Project Details
Professor Dr. Peter Pfälzner
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Institut für die Kulturen des Alten Orients
Abteilung für Vorderasiatische Archäologie
Burgsteige 11
72070 Tübingen
As Applicant
Current projects
Completed projects
Haus und Haushalt. Wohnformen des 3. Jahrtausends vor Chr. in Nordmesopotamien (Publication Grants)
Ausgrabungen in Tall Misrife/Qatna (Research Grants)
Studien zur Urbanisierung Nordmesopotamiens (SUN) Bände A4, D1 und D2 (Publication Grants)
Studien zur Urbanisierung Nordmesopotamiens (SUN) Bände A1 (Publication Grants)
Current projects
- As Spokesperson
As Project Head
Current projects
Stones from the South. Resource complexes in Southeastern Iran in the context of regional and interregional networks. (Collaborative Research Centres)
The development of Syrian Palace-ResourceCultures (Collaborative Research Centres)
A hunt for resources? Spatial models in the ResourceCultures at the northern periphery of Mesopotamia (Collaborative Research Centres)
Current projects
- As Co-Investigator