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Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf
Zentrum für experimentelle Medizin
Institut für Experimentelle Pharmakologie und Toxikologie
Martinistraße 52
20251 Hamburg
This institution in GERiT
20251 Hamburg
Research Grants
Current projects
Circulating metabolites in atrial biology and disease
Stenzig, Justus
Zeller, Ph.D., Tanja
Contribution of SERCA2, RyR2, NCX1 and PMCA to excitation-contraction coupling in human cardiomyocytes – tackling an old question with modern technologies
Christ, Torsten
Eschenhagen, Thomas
Effects of the atrial fibrillation risk region on chromosome 4q25 and PITX2 on atrial metabolic and mitochondrial function
Cuello, Friederike
Kirchhof, Paulus
How cardiac fibroblasts react to cardiomyocyte signaling – focus on epigenetic signal integration
Stenzig, Justus
Impact of genes in the PITX2 locus on the electrophysiology of human atrial induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes
Christ, Torsten
Eschenhagen, Thomas
Stoll, Monika
Non-invasive Monitoring of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy using Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Virtual Biopsy (cardiacMRBIOPSY)
Carrier, Lucie
Ku, Ph.D., Min-Chi
Waiczies, Sonia
Protein arginine methylation - a posttranslational collagen modification relevant for crosslinking and degradation of collagen in aortic aneurysms?
Hannemann, Juliane
Transplantation of stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes with a chemogenetic off-on switch to improve cell engraftment and inhibit engraftment induced arrhythmias
Weinberger, Florian
Unraveling the molecular pathomechanisms in PRKG1 variant-associated aortopathies
Cuello, Friederike
Demal, Till Joscha
Herberg, Friedrich-Wilhelm
Completed projects
ADMA als kardiovaskulärer Risikofaktor in der Framingham Offspring-Population
Böger, Rainer
Analysis of G protein-coupled receptors on human embryonic stem cells
Hansen, Arne
Bedeutung von Polymorphismen in Genen für CYP2D6 und Elementen der beta-adrenergen Signaltransduktion für die klinische Antwort auf die Betablocker Bisoprolol und Carvedilol
Eschenhagen, Thomas
Biosynthese und Metabolismus sowie funktionelle Bedeutung des endogenen NO-Synthase-Inhibitors "Asymmetrisches Dimethylarginin" (ADMA)
Böger, Rainer
Development of a set up for the combined measurement of force, myocyte tension and mitochondrial redox status in rat engineered heart tissue to characterize cardiac hypertro
Rhoden, Alexandra
Entwicklung substanz- und wirkungsspezifischer bakterieller Testverfahren zur Detektion mutagener Effekte von komplexen Umweltgemischen
Vahl, Hans Heinrich
Generierung unc Charakterisierung von DDAH1 und DDAH2 Knockout Mäusen zur Untersuchung der pathophysiologischen Bedeutung des endogenen NOS-Inhibitors ADMA
Maas, Renke
Genotoxicity and metabolism of isomeric bis(dichloropropyl)ether
Neurath, Götz
Identification of epigenetic mechanisms of transcriptional regulation in cardiac hypertrophy using Engineered Heart Tissue
Stenzig, Justus
Impact of active force development from transplanted engineered heart tissue on left ventricular function
Weinberger, Florian
Investigating ventricular arrhythmia development in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in a mouse model and patient samples
Flenner, Frederik
Kontraktionskraftmessung an embryonalen Kardiomyozyten in einer Kollagengelmatrix
Eschenhagen, Thomas
Modeling heart disease with iPS-derived engineered heart tissue, part II
Hansen, Arne
Modeling inherited cardiac diseases with iPS-derived engineered heart tissue
Eschenhagen, Thomas
Rolle von beta-Catenin im Rahmen des myokardialen Remodeling bei linksventrikulärer Druckbelastung und nach Myokardinfarkt
Eschenhagen, Thomas
S-glutathiolation of cardiac myosin-binding protein C in contractile dysfunction
Cuello, Friederike
Studies on the role of MAP kinases in the regulation of egr-1 and c-fos expressions in erythroleukemia cells by Ca2plus-signals and Erythropoietin
Schaefer, Andras
Thiol-disulfide modification regulates p90 ribosomal S6 kinase activity in the heart
Cuello, Friederike
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Assessment of the differentiation potential of Sca-1-positive cells in the heart
Weinberger, Florian
A study to assess the drug interaction between metoprolol and the cox-2 inhibitor Celecoxib or Rofecoxib in healthy volunteers
Werner, Ulrike
Aufklärung von Mechanismen der neuronalen Transdifferenzierung hämatopoetischer Stammzellen
Hansen, Arne
Research Units
Completed projects
Animal experimentation and cardiac phenotyping of transgenic mouse models
Eschenhagen, Thomas
Effects and regulation of phosphatase inhibitor-1 in the heart and its therapeutic potential in heart failure
El-Armouche, Ali
FOR 604: Signalling Pathways in the Healthy and Diseased Heart
Eschenhagen, Thomas
Investigation of the ubiquitin-proteasome system in the pathogenesis of familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Carrier, Lucie
Clinical Research Units
Current projects
Generation of human induced pluripotent stem cells
Hansen, Arne
KFO 5029: Precision Medicine for Early-Onset Low Bone Mineral Density Disorders
Amling, Michael
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