Projekt Druckansicht

The Processing of Semantics and Syntax in Naturalistic Scene Viewing

Fachliche Zuordnung Allgemeine, Kognitive und Mathematische Psychologie
Förderung Förderung von 2009 bis 2012
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 159914243
Erstellungsjahr 2012

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden

Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • (2010). The Time Course of Initial Scene Processing for Guidance of Eye Movements When Searching Natural Scenes. Journal of Vision, 10(3):14, 1–13
    Võ, M. L.-H., & Henderson, J. M.
  • (Aug ’10). Contributions of General and Scene- Specific Knowledge to Gaze Guidance in Repeated Search. ECVP, Lausanne, Switzerland
    Võ, M. L.-H., & Jeremy M. Wolfe
  • (May ’10). The dynamics of gaze when viewing dynamic faces. VSS, Naples, USA
    Võ, M. L.-H., Smith, T. J., & Henderson, J. M.
  • (Nov ’10). Repeated Search in Scenes: Why Looking At An Object Does Not Help Looking For An Object. Psychonomics, St. Louis, USA
    Võ, M. L.-H., & Jeremy M. Wolfe
  • (Nov ’10). The Role of Incidental Object Fixations in Repeated Search: Looking AT versus looking FOR an object in a scene. OPAM, St. Louis, USA
    Võ, M. L.-H., & Jeremy M. Wolfe
  • (2011). Object-scene Inconsistencies do not Capture Gaze: Evidence from the Flash-Preview Moving-Window Paradigm. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 73, 1742–1753
    Võ, M. L.-H., & Henderson, J. M.
  • (2011). Visual search in scenes involves selective and non-selective pathways. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 15(2), 77-84
    Wolfe, J. M., Võ, M. L.-H., Evans, K. K., & Greene, M. R.
  • (Aug ’11). Gaze control when searching a volumetric space: Comparing eye movement behavior in 2D versus 3D search. ECEM, Marseille, France
    Võ, M. L.-H., Drew, T. & Wolfe, J. M.
  • (Feb ’11). Does Repeated Search in Scenes Need Memory? Looking AT vs. Looking FOR objects in scenes. Scene Understanding Symposium (SUNS11), MIT, Cambridge, USA
    Võ, M. L.-H., & Jeremy M. Wolfe
  • (May ‘11). Does Repeated Search in Scenes Need Memory? When contextual guidance fails, memory takes over. VSS, Naples, USA
    Võ, M. L.-H., & Jeremy M. Wolfe
  • (May ’11). Searching for Invisible Objects in Visible Scenes. ECVP, Toulouse, France
    Võ, M. L.-H., & Wolfe, J. M.
  • (Nov ’11). The Functional Role of Gaze When Viewing Dynamic Faces. Psychonomics, Seattle, USA
    Võ, M. L.-H., Smith, T., & Henderson, J. M.
  • (2012). When does repeated search in scenes involve memory? Looking at versus looking for objects in scenes. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 38(1), 23-41
    Võ, M. L.-H., & Wolfe, J. M.
  • (May ’12). Semantic and Syntactic Inconsistencies in Scenes Elicit Differential ERP Signatures. VSS, Naples, USA
    Võ, M. L.-H., & Jeremy M. Wolfe


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