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Leibniz-Institut für Angewandte Geophysik
Sektion 5: Gesteinsphysik und Bohrlochgeophysik
Stilleweg 2
30655 Hannover
This institution in GERiT
30655 Hannover
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
Deciphering West African climate change during the last 1.1 million years
Kaboth-Bahr, Stefanie
Zeeden, Christian
Evolution of half-precession cycles in the equatorial Atlantic during the last 3.5 Myr
Ulfers, Arne
Proxies deduced from borehole geophysics help to reconstruct the stratigraphic architecture and climatic history of the Tibetan Plateau
Zeeden, Christian
Completed projects
High Resolution Paleomagnetism and Magnetostratigraphy of Ferrar Volcanic rocks from the Southern Mesa Range (North Victoria Land, Antarctica)
Bachtadse, Valerian
Physical properties, in situ structure and cyclicity of 1300 m Early Jurassic mudstones from geophysical logs in the ICDP Mochras borehole, West Wales
Zeeden, Christian
Research Grants
Current projects
A preliminary stratigraphic assessment of the ~5 Ma ‘Riedstadt-Erfelden’ research borehole
Scheidt, Stephanie
Zeeden, Christian
Behavioral and material culture response to environmental change in the north-eastern Carpathians and adjacent regions between 30 and 15 ka
Lehmkuhl, Frank
Maier, Andreas
Uthmeier, Thorsten
Zeeden, Christian
Loess in India as record of the Indian Monsoon system: Exploring terrestrial responses to climate changes in the Late Quaternary
Meister, Julia
Tsukamoto, Sumiko
Zeeden, Christian
Quantifying the linkage between meteorological data and geophysical soil properties: understanding past and present climate proxy power
Zeeden, Christian
Completed projects
Environmental magnetism and magnetostratigraphy of plio-/peistocene sediments of the Heidelberger Becken.
Hambach, Ulrich
Rolf, Christian
Mobile Magnetic Ressonance Sensor utilizing a superconductive coil for prepolarisation in the near subsurface (MORE SPIN)
Müller-Petke, Mike
Stolz, Ronny
Ursachen magnetischer Anomalien in Vulkaniklastika des Messel Maar-Diatrems
Rolf, Christian
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