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Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ
Themenbereich Ökosysteme der Zukunft
Department Physiologische Diversität
Puschstraße 4
04103 Leipzig
This institution in GERiT
04103 Leipzig
Research Units
Current projects
Central coordination
Ebeling, Anne
Eisenhauer, Nico
Gleixner, Gerd
Roscher, Christiane
Weigelt, Alexandra
FOR 5000: Biotic interactions, community assembly, and eco-evolutionary dynamics as drivers of long-term biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationships
Eisenhauer, Nico
Plant nutrient responses
Roscher, Christiane
Plant trait variation and evolution in the biodiversity-ecosystem functioning context
Durka, Walter
Fischer, Markus
Roscher, Christiane
Completed projects
Above- and belowground plant complementarity
Mommer, Liesje
Weigelt, Alexandra
Aboveground plant community pattern and the role of plant traits for community processes
Roscher, Christiane
Consumer community structure and stability
Ebeling, Anne
Hines, Ph.D., Jessica
Klein, Alexandra-Maria
Scheu, Stefan
Weisser, Wolfgang W.
Diversity effects on plant life-cycle characteristics and population structure as a base for understanding community assembly and stability
Fischer, Markus
Roscher, Christiane
FOR 1451: Exploring Mechanisms Underlying the Relationship between Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning
Eisenhauer, Nico
Multiple mechanisms of species coexistence as a basis for biodiversity maintenance and ecosystem functioning
Fischer, Markus
Roscher, Christiane
The interaction between plant functional diversity and soil hydrological conditions - an ecohydrological process model approach
Hildebrandt, Ph.D., Anke
Schröder-Esselbach, Boris
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
The role of plant functional traits and plant interactions for plant community functioning, stability and dynamics, and processes at the ecosystem level
Roscher, Christiane
Research Grants
Completed projects
Effekte von Diversität und Ressourcenverfügbarkeit auf der Plastizität funktioneller Eigenschaften von Pflanzen, pflanzliche Interaktionen und die Bestandsproduktivität
Roscher, Christiane
The role of plant functional traits and trait variation for community assembly and productivity in semi-natural and experimentally manipulated grasslands
Roscher, Christiane
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
Land-use effects on plant regeneration strategies in grasslands and their relation to community assembly
Roscher, Christiane
Completed projects
Land-use effects on longevity and stem anatomical traits of perennial dicotyledonous species in grasslands
Roscher, Christiane
Seed and seedling traits as related to plant diversity and community assembly in grasslands at different land-use intensity
Roscher, Christiane
Additional Information
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