Projekt Druckansicht

The role of medial frontal brain areas in error detection and behavioral adaptation

Antragsteller Dr. Martin Ernst Maier
Fachliche Zuordnung Allgemeine, Kognitive und Mathematische Psychologie
Förderung Förderung von 2009 bis 2012
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 161322807
Action monitoring, i.e., the evaluation of one’s own behavior, is crucial for behavioral adjustments in order to optimize performance. The present project investigates, how the action monitoring system signals the need for behavioral adjustments once negative behavioral outcomes such as errors are detected. To this end, behavioral and electrophysiological indicators of action monitoring are considered. In the first part, the effects of lesions to the rostral anterior cingulate located in the medial frontal cortex on action monitoring are investigated. This brain region is commonly associated with the processing of affective information, but lesions to it were also shown to impair behavioral adjustments following negative behavioral outcomes. In the second part, it is investigated, whether action monitoring in healthy participants reflects the significance of errors for behavioral adjustments. By considering the role of the rostral anterior cingulate and the significance of errors for behavioral adjustments, the present project should contribute to a closer understanding of how the action monitoring system guides behavioral adjustments in order to optimize performance.
DFG-Verfahren Forschungsstipendien
Internationaler Bezug Italien


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