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Max-Planck-Institut für molekulare Biomedizin
Röntgenstraße 20
48149 Münster
This institution in GERiT
48149 Münster
Research Units
Completed projects
FOR 2325: Interactions at the Neurovascular Interface
Adams, Ralf H.
In vitro Ableitung und Maturierung von Oozyten aus embryonalen Stammzellen der Maus
Schöler, Hans Robert
In vitro Germ Cell Differentiation of Cord-Blood-derived Unrestricted Somatic Stem Cells (USSC)
Schöler, Hans Robert
Kontrolle der ZNS Barrierefunktion durch die Transkriptionsregulatoren Lmo2 und Tal1
Adams, Ralf H.
Pitulescu, Mara E.
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
How VE-PTP and Tie-2 regulate endothelial cell junctions in VE-cadherin dependent and independent ways
Vestweber, Dietmar
Modelling the developing gonad – organoid- and iPSC-based approaches
Schlatt, Stefan
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Identification of additional/alternative factors required for cellular reprogramming
Schöler, Hans Robert
Organization of National and International Symposia of the priority program "Molecular Control Mechanisms of Cell Migration"
Wedlich, Doris
Regulation of endothelial cell contacts during transendothelial migration of leukocytes
Vestweber, Dietmar
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Charakterisierung von Regulationselementen im 5`-Bereich des Transkriptionsfaktors Oct-4 in "embryoid bodies"
Nordhoff, Verena
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
SFB 1348: Dynamic cellular interfaces: formation and function
Klämbt, Christian
Luschnig, Stefan
SFB 1366: Vascular Control of Organ Function
Augustin, Hellmut G.
SFB 1450: Multiscale imaging of organ-specific inflammation
Schäfers, Michael
SFB 1459: Intelligent matter: From responsive to adaptive nanosystems
Ravoo, Bart Jan
Specification and dynamic interactions of arterial progenitor cells
(Project Heads
Adams, Ralf H.
Pitulescu, Mara E.
Completed projects
Cell migration and pathfinding during planarian head regeneration
(Project Head
Bartscherer, Kerstin
Charakterisierung der hämatopoietischen Kinase HPK1 als neuen negativen Regulator von Entzündungs- und Immunreaktionen
(Project Head
Kiefer, Friedemann
Control of angiogenic signaling by endothelial endocytosis
(Project Head
Adams, Ralf H.
Deciphering the role of vesicle cycling and mRNA subcellular localization and trafficking in the pathogenesis of CMT peripheral neuropathy
(Project Head
Storkebaum, Ph.D., Erik
Function of the non-receptor tyrosine kinase Syk in the maintenance of blood and lymphatic vessel identity
(Project Head
Kiefer, Friedemann
Lektine und Lektinliganden als Vermittler der Extravasation von Leukozyten
(Project Heads
Vestweber, Dietmar
Wild, Martin Klaus
Leukocyte migration through the blood vessel wall and mechanisms that modulate fluid passage across a specialized endothelium
(Project Head
Vestweber, Dietmar
Multiscale Optical Imaging in Murine Models of Atherosclerosis Using Ultramicroscopy and 2 Photon Microscopy
(Project Heads
Kiefer, Friedemann
Schäfers, Michael
Regulation of Mural Cell Function in the Cardiovascular System by Integrins and Integrin-Associated Molecules
(Project Head
Adams, Ralf H.
Regulation of vascular permeability and leukocyte extravasation in inflammation: mechanisms and heterogeneity in different organs
(Project Head
Vestweber, Dietmar
Regulatory mechanisms of VE-cadherin and the function of the receptorprotein tyrosine phosphatase VE-PTP
(Project Head
Vestweber, Dietmar
SFB 293: Mechanism of Inflamation: Interaction of Endothelen, Epithelen and Leukozyts
Peters, Georg
SFB 492: Extracellular Matrix: Biogenesis, Assembly and Cellular Interactions
Bruckner, Peter
SFB 629: Molecular Cell Dynamics: Subcellular and Cellular Movements
Klämbt, Christian
SFB 656: Molecular Cardiovascular Imaging (MoBil) - From Mouse to Man
Schäfers, Michael
SFB 1009: Breaking Barriers - Immune Cells and Pathogens at Cell/Matrix Barriers
Peters, Georg
Roth, Johannes
Studying the mechanisms controlling blood vessel formation during fin regeneration in zebrafish
(Project Head
Siekmann, Arndt Friedrich
The Role of ESAM and CD99 in Leukocyte Transmigration through Endothelium and Basement Membrane
(Project Head
Vestweber, Dietmar
VE-cadherin modifications and binding partners regulate endothelial junctions
(Project Head
Vestweber, Dietmar
Completed projects
Molecular mechanisms of T cell diapedesis through the endothelium of the blood brain barrier
(Project Head
Vestweber, Dietmar
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1050: Molecular Basis of Dynamic Cellular Processes
Püschel, Andreas
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1549: Molecular and Cellular Glyco-Sciences (MCGS). Understanding Structure/Function Relationships of Carbohydrate/Protein Interactions
Moerschbacher, Bruno
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 62: From Regenerative Biology to Reconstructive Therapy (REBIRTH)
Haverich, Axel
Thum, Ph.D., Thomas
EXC 1003: Cells in Motion - CiM: Imaging to Understand Cellular Behaviour in Organisms
Sorokin, Lydia
Abteilung Gewebebiologie und Morphogenese
Abteilung Zell- und Entwicklungsbiologie
Abteilung Zell- und Gewebedynamik
Forschungsgruppe Embryonic Self-Organization
Mass Spectrometry Unit
Additional Information
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