Nicht-Kohärente Übertragungsverfahren für MIMO-Kanäle und deren Erweiterung auf drahtlose Netze mit Relaisstationen
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
This final report describes the main results of the Project “Nichtkohärente Übertragungsverfahren für MIMO-Kanäle und deren Erweiterung auf drahtlose Netze mit Relaisstationen”. It is based on the results of the preceding project “Untersuchung leistungsfähiger MIMO-Übertragungsverfahren unter Berücksichtigung realer Kanäle sowie realer Sende- und Empfangshardware”, which was part of the DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm “Adaptivität in heterogenen Kommunikationsnetzen mit drahtlosem Zugang (AKOM)”. We addressed the problem of non-coherent communication in wireless fading channels. The focus was on two communication systems, the wireless point-to-point MIMO channel and the wireless relay channel, under the assumption of block Rayleigh fading. Following the geometric interpretation of non-coherent communication, we developed novel code constructions for both systems. For the non-coherent point-to-point channel, we constructed high-dimensional codes which exploit the differentiable structure of the Grassmann manifold and are based on a mapping from the tangent space to the manifold. The code constructions rely on some special lattices such as the Gosset, Barnes-Wall and Leech. The dense packing properties of these lattices yield superior code performance, which was confirmed by simulations. Additionally, they allow for simplified decoding. The problem of non-coherent transmission in wireless relay networks was also addressed in the project. We looked at non-coherent communication in two-way relaying channels with half-duplex constraints on the terminals and the relays. For the two-way relaying channel we introduced the concept of non-coherent communication, showing that communication is possible, although no channel knowledge is present at the terminals and at the relays. Bounds on the achievable two-way rate and the degrees of freedom of the unknown two-way relay channel were presented. Additionally, we presented communication schemes appropriate for the unknown two-way relay channel.
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
„Some Geometric Methods for Construction of Space-Time Codes in Grassmann Manifolds”, In Proc. ALLERTON Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, ALLERTON 2008, Urbana-Champaign, September 2008
Z. Utkovski, P. Chen and J. Lindner
“On the secondary Capacity of the Communication Protocols”, In Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM 2009, November 2009
P. Popovski and Z. Utkovski
“Outage Margin and Power Constraints in Cognitive Radio with Multiple Antennas,” In Proc. IEEE Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, SPAWC 2009, Perugia, June 2009
P. Popovski, Z. Utkovski and R. Taranto
”A Distributed Differential Space-Time Coding Scheme for Two-Way Wireless Relay Networks”, In Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, ISIT 2009, Seoul, June 2009
Z. Utkovski, G. Yammine and J. Lindner
“A Non-Coherent AF Scheme for Two-Way Wireless Relay Networks based on Packings in Grassmann Manifolds”, In Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Applications, ISITA 2010, Taichung, October 2010
Z. Utkovski, Y. Cheng and J. Lindner
“A Non-coherent AF Scheme for Two-Way Wireless Relay Networks,” In Proc. ITG/IEEE Workshop on Smart Antennas, WSA 2010, Bremen, February 2010
Z. Utkovski, Y. Cheng and J. Lindner
“Non-coherent Communication in Wireless Point-to-Point and Relay Channels: A Geometric Approach,” Doctoral Thesis, University of Ulm, September 2010
Z. Utkovski
“Non-Coherent Two-Way Relaying: Rate Bounds for the High-SNR Regime”, In Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Applications, ISITA 2010, Taichung, October 2010
Z. Utkovski, A. Sezgin and J. Lindner