainable milk products: The example of pasture-raised milk. Journal of Dairy Science 100(6), 4197-5118
Kühl, S., B. Gassler, A. Spiller
(2017). Mainstreaming sustainable consumption: Essays on preferences, labelling and supply chain mechanisms. PhD Thesis, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. University of Göttingen
Gassler, B.
(2017). Making it personal: Breach and private ordering in a contract farming experiment. European Review of Agricultural Economics 44(1), 121-148
Kunte, S., M. Wollni, C. Keser
(2017). Making it personal: Breach and private ordering in a contract farming experiment. European Review of Agricultural Economics 44, 121-148
Kunte, S., M. Wollni, C. Keser
(2017). Maternal nutrition knowledge and child nutritional outcomes in urban Kenya. Appetite 116, 518-526
Debela, B.L., K.M. Demmler, R. Rischke, M. Qaim
(2017). Modern agri-food systems, horticultural employment and women's empowerment. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 96, University of Göttingen
Krumbiegel, K., M. Maertens, M. Wollni
(2017). Nutrition transition in urban Kenya: The role of supermarkets and nutritional knowledge. PhD thesis, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Göttingen
Demmler, K.M.
(2017). Paying for gender? The gender price gap in central Kenyan vegetable markets. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 107, University of Göttingen
Depenbusch, L.
(2017). Risk, insurance and technology adoption in rural development – Evidence from southern Mexico. PhD thesis, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Göttingen
Freudenreich, H.
(2017). Rural food security, subsistence agriculture, and seasonality. PLOS ONE 12(10), e0186406
Sibhatu, K.T., M. Qaim
(2017). Rural income dynamics: Understanding poverty and inequality changes in rural Peru. 2017 International Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE), 2017, Parma, Italy
Flachsbarth, I., J. Lay, A. Garrido
(2017). Small farmers’ preferences for weather index insurance: Insights from Kenya. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 93, University of Göttingen
Sibiko, K.W., P.C. Veettil, M. Qaim
(2017). Social standards, worker welfare and women’s empowerment in modern agrifood systzems: A case study of horticultural wage workers in Ghana. PhD thesis, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Göttingen
Krumbiegel, K.
(2017). Supermarket purchase contributes to nutritionrelated non-communicable diseases in urban Kenya. PLOS ONE 12(9), e0185148
Demmler, K.M., S. Klasen, J.M. Nzuma, M. Qaim
(2017). Supermarket shopping and nutritional outcomes: a panel data analysis for urban Kenya. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 91, University of Göttingen
Demmler, K.M., O. Ecker, M. Qaim
(2017). The case of legume-cereal crop mixtures in modern agriculture and the transtheoretical model of gradual adoption. Ecological Economics 137, 20-28
Lemken, D., A. Spiller, M. von Meyer-Höfer
(2017). The case of legume-cereal crop mixtures in modern agriculture and the transtheoretical model of gradual adoption. Ecological Economics 137, 20-28
Lemken, D., A. Spiller, M. von Meyer-Höfer
(2017). The effect of bigger human bodies on future global calorie requirements. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 109, University of Göttingen
Depenbusch, L., S. Klasen
(2017). The Ethiopian Commodity Exchange and spatial price dispersion. Food Policy 66, 1-11
Andersson, C., M. Bezabih, A. Mannberg
(2017). The relationship between farmers’ shock experiences and their uncertainty preferences – Experimental evidence from Mexico. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 92, University of Göttingen
Freudenreich, H., O. Musshoff, B. Wiercinski
(2017). The role of fairtrade certification for wages and job satisfaction of plantation workers – Revised version. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 100, University of Göttingen
Krumbiegel, K., M. Maertens, M. Wollni
(2017). The role of farmer’s trust, risk and time preferences for contract choices: Experimental evidence from the Ghanaian pineapple sector. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 110, University of Göttingen
Fischer, S., M. Wollni
(2017). Three essays on the economics of cocoa – The technical and environmental efficiency of Indonesian cocoa production. PhD thesis, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Göttingen
Tothmihaly, A.
(2017). Toward improving the design of sustainability standards – A gendered analysis of farmers’ preferences. World Development 99, 285-298
Meemken, E.M., P.C. Veettil, M. Qaim
(2017). Trading off nutrition and education? A panel data analysis of the dissimilar welfare effects of organic and Fairtrade standards. European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) International Congress 2017, Parma, Italy
Meemken, E.M., D.J. Spielman, M. Qaim
(2017). Trading off nutrition and education? A panel data analysis of the dissimilar welfare effects of Organic and Fairtrade standards. Food Policy 71, 74- 85
Meemken, E.M., D.J. Spielman, M. Qaim
(2017). Trading off nutrition and education? A panel data analysis of the dissimilar welfare effects of organic and Fairtrade standards. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 90, University of Göttingen
Meemken, E.M., D.J. Spielman, M. Qaim
(2018). A latent class analysis of the demand for food diversity in India. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 119, University of Göttingen
Steffen, C., X. Yu
(2018). Bürgerbewertung unterschiedlicher Haltungssysteme von Milchkühen, Mastschweinen und Masthühnchen: Ein systematischer Vergleich. In: I. Christoph-Schulz et al., SocialLab – Nutztierhaltung im Spiegel der Gesellschaft. Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety 13, 145-236
Kühl, S., W.I. Sonntag, N. Gauß, B. Gassler, A. Spiller
(2018). Bürgerreaktionen auf Zielkonflikte in der Hühnchenmast. In: I. Christoph-Schulz et al., SocialLab – Nutztierhaltung im Spiegel der Gesellschaft, Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety 13, 145-236
Sonntag, W., S. Golze, A. Kutschbach, B. Gassler, A. Spiller
(2018). Can private food standards promote gender equality in the small farm sector? Journal of Rural Studies 58, 39-51
Meemken, E.M., M. Qaim
(2018). Capacity development of small-scale farmers in developing countries: Analysis of preferences and the role of information and communication technologies. PhD thesis, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Göttingen
Landmann, D.H.
(2018). Craft beer in Germany. New entries in a challenging beer market. In C. Garavaglia, J. Swinnen (Eds.). Economic Perspectives on Craft Beer. A Revolution in the Global Beer Industry. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan
Depenbusch, L., M. Ehrich, U. Pfizenmaier
(2018). Dynamics of smallholder participation in horticultural export chains – Evidence from Ecuador. Agricultural Economics 49(2), 225-235
Romero, C., M. Wollni
(2018). Experimental insights on the investment behavior of smallscale coffee farmers in central Uganda under risk and uncertainty. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 75, 31-44
Ihli, H.J., A. Gassner, O. Musshoff
(2018). Explaining Mexican farmers’ adoption of hybrid maize seed - The role of social psychology, risk and ambiguity aversion. Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), 2018, Vancouver, British Columbia
Freudenreich, H.
(2018). Farm production diversity and dietary quality: Linkages and measurement issues. Food Security 10(1), 47-59
Sibhatu, K.T., M. Qaim
(2018). Formal insurance, risk sharing, and the dynamics of other-regarding preferences. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 115, University of Göttingen
Freudenreich, H., M. Ibanez, S. Dietrich, O. Musshoff
(2018). How low is the price elasticity in the global cocoa market? African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 13(3), 209-223
Tothmihaly, A.
(2018). How mobile phones can improve nutrition among pastoral communities: Panel data evidence from northern Kenya. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 123, University of Göttingen
Parlasca, M.C., O. Mußhoff, M. Qaim
(2018). Insurance for technology adoption: An experimental evaluation of schemes and subsidies with maize farmers in Mexico. Journal of Agricultural Economics 69(1), 96-120
Freudenreich, H., O. Mußhoff
(2018). Insurance for technology adoption: An experimental evaluation of schemes and subsidies with maize farmers in Mexico. Journal of Agricultural Economics 69, 96-120
Freudenreich, H., O. Mußhoff
(2018). Is it all in the MIX? Consumer preferences for segregated and mass balance certified sustainable palm oil. Journal of Cleaner Production 195, 21-31
Gassler, B., A. Spiller
(2018). Keep on grazing: Factors driving the pasture raised milk market in Germany. British Food Journal 120(2), 452-467
Gassler, B., Q. Xiao, S. Kühl, A. Spiller
(2018). Keep on grazing: Factors driving the pasture raised milk market in Germany. British Food Journal 120(2), 452-467
Gassler, B., Q. Xiao, S. Kühl, A. Spiller
(2018). Meta-analysis of the association between production diversity, diets, and nutrition in smallholder farm households. Food Policy 77, 1-18
Sibhatu, K. T., M. Qaim
(2018). On the link between production diversity and dietary quality in smallholder farm households. World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics 118, 102-111
Qaim, M., K.T. Sibhatu
(2018). Organic agriculture, food security, and the environment. Annual Review of Resource Economics 10, 39-63
Meemken, E.M., M. Qaim
(2018). Protecting health or protecting imports? Evidence from EU non-tariff measures. International Review of Economics and Finance 53, 185- 202
Kareem, F.O., I. Martinez-Zarzoso, B. Brümmer
(2018). Rural structural change, poverty and income distribution: Evidence from Peru. Journal of Economic Inequality 16(4), 631-653
Flachsbarth, I., S. Schotte, J. Lay, A. Garrido
(2018). Small farmers’ preferences for weather index insurance: Insights from Kenya. Agriculture & Food Security 7, 53
Sibiko, K.W., P.C. Veettil, M. Qaim
(2018). Supermarket food purchases and child nutritional outcomes in Kenya. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 120, University of Göttingen
Debela, B.L., K.M. Demmler, S. Klasen, M. Qaim
(2018). Supermarket purchase and child nutritional outcomes in urban Kenya. International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) 2018 Conference, Vancouver
Debela, B.L., K.M. Demmler, S. Klasen, M. Qaim
(2018). Supermarket shopping and nutritional outcomes: A panel data analysis for urban Kenya. World Development 102, 292-303
Demmler, K.M., O. Ecker, M. Qaim
(2018). The effect of bigger human bodies on future global calorie requirements. International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) 2018 Conference, Vancouver
Depenbusch, L., S. Klasen
(2018). The Hartz reforms and the German labor force. European Journal of Political Economy 55(C), 284-300
Ehrich, M., A. Munasib, D. Roy
(2018). The role of Fairtrade certification for wages and job satisfaction of plantation workers. World Development 102, 195-212
Krumbiegel, K., M. Maertens, M. Wollni
(2018). The role of Fairtrade certification for wages and job satisfaction of plantation workers. World Development 102, 195-212
Krumbiegel, K., M. Maertens, M. Wollni
(2018). The role of farmers’ trust, risk and time preferences for contract choices: Experimental evidence from the Ghanaian pineapple sector. Food Policy 81, 67-81
Fischer, S., M. Wollni
(2018). The role of institutional quality on the performance in the export of coconut products. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 126, University of Göttingen
Lin, J., I. Flachsbarth, S. von Cramon-Taubadel
(2018). The role of private standards for manufactured food exports from developing countries. World Development 101, 16-27
Ehrich, M., A. Mangelsdorf
(2018). The role of trust and networks in developing Nicaraguan farmers’ agribusiness capacities. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics 119(1), 65-78
Landmann, D.H., J.J. Cadilhon
(2018). The uneven spread of private food quality standards over time and space. Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meeting, August 2018, Washington D.C., USA
Flachsbarth, I., N. Grassnick, A. Massood, B. Brümmer
(2018). Transaction costs and food prices in rural Kenya. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 122, University of Göttingen
Steffen, C., X. Yu
(2018). Ultra-processed foods and obesity in Central Kenya. In D. Barling, J. Fanzo (Eds.), Advances in Food Security and Sustainability 3, 69-92. Academic Press
Kimenju S.C.
(2018). Understanding the relationship between trainers’ qualification, learning success and satisfaction for agricultural capacity development in rural Bihar. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 118, University of Göttingen
Landmann, D.H., S. Kimmig, C.J. Lagerkvist
(2019) A radius of trust? Contrasting insights from experiments and survey data. Center for European, Governance and Economic Development Research (cege) Discussion Paper 383, University of Göttingen
Parlasca, M.C., D. Hermann, O. Mußhoff
(2019) The effect of bigger human bodies on the future global calorie requirements. PLOS ONE 14(12), e022318
Depenbusch, L., S. Klasen
(2019). Buy good, feel good? The influence of the warm glow of giving on the evaluation of food items with ethical claims in the U.K. and Germany. Journal of Cleaner Production 215, 315-328
Iweala, S., A. Spiller, S. Meyerding
(2019). Do sustainability standards benefit smallholder farmers also when accounting for cooperative effects? Evidence from Cote d’Ivoire. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 129, University of Göttingen
Sellare, J., E.M. Meemken, C. Kouamé, M. Qaim
(2019). Effects of Fairtrade on the livelihoods of poor rural workers. Nature Sustainability 2(7), 635-642
Meemken, E.M., J. Sellare, C. Kouame, M. Qaim
(2019). Effects of Fairtrade on the livelihoods of poor rural workers. Nature Sustainability 2, 635-642
Meemken, E.M., J. Sellare, C. Kouame, M. Qaim
(2019). Effects of marketing contracts and resource-providing contracts in the African small farm sector: Insights from oil palm production in Ghana. 2019 Annual Meeting of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA), Atlanta, Georgia
Ruml, A., M. Qaim
(2019). Effects of marketing contracts and resource-providing contracts in the African small farm sector: Insights from oil palm production in Ghana. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 130, University of Göttingen
Ruml, A., M. Qaim
(2019). How can the environmental efficiency of Indonesian cocoa farmers be increased? Ecological Economics 158, 134-145
Tothmihaly, A., V. Ingram, S. von Cramon-Taubadel
(2019). How can the environmental efficiency of Indonesian cocoa farmers be increased? Ecological Economics 158, 134-145
Tothmihaly, A., V. Ingram, S. von Cramon-Taubadel
(2019). How can the productivity of Indonesian cocoa farmers be increased? Agribusiness 35(3), 439-456
Tothmihaly, A., V. Ingram
(2019). Interactive social distance and trust: Different measuring approaches among semi-nomadic pastoralists in Northern Kenya. 93rd Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Society (AES), 2019, Warwick University, Coventry, UK
Parlasca, M.C., D. Hermann, O. Mußhoff
(2019). Modernization of African food retailing and (un)healthy food consumption. Sustainability 11(16), 4306
Khonje, M.G., M. Qaim
(2019). Modernization of African food retailing and (un)healthy food consumption: Insights from Zambia. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 131, University of Göttingen
Khonje, M.G., M. Qaim
(2019). Modernization of African food retailing and (un)healthy food consumption: Insights from Zambia. Sixth International Conference of the African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE), 2019, Abuja, Nigeria
Khonje, M.G., M. Qaim
(2019). New evidence regarding the effects of contract farming on agricultural labor use. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 135, University of Göttingen
Ruml, A., M. Qaim
(2019). Opportunistic behaviour and trust: Experimental results from broccoli farmers in Ecuador. Journal of Agricultural Economics 70(1), 62-80
Romero, C., M. Wollni
(2019). Opportunities and challenges in the Ethiopian bamboo sector: A market analysis of the bamboo-based value web. Sustainability 11(6), 1644
Lin, J., S. Gupta, T.K. Loos, R. Birner
(2019). Organizational structures, gender and upgrading strategies for smallholders in local value chains. African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE) 2019 Sixth International Conference, September 23-26, 2019, Abuja, Nigeria
Adetoyinbo, A., V. Otter
(2019). Tasting organic: The influence of taste and quality perceptions on the willingness to pay for organic wine. International Journal of Wine Business Research 31(2), 221-242
Gassler, B., C. Fronzeck, A. Spiller
(2019). The issues of zero values in trade data and modelling. Macro Management & Public Policies 1(01), 36-50
Kareem, F.O., I.O. Kareem
(2019). The role of (asymmetric) information in returns to Arabica coffee production in Uganda. Sixth International Conference of the African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE), 2019, Abuja, Nigeria
Arslan, C.
(2020). Africa’s changing food environments and nutritional effects on adults and children. World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics 121, 31-41
Demmler, K.M., M. Qaim
(2020). Are EU standards detrimental to Africa’s exports? Journal of Policy Modeling 42(5), 1022-1037
Kareem, F.O., I. Martinez-Zarzoso
(2020). Can employment empower women? Female workers in the pineapple sector in Ghana. Journal of Rural Studies
Krumbiegel, K., M. Maertens, M. Wollni
(2020). Can mobile phones build social trust? Insights from rural Kenya. Journal of Rural Studies 79, 345-360
Parlasca, M.C., D. Hermann, O. Mußhoff
(2020). Can mobile phones improve nutrition among pastoral communities? Panel data evidence from Northern Kenya. Agricultural Economics 51, 475- 488
Parlasca, M.C., O. Mußhoff, M. Qaim
(2020). Can mobile phones improve nutrition among pastoral communities? Panel data evidence from Northern Kenya. Agricultural Economics 51, 475-488
Parlasca, M.C., O. Mußhoff, M. Qaim
(2020). Can modern food retailers improve diets and nutrition in urban Africa? Empirical evidence from Zambia. PhD Thesis, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. University of Göttingen
Khonje, M.G.
(2020). Climate change and agricultural trade in central Asia: Evidence from Kazakhstan. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability 6(1), 1766380
Yu, X., H. Luo, H. Wang, J.H. Feil
(2020). Contract compliance under biased expectations: Evidence from an experiment in Ghana. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 140, University of Göttingen
Fischer, S., K. Grosch
(2020). Contracts for poverty reduction and agricultural growth. GlobalFood Policy Brief 2. University of Göttingen
Ruml, A.
(2020). Determinants of small-scale farmers’ intention to use smartphones for generating agricultural knowledge in developing countries: Evidence from rural India. European Journal of Development Research
Landmann, D., C. Lagerkvist, V. Otter
(2020). Do smallholder farmers benefit from sustainability standards? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Global Food Security 26, 100373
Meemken, E.M.
(2020). Do sustainability standards benefit smallholder farmers also when accounting for cooperative effects? Evidence from Côte d'Ivoire. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 102(2), 681-695
Sellare, J., E.M. Meemken, C. Kouamé, M. Qaim
(2020). Do sustainability standards benefit smallholder farmers also when accounting for cooperative effects? Evidence from Côte d'Ivoire. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 102, 681-695
Sellare, J., E.M. Meemken, C. Kouame, M. Qaim
(2020). Does GlobalGAP certification promote agrifood exports? European Review of Agricultural Economics 47(1), 247-272
Fiankor, D.D.D., I. Flachsbarth, A. Masood, B. Brümmer
(2020). Does GlobalGAP certification promote agrifood exports? European Review of Agricultural Economics 47, 247-272
Fiankor, D.D.D., I. Flachsbarth, A. Masood, B. Brümmer
(2020). Effects of marketing contracts and resource-providing contracts in the African small farm sector: Insights from oil palm production in Ghana. World Development 136, 105110
Ruml, A., M. Qaim
(2020). Effects of modern food retailers on adult and child diets and nutrition. Nutrients 12(6), 1714
Khonje, M.G., O. Ecker, M. Qaim
(2020). Essays on agricultural technology adoption, value chain development, and intrahousehold decision-making. PhD Thesis, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. University of Göttingen
Arslan, C.
(2020). Essays on trust, mobile phones, and nutrition among pastoralists in northern Kenya. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. University of Göttingen
Parlasca, M.C.
(2020). Fairtrade, agrochemical input use, and effects on human health and the environment. Ecological Economics 176, 106718
Sellare, J., E.M. Meemken, M. Qaim
(2020). Fairtrade, agrochemical input use, and effects on human health and the environment. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 136. University of Göttingen
Sellare, J., E.M. Meemken, M. Qaim
(2020). Fiji’s participation in the global coconut value chain: Opportunities and challenges. Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies
Lin, J.
(2020). Food sustainability standards and agricultural cooperatives: Implications for the small farm sector of Côte d’Ivoire. PhD Thesis, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. University of Göttingen
Sellare, J.
(2020). Heterogeneous effects of marketing contracts and resourceproviding contracts on household income. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 138, University of Göttingen
Ruml, A., C. Ragasa, M. Qaim
(2020). Holiday and weight gain: Evidence from the national day holiday in China. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 146. University of Göttingen
Luo, H., X. Yu
(2020). How to make farming and agricultural extension more nutrition-sensitive: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial in Kenya. European Review of Agricultural Economics 47, 95-118
Ogutu, S.O., A. Fongar, T. Gödecke, L. Jäckering, H. Mwololo, M. Njuguna, M. Wollni, M. Qaim
(2020). Improving child health and cognition: Evidence from a school-based nutrition intervention in India. Review of Economics and Statistics
Krämer, M., S. Kumar, S. Vollmer
(2020). Meat consumption, dietary structure and nutrition transition in China. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 147. University of Göttingen
Luo, H., X. Yu
(2020). New evidence regarding the effects of contract farming on agricultural labor use. Agricultural Economics
Ruml, A., M Qaim
(2020). New insights on the use of the Fairtrade social premium. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 144, University of Göttingen
Sellare, J.
(2020). Organizational structures, gender roles and performance of smallholders in Africa – Insights from the Nigerian shrimp and prawn sector. PhD Thesis, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. University of Göttingen
Adetoyinbo, A.
(2020). Organizational structures, gender roles and upgrading strategies for smallholders in developing countries’ local value chains. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 145, University of Göttingen
Adetoyinbo, A., V. Otter
(2020). Organizational structures, gender roles and upgrading strategies of smallholders: A qualitative study of the local value chain in the Nigerian fishing sector. Business Strategy and Development
Adetoyinbo, A., V. Otter
(2020). Phones for food: Nutritional implications of mobile phone use in rural Africa. GlobalFood Policy Brief 3, University of Göttingen
Parlasca, M.C.
(2020). Procedural unfair wage differentials and their effects on unethical behavior. Economic Inquiry 58(4), 1689-1706
Grosch, K., H.A. Rau
(2020). Projecting meat and cereals demand for China based on a meta-analysis of income elasticities. China Economic Review 59, 101135
Zhou, D., X. Yu, D. Abler, D. Chen
(2020). Smallholder farmers’ dissatisfaction with contract schemes in spite of economic benefits: Issues of mistrust and lack of transparency. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 139, University of Göttingen
Ruml, A., M. Qaim
(2020). Spoken words fly away, written words remain: Employment contracts between farmers and farm workers. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 143, University of Göttingen
Jäckering, L., E.M. Meemken, J. Sellare, M. Qaim
(2020). Supermarket food purchases and child nutrition in Kenya. Global Food Security 25, 100341
Debela, B.L., K.M. Demmler, S. Klasen, M. Qaim
(2020). Supermarket food purchases and child nutrition in Kenya. Global Food Security 25, 100341
Debela, B.L., K.M. Demmler, S. Klasen, M. Qaim
(2020). The effects of marketing contracts and resource-providing contracts: Comparisons in the small farm sector in Ghana. PhD Thesis, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. University of Göttingen
Ruml, A.
(2020). The role of institutional quality on the performance in the export of coconut products. Agricultural Economics 51(2), 237-258
Lin, J., I. Flachsbarth, S. von Cramon-Taubadel
(2020). The role of institutional quality on the performance in the export of coconut products. Agricultural Economics 51, 237-258
Lin, J., I. Flachsbarth, S. von Cramon-Taubadel
(2020). The role of institutions on modern agricultural value chains PhD Thesis, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. University of Göttingen
Lin, J.
(2020). The uneven spread of Global G.A.P. certification. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 137, University of Göttingen
Flachsbarth, I., N. Grassnick, B. Brümmer
(2020). The yoga of sustainable diets: Exploring consumers mind and spirit. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 134. University of Göttingen
Werner, A., A. Spiller, S.G. Meyerding
(2020). The yoga of sustainable diets: Exploring consumers mind and spirit. Journal of Cleaner Production 243, 118473
Werner, A., A. Spiller, S.G. Meyerding