Projekt Druckansicht

Xenogene Schwein-auf-Pavian Herztransplantation

Antragsteller Dr. Lars Burdorf
Fachliche Zuordnung Herz- und Gefäßchirurgie
Förderung Förderung von 2009 bis 2011
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 119993006
Erstellungsjahr 2012

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden

Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • Imaging heterotopic cardiac transplants in rodents. International Xenotransplantation Association Meeting (IXA), Venice, Italy, October 2009
    Burdorf L, O’Shea K, Zhang T, Stanley W, Pierson RNIII, Azimzadeh AM
  • Pilot evaluation of GalTKO.hCD39 lungs in a xenogeneic pig lung perfusion model. International Xenotransplantation Association Meeting (IXA), Venice, Italy, October 2009
    L. Burdorf, T. Zhang, T. Stoddard, E. Welty, C. Avon, A. Laaris, X. Cheng, D. Ayares, G. Echeverri, D.K.C. Cooper, P. Cowan, A.J.F. d’Apice, Eva Csizmadia, S. Robson, A. M. Azimzadeh, R. N. Pierson III
  • Anti-GPIb Fab reduces activation and sequestration of human platelets in a xenogeneic pig lung perfusion model. The Transplantation Society (TTS), Vancouver, Canada, August 2010
    Lars Burdorf, Tianshu Zhang, Elana Rybak, Isabelle I Salles, Katleen Broos, Emily Welty, Christopher Avon, Amal Laaris, Xiangfei Cheng, David Ayares, Hans Deckmyn, Richard N Pierson III, and Agnes M Azimzadeh
  • CD20 Depletion Attenuates Cardiac Allograft Vasculopathy in Cyclosporine-treated Monkeys. Integrated Cardiovascular Repair Workshop 2010 (ICR), Baltimore, MD, March 2010
    Lars Burdorf, Shahrooz S Kelishadi, Tianshu Zhang, Tiffany Stoddard, Mitch Higuchi, Emily Welty, Christopher J Avon, Nitin Sangrampurkar, Amal Laaris, Xiang-Fei Cheng, Agnes M Azimzadeh and Richard N Pierson III
  • Leukocytes and platelets mediate GalTKO.hMCP lung injury in a xenogenic pig lung perfusion model. American Transplantation Conference (ATC), San Diego, CA, May 2010
    L Burdorf, T Zhang, T Stoddard, E Welty, C Avon, A Laaris, X Cheng, D Ayares, A M Azimzadeh, R N Pierson III
  • Pilot evaluation of anti-GPIb effects on platelet sequestration in an ex vivo xenogeneic pig liver perfusion model. The Transplantation Society (TTS), Vancouver, Canada, August 2010
    Lars Burdorf, Rolf N. Barth, Tianshu Zhang, Elana Rybak, Isabelle I Salles, Katleen Broos, Emily Welty, Christopher Avon, Amal Laaris, Brian McCormick, David Ayares, Hans Deckmyn, Agnes M Azimzadeh and Richard N Pierson III
  • Combined GPIb and GPIIb/IIIa blockade prevents sequestration of platelets in a pigto-human lung perfusion model. International Xenotransplantation Association Meeting (IXA), Miami, FL, October 2011
    Lars Burdorf, Tianshu Zhang, Elana Rybak, Katleen Broos, Emily Welty, Christopher Avon, Amal Laaris, Xiangfei Cheng, David Ayares, Hans Deckmyn, Agnes M Azimzadeh, Richard N Pierson III


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