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Deformation of ice on the grain scale by means of high-resolution crystal-orientation measurements using X-ray Laue and Electron backscatter diffraction

Subject Area Oceanography
Term from 2008 to 2013
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 75773225
Final Report Year 2014

Final Report Abstract

The project ”Deformation of ice on the grain scale by means of high-resolution crystalorientation measurements” applied X-ray Laue diffraction and Electron backscattered diffraction on Antarctic ice samples in combination with standard microstructural techniques such as light-microsopy microstructure mapping. For both diffraction methods transfer procedures have been developed. For EBSD, surface-preserving conditions within the high vacuum of the SEM and their theoretical understanding involving a vapour-solid phase diagram are proposed. Subgrain boundary types have been characterized making use of topological and crystallographic geometries revealing basal twist and tilt boundaries, as well as non-basal tilt boundaries as end members; filled with mixed boundaries. Statistics on these findings suggest, that non-basal dislocations indeed play a significant role in ice. Furthermore, the importance of dynamic recrystallization, esp. rotation recrystallization and strain-induced boundary migration, control the microstructure of natural polar ice. New microphysical-process modelling approaches including the anisotropic deformation of ice as well as recrystallization mechanisms are developed and applied in following projects.



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