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Max-Planck-Institut für experimentelle Medizin (aufgelöst)
Hermann-Rein-Straße 3
37075 Göttingen
37075 Göttingen
Research Grants
Completed projects
Identification and functional characterization of Piezo2-multiprotein complexes involved in mechanotransduction
Gomez Varela, Ph.D., David
Schmidt, Manuela
Regulation neuronaler P2X Rezeptoren durch intrazelluläre Proteine und Signalmoleküle (Regulation of neuronal P2X receptor function by intracellular proteins and signaling molecules)
Soto, Florentina
System-wide protein profiling along the mouse pain-axis during neuropathic pain by Data Independent Acquisition Mass Spectrometry (DIA-MS)
Gomez Varela, Ph.D., David
Schmidt, Manuela
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
SFB 1286: Quantitative Synaptology
Rizzoli, Ph.D., Silvio-Olivier
Completed projects
Die rolle der Chimaerine als Zielproteine des Diacylglyzerin-Signalweges bei Axonwachstum und Synaptogenese
(Project Heads
Betz, Andrea
Brose, Nils
Diffusion trapping of neurotransmitter receptors at GABAergic synapses - cell biology and molecular mechanisms
(Project Head
Brose, Nils
Funktion der SK-Kanäle bei der Modulation synaptischer Plastizität im Hippokampus
(Project Heads
Pedarzani, Paola
Stocker, Martin
Mechanismen des Synaptischen Targetings
(Project Head
Südhof, Thomas Christian
Modulierende Wirkung von spannungsabhängigen Kaliumkanälen bei synaptischen Prozessen
(Project Heads
Stühmer, Walter
Terlau, Heinrich
Molekulare Grundlagen der glutamatergen synaptischen Transmission
(Project Head
Hollmann, Michael
Multimodal signal integration in the Drosophila Brain
(Project Heads
Fiala, André
Göpfert, Martin
Peptiderge Modulation von NMDA-Rezeptoren
(Project Head
Spiess, Joachim
Proteolipid protein and cholesterol in the assembly of myelin membranes
(Project Head
Nave, Ph.D., Klaus-Armin
Regulation of SNARE mediated membrane fusion by members of the Complexin protein family
(Project Heads
Brose, Nils
Rosenmund, Christian
SFB 406: Synaptic Interaction in Neuronal Networks
Richter, Diethelm Wolfgang
SFB 523: Protein and Membrane Transport between Cellular Compartments
Melchior, Frauke
SFB 889: Cellular Mechanisms of Sensory Processing
Moser, Tobias
Strenzke, Nicola
Synaptische Modulation durch dynamische Membranlokalisierung von Kaliumkanälen
(Project Head
Stühmer, Walter
Visualization of molecular events during endocytosis in synapses
(Project Head
Klingauf, Jürgen
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Molecular pathways controlling cell type specification in the cerebral cortex
Tarabykin, Victor
DFG Research Centres
Completed projects
From Network Dysfunction to Psychiatric Diseases
(Project Heads
Ehrenreich, Hannelore Maria
Stühmer, Walter
Completed projects
Secondary neuroinflammation in the CNS white matter and its modulation by erythropoietin
(Project Heads
Ehrenreich, Hannelore Maria
Nave, Ph.D., Klaus-Armin
TRR 43: The Brain as a Target of Inflammatory Processes
Heppner, Frank
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 723: Spatio-Temporal Signal Processes in Neurons and Cellular Biophysics
Schild, Detlev
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 632: Neuroscience: Neuroplasticity Research
Paulus, Walter
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 171: Microscopy at the Nanometer Range (within DFG Research Centre CMPB)
Rizzoli, Ph.D., Silvio-Olivier
Schild, Detlev
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 226: Göttingen Graduate School for Neurosciences and Molecular Biosciences (GGNB)
Ficner, Ralf
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2067: Multiscale Bioimaging: from Molecular Machines to Networks of Excitable Cells (MBExC)
Cramer, Patrick
Moser, Tobias
Steinem, Claudia
Abteilung Molekulare Neuroendokrinologie (aufgelöst)
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