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Technische Universität München
TUM School of Engineering and Design
Lehrstuhl für Astronomische und Physikalische Geodäsie
Arcisstraße 21
80333 München
This institution in GERiT
80333 München
Research Grants
Current projects
Enhanced geopotential field modelling as basis for the establishment of precise height systems (Geo-H)
Pail, Roland
Sanchez-Drewes, Laura
Schmidt, Michael
The key issues of the conjunction of European and Chinese next-generation gravity missions for Earth's gravity field determination
Pail, Roland
Completed projects
Cube-satellite networks for geodetic Earth observation on the example of gravity field retrieval (CubeGrav)
Pail, Roland
Schilling, Klaus
Einfluss der Ozeanzirkulation auf das Schwerefeld der Erde
Rummel, Reiner
Stammer, Detlef
Entwicklung eines hochgenauen Rotationssensors mit suprafluidem 3He als Arbeitsmedium
Ruder, Hanns
Entwicklung eines hochgenauen Rotationssensors mit suprafluidem 3He als Arbeitsmedium
Schuberth, Erwin
Feasibility study to identify deep Earth signals in current and future gravity field missions
Bunge, Ph.D., Hans-Peter
Pail, Roland
Optimally combined regional geoid models for the realization of height systems in de-veloping countries
Pail, Roland
Schmidt, Michael
Sphärisch-Harmonische Analyse des Gravitationsfeldes der Erde aus CHAMP-Daten mit einem semi-analytischen Ansatz
Rummel, Reiner
Two-way satellite tracking as basis of gravity field misssion scenarios - a simulation study with detailed error analysis II
Pail, Roland
Schlicht, Anja
Ultra-highresolution topographic modelling of gravitational fields
Hirt, Christian
Variations of ice sheet geometry, ice flow, and mass distribution in Northeast Greenland in the context of oceanic and atmospheric interactions
Eineder, Michael
Floricioiu, Dana
Horwath, Martin
Pail, Roland
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Determination of current geoid trends related to deep Earth processes in the South Atlantic region
Bunge, Ph.D., Hans-Peter
Pail, Roland
Improved De-Aliasing for Gravity Field Modelling with GRACE
Flechtner, Frank
Gruber, Thomas
Stammer, Detlef
Trautmann, Thomas
Improved modelling of non-tidal mass variations for optimized gravity field analysis
Dobslaw, Henryk
Gruber, Thomas
Güntner, Andreas
Improving ocean tides by constraining the dynamic HAMTIDE model with altimetry an GRACE data
Rummel, Reiner
Stammer, Detlef
Integrated MOdelling of Satellite and Airborne Gravity data of Active plate margins
Götze, Hans-Jürgen
Jentzsch, Gerhard
Pail, Roland
Interactions of low-orbiting satellites with the surrounding thermosphere and ionosphere
Borries, Claudia
Flury, Jakob
Pail, Roland
Schlicht, Anja
Schmidt, Michael
Sea Surface Topography and Mass Transport of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
Bosch, Wolfgang
Rummel, Reiner
Scheinert, Mirko
Schröter, Jens
Research Units
Current projects
Climate signals from GRACE/GRACE-FO and next-generation gravity missions (CLISGY)
Eicker, Annette
Pail, Roland
FOR 2736: New Refined Observations of Climate Change from Spaceborne Gravity Missions (NEROGRAV)
Flechtner, Frank
FOR 5456: Clock Metrology: A Novel Approach to TIME in Geodesy
Schreiber, Ulrich
Galileo pseudolite calibration target used to consolidate time between space geodetic techniques
Kodet, Ph.D., Jan
Pany, Thomas
Near-real time, Long-term, LRI and SLR combination aspects (NELOS)
Gruber, Thomas
Panafidina, Natalia
Completed projects
Improved Stochastic Modeling in GRACE/GRACE-FO Real Data Processing 2 (ISTORE-2)
Flechtner, Frank
Pail, Roland
Research data and software
Current projects
Service and Archive for Mass Distribution And mass Transport data (SAMDAT)
Elger, Kirsten
Förste, Christoph
Gruber, Thomas
Ince, Ph.D., E. Sinem
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
The Gravity Field in Antarctica: Geodetic Modelling and Geophysical Inversion (AntGrav)
Pail, Roland
Scheinert, Mirko
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2698: Geophysical modelling of vertical motion processes constrained by geodetic and geological observations (UPLIFT)
Pail, Roland
Additional Information
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