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Universität zu Köln
Department für Biologie
Institut für Zoologie
Zülpicher Straße 47b
50674 Köln
This institution in GERiT
50674 Köln
Research Grants
Current projects
A gradient of sexual selection and sexual conflict: parental investment and sex-role reversal and their genomic footprints
Böhne, Astrid
Roth, Olivia
Cell type-specific mechanisms of voltage-dependent spike frequency modulation in the insect olfactory system.
Kloppenburg, Peter
Descending raphe circuits for adaptive thermogenesis
Fenselau, Ph.D., Henning
Kloppenburg, Peter
Dorsoventral axis formation in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus as example of convergent evolution of Toll’s morphogen function
Roth, Siegfried
Evolutionary and developmental consequences of asexual genome evolution
Bast, Jens
Molecular analysis of spinneret diversification in spiders
Pechmann, Matthias
Morphological and functional analysis of the neuronal melanocortin circuitry and its modulation of visual processing during feeding behavior
Förster, Ph.D., Dominique
NeuroNex: Communication, Coordination, and Control in Neuromechanical Systems (C3NS)
Ache, Jan M.
Blanke, Alexander
Büschges, Ansgar
Fischer, Martin S.
Ito, Kei
Predator identity and the role of chemical communication in Daphnia
von Elert, Ph.D., Eric
The role of IgSF protein Dpr12 in the developmental assembly of mushroom body circuits in Drosophila melanogaster
Riemensperger, Thomas
The role of leptin in reproductive function
Michel, Maximilian
Completed projects
A novel approach in biological systematics: Phylogenetic analysis of Polyneoptera (Hexapoda, Insecta) based on neuropeptide sequences
Predel, Reinhard
Assigning potential neurotransmitters and neuromodulators to identified local interneurons of the antennal lobe
Kloppenburg, Peter
Ciliaten im kiesig-sandigen hyporheischen Interstitial eines Tieflandstromes: Zur Abschätzung ihrer Funktion an den Stickstoff-Umsetzungen im bioturbierten Sediment
Cleven, Ernst-Josef
Clonal erosion in overwintering populations of Daphnia pulex
Lampert, Kathrin
Consequences of Altered Dopamine Signaling on the Serotonin Circuitry in Drosophila
Riemensperger, Thomas
Coordination of motoneuronale activity in the lamprey spinal cord
Büschges, Ansgar
Die myotropen Neuropeptide der Amerikanischen Schabe, Periplaneta americana - Isolierung aus den Neurohaemalorganen, Strukturaufklärung und Physiologie
Predel, Reinhard
Differentielle Modulation spannungsabhängiger Ca2+-Leitfähigkeiten in identifizierten Motoneuronen eines definierten neuronalen Netzwerks
Kloppenburg, Peter
Diversity of K+ Currents in identified central neurons of the insect olfactory system
Kloppenburg, Peter
Entwicklung und Anwendung eines Verfahrens zur routinemäßigen Isolierung und Überführung identifizierter Nervenzellen für die massenspektrometrische Analyse
Predel, Reinhard
Funktionelle Peptidomanalyse am neurosekretorischen System von Insekten
Predel, Reinhard
Intracolonial genetic variability in corals
Tollrian, Ralph
Mechanismen der Verarbeitung intersegmentaler Information in lokalen lokomotorischen Netzwerken der Stabheuschrecke
Schmidt, Joachim
Modulation of leg motoneuron activity in the stick insect: The importance of acetylcholine and octopamine and the role of subesophageal descending neurons
Schmidt, Joachim
N-Dimensionale Trennung zur Charakterisierung von Proteomen
Horn, Anton
Neural Mechanisms of Task Specific Changes in Sensorimotor Processing
Büschges, Ansgar
Neurobiological characterization of a photoreceptor system ("moonlight receptor") as a structural basis for lunar periodic timing in the marine midge Clunio marinus
Fleissner, Gerta
Neumann, Dietrich
Neurobiologische Charakterisierung eines circadian modulierten Photorezeptorsystems ("Mondlichtrezeptor") als strukturelle Basis für lunarperiodisches Timing bei der marinen Felswattmücke Clunio marinus
Neumann, Dietrich
Neurokybernetik mehrbeiniger Laufsysteme
Büschges, Ansgar
Pasemann, Frank
Neuronale Kontrolle von Laufrichtung und Laufgeschwindigkeit bei Insekten
Büschges, Ansgar
Neuronale Kontrolle von Laufrichtung und Laufgeschwindigkeit bei Insekten
Büschges, Ansgar
Neuronale Prinzipien der Laufmustergenerierung
Büschges, Ansgar
Noradrenergic modulation of identified, potentially energy homeostasis regulating neurons in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus
Kloppenburg, Peter
Structure-Function relationship of identified insect olfactory projection neurones
Kloppenburg, Peter
Tagma-spezifische Verteilung von Neurohormonen/Neuromodulatoren bei der Amerikanischen Schabe Periplaneta americana
Eckert, Manfred
Technische Umsetzung neurobiologischer Erkenntnisse in der Laufregelung lebensgroßer zweibeiniger Roboter
Büschges, Ansgar
Ulbrich, Heinz
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Carbon and energy use efficiency of soil microorganisms unfolding over time
Blagodatskiy, Sergey
Completed projects
Der Einfluß des Vorderhirns auf die audiomotorische Integration und das akustisch gesteuerte Verhalten bei Amphibien
Walkowiak, Wolfgang
Neuronale Mechanismen der Gelenkskopplung bei Einzelbeinbewegungen von Insekten
Büschges, Ansgar
The influence of environmental changes and individual trait variability (phenotypic plasticity) on biodiversity and ecosystem stability
Tollrian, Ralph
Weiss, Linda Carolin
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Genetische Entschlüsselung der Myelinisierung im Zebrafisch
Pogoda, Hans-Martin
Genetische Populationsstruktur beim Tùngarafrosch Physalaemus pustulosus: verhaltensökologische Ursachen der genetischen Musterbildung
Lampert, Kathrin
Genome evolution under asexuality
Bast, Jens
Mechanisms of Active Tactile Exploration
Dürr, Volker
Molecular Evolution of Embryogenesis in Nematodes: A Comparison between R. culicivorax and C. elegans
Schulze, Jens
Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
The genomic substrate for persistence without sex
Bast, Jens
Uncovering evolutionary developmental constraints on the conserved nematode Bauplan.
Schiffer, Philipp
Completed projects
Dynamics of neuronal circuits
Wellmann, Carmen
WBP Position
Current projects
Systematic classification and functional analysis of neurons in, and associated with, the superior medial protocerebrum neuropil of the Drosophila brain.
Jones, Ph.D., Hannah
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Adaption of drainages to tectonic forcing
(Project Heads
Binnie, Steven
Braun, Jean
Lampert, Kathrin
Reicherter, Klaus
Victor, Pia
Animal Motor Core Facility
(Project Heads
Büschges, Ansgar
Korotkova, Tatiana
Defining the hyperarid core of the Atacama Desert
(Project Heads
Arndt, Hartmut
Heim, Christine
Predel, Reinhard
Ritter, Benedikt
Zuniga-Reinoso, Alvaro
Functional ecology and molecular evolution of anhydrobiotic species in extreme desert environments
(Project Heads
Schiffer, Philipp
Waldvogel, Ann-Marie
Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Heads
Büschges, Ansgar
Korotkova, Tatiana
Modelling the co-evolution of life and landforms
(Project Heads
Binnie, Steven
Braun, Jean
Lampert, Kathrin
Neural mechanisms underlying motor flexibility in fruit fly walking
(Project Heads
Büschges, Ansgar
Erhardt, Erica
Ito, Kei
Tracing the sources of water for life at the dry limit
(Project Heads
Herwartz, Daniel
Predel, Reinhard
Completed projects
Cell-type specific mitochondrial Ca2+ handling and selective vulnerability to mitochondrial dysfunction in different dopaminergic neuron populations
(Project Heads
Kloppenburg, Peter
Wiesner, Rudolf
Matamorphose und Segmentierung bei Aurelia aurita (Cnidara, Syphozoa)
(Project Head
Berking, Stefan
Multiple stressor effects on sculpins (Cottus sp.) and related top-down effects on riverine food-webs
(Project Head
Lampert, Kathrin
Understanding plastin 3 and its interactors in motor neuron function and plasticity in health and disease
(Project Heads
Kloppenburg, Peter
Wirth, Brunhilde
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Konfokales Laser-Scanning-Mikroskop
Completed projects
Metabolic modulation of a central reward circuit
(Project Head
Kloppenburg, Peter
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Completed projects
High resolution Imaging Mass Spectrometry (IMS) of neuropeptides in dynamic systems
Predel, Reinhard
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1960: Neural Circuit Analysis on the Cellular and Subcellular Level
Büschges, Ansgar
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 229: Cellular Stress Responses in Aging-Associated Diseases
Brüning, Jens Claus
Additional Information
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