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Universität zu Köln
Fachgruppe Physik
Institut für Kernphysik
Zülpicher Straße 77
50937 Köln
This institution in GERiT
50937 Köln
Research Grants
Current projects
Dipole Response of Medium-Mass Nuclei
Zilges, Andreas
Investigating the Structure of Exotic Nuclei with Lifetime Measurements of Excited Nuclear States
Fransen, Christoph
Investigation on shape transitions and shape coexistences in neutron-rich odd-A and odd-odd nuclei around 100Zr
Jolie, Jan
Lifetimes of low-spin excitations in the A=100 mass region
Zilges, Andreas
Nuclear physics experiments on the synthesis of heavy elements
Zilges, Andreas
Systematic investigation of the collective structure of neutron-rich even-even nuclei with 50 < Z < 82 via recoil-distance Doppler shift lifetime measurements of excited nuclear states using the two neutron transfer reaction.
Jolie, Jan
Completed projects
Analysis of the (3He,t) charge-exchange reaction on the light nuclei 13C and 9Be
von Brentano, Peter
Complete spectroscopy around A=196 using sub-coulomb barrier reactions
Jolie, Jan
Electric dipole excitations and related structures in atomic nuclei
Zilges, Andreas
Gamov-Teller Anregungen in den leichten Kernen 9B und 13N
von Brentano, Peter
Investigating the structure of exotic nuclei with lifetime measurements of excited nuclear states
Dewald, Alfred
Investigating the Structure of Exotic Nuclei with Lifetime Measurements of Excited Nuclear States
Dewald, Alfred
Fransen, Christoph
Investigation of astrophysically relevant reactions for the p process within the Gamow window
Zilges, Andreas
Isospinmischung und Gamov-Teller Anregungen in 42Sc und 54Co
von Brentano, Peter
Lebensdauermessungen an neutronenreichen Kernen mit Hilfe radioaktiver Strahlen und Doppler-Shift-Methoden
Dewald, Alfred
Measurement of the polarization transfer and reaction-matrix analysis of the reaction 2H(d,p)3H at very low energies
Paetz, Hans Georg gen. Schieck
Messung der Tensor-Analysierstärke und des Wirkungsquerschnitts der Aufbruchreaktion H(d,pp)n bei 19 MeV in SCRE-Geometrie sowie apparative Entwicklungen hierzu
Paetz, Hans Georg gen. Schieck
Nuclear physics for stellar explosions
Zilges, Andreas
Starke elektromagnetische Dipolübergänge in schweren Kernen als Sonden zur Proton- Neutron-Symmetrie in Kernmaterie
Jolie, Jan
Structure of the Pygmy Dipole Resonance
Zilges, Andreas
Study of shell evolution and shape coexistence in neutron rich krypton isotopes
Blazhev, Andrey
Systematic investigation of isospin symmetry in A = 64 isobars and Gamow- Teller transitions from Zinc to Gallium isotopes.
Jolie, Jan
Systematische Untersuchung der Struktur exotischer gerade-gerade Atomkerne mittels schneller Zeitmessung der Lebensdauer angeregter Zustände.
Jolie, Jan
The evolution of the octupole excitations with mass, charge number and the angular momentum
von Brentano, Peter
Tief liegende kollektive isovektorielle Quadrupolanregungen
von Brentano, Peter
Tiefliegende Niedrigspinanregungen in mittelschweren Kernen
von Brentano, Peter
Untersuchungen von Niedrigspinanregungen in selbstkonjugierten, mittelschweren uu-Kernen
von Brentano, Peter
Untersuchung von Niedrigspinzuständen in Atomkernen mit elektromagnetischen und hadronischen Proben
Zilges, Andreas
Research Units
Completed projects
Reelle Photonen
Zilges, Andreas
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Aktivierungsmessplatz zum Nachweis radioaktiver Kernreaktionsprodukte
Upgrade of the HORUS Ge-array
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Analytical Service
(Project Heads
Dewald, Alfred
Dunai, Tibor J.
Reimann, Tony
Rethemeyer, Janet
Ritter, Benedikt
Schiffer, Markus
Reconstructing changes of water sources and availability by combined lipid biomarker and online stable and radiocarbon analysis
(Project Heads
Kusch, Stephanie
Rethemeyer, Janet
Schiffer, Markus
Completed projects
Cosmogenic nuclides: dating of old continental sediments in arid environments
(Project Heads
Binnie, Steven
Dewald, Alfred
Dunai, Tibor J.
Strub, Erik
Nuclear Astrophysics with Real Photons
(Project Heads
Aumann, Thomas
Scheit, Ph.D., Heiko
Simon, Haik
Zilges, Andreas
Nuclear Structure with Real Photons
(Project Heads
Pietralla, Norbert Andreas
Scheck, Marcus
Schnorrenberger, Linda
Werner, Volker
Zilges, Andreas
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Completed projects
Großgeräteinitiative Hochleistungs-Beschleuniger-Massenspektrometer
Melles, Martin
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 410: Physik and Technology of Accelerators
Richter, Achim
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 260: Bonn-Cologne Graduate School of Physics and Astronomy (BCGS)
Berg, Johannes
Zirnbauer, Martin R.
Additional Information
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