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Universitätsklinikum Halle (Saale) AöR
Department für Innere Medizin
Universitätsklinik und Poliklinik für Innere Medizin I
Ernst-Grube-Straße 40
06120 Halle
This institution in GERiT
06120 Halle
Research Grants
Current projects
Mechanisms of Epigenetic Modulation in Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors (PanNET)
Weißbach, Julia
Monitoring of Sedation for Endoscopy with Artificial Intelligence (SAFE-AI)
Garbe, Jakob
Schmid, Thomas
The interface of pancreatitis and early pancreatic cancer progression – In depth analysis of the novel, spontanous pancreatic cancer mouse model Cpa1 N256K – KC
Rosendahl, Jonas
Completed projects
Deciphering the Missing Heritability in non-alcoholic Chronic Pancreatitis - (DeMissHer-CP-Study)
Haack, Tobias Bernd Ludwig
Rosendahl, Jonas
From lipid- and diabetes-associated DNA methylation at the SREBF1 locus to gene regulatory mechanisms
Waldenberger, Melanie
Witt, Heiko
Functional analysis of the relevance of Bcl-3 and its interference with STAT3 in acute pancreatitis as an example of inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract
Algül, Hana
Genetic Risk contribution to Alcoholic chronic Pancreatitis (GRAP study)
Rosendahl, Jonas
Genetische Analyse einer PARtizipation des PAR2, PAR4 und der TPST2 bei chronischer Pankreatitis
Rosendahl, Jonas
Identification of transcription factors and cofactors binding to type 2 diabetes risk variants which modulate allele- and tissue-specific gene expression and phenotypes.
Witt, Heiko
Investigation of the pathogenic mechanism underlying the common SPINK1 p.N34S pancreatitis risk haplotype
Witt, Heiko
Regional replication, refinement and functional characterisation of GWAs variants in alcoholic and non-alcoholic chronic pancreatitis
Rosendahl, Jonas
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
The significance of DNA Methyltransferase inhibition and DNA Methylation for therapy response in Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Müller-Tidow, Carsten
Clinical Trials
Completed projects
Covered transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic stent shunt versus optimezed medical treatment for the secondary prevention of variceal bleeding in cirrhosis
Sauerbruch, Tilman
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2751: Inflammatory cues as modulators of early pancreatic carcinogenesis (InCuPanC)
Rosendahl, Jonas
Additional Information
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